He stood there, in this empty and forsaken land, and took a drag off his stogie, looking out over the vastness. He wished it hadn't come to this. For years he and Vinny had been so close, like brothers. For years they had had each others' backs. He would have died for Vinny, took a bullet for him.
Instead, he had had to put a bullet in him, and for what? For her? That bitch? He frowned suddenly and flicked the now depleted cigar butt over the edge, and watched it tumble down among the rocks below, as he had watched the body of his best friend tumble down just a short time ago. They had been brothers, he and Vinny, and now that was no more. In the end, he thought, it always came down to a broad. It always came down to betrayal, and Vinny had betrayed him, and that was a thing that could not be forgiven.
He sighed one last time and walked back to the truck. He sat behind the wheel for a moment more, then shook his head violently as a single tear escaped and ran down his cheek, leaving a track in the dust that had gathered there as he had stood at the edge. He then put the truck in gear, and pulled away.
They had been brothers, he and Vinny. |