Author | Thread |
12/07/2008 12:01:25 PM |
Congrats. Very emotional. |
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12/07/2008 04:28:40 AM |
some kind of feeling is comin' out of my mind... |
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12/07/2008 12:30:25 AM |
Very nice tree, cinematic image, congrats! |
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12/06/2008 07:34:46 PM |
I dont know about you, but I totally believe that this deserves a 3 or 4 rating. Because, apparently, there are 4 people out there who think this. Ever wonder what kind of Grief those people felt when they saw that you beat them? (note: photo title)
Congratulations on not only a nice photo, but also a pretty ribbon.
Message edited by author 2008-12-06 19:35:49. |
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12/05/2008 07:12:41 PM |
That tree is iconic. I could never forget it :)
Congratulations Coley. |
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12/05/2008 10:06:19 AM |
Well deserved blue! Congratulations. |
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12/03/2008 10:15:33 AM |
This is really beautiful and so deserving of the blue! Wonderful work and processing to highlight the tree. Photos that tell a story are always so much more captivating. |
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12/03/2008 09:47:39 AM |
This image is so compelling - surreal and yet it resonates with what most of us have experienced. Wonderfully seen and executed. Many congrats on the ribbon. |
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12/02/2008 10:53:00 AM |
Absolutely love the tones and subject matter within. Congratulations on yet another wonderful example of fine art photography. |
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12/01/2008 09:35:10 PM |
Congratulations on the blue! A wonderful, timeless work of art! |
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12/01/2008 09:07:10 PM |
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12/01/2008 04:59:50 PM |
Oh how awesome! This is so perfectly you. And that is the highest of compliments! Congratulations!
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12/01/2008 03:30:51 PM |
Congratulations on your Win this is beautiful.. |
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12/01/2008 03:17:45 PM |
Tremendous shot - congrats on the blue |
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12/01/2008 02:05:01 PM |
Just warming us up for that other entry, me-thinks. Congratulations. |
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12/01/2008 02:00:46 PM |
totally worthy of the blue...gorgeous photo. Congrats =) |
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12/01/2008 01:22:06 PM |
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12/01/2008 12:50:06 PM |
Missed this during voting but it's a beautiful capture and worthy of the blue. Very nicely done. |
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12/01/2008 11:48:57 AM |
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I was sure!!!! during voting I don't remember your name but I was sure that this was your photo, and infact I had reason. :) congrats for the blue! |
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12/01/2008 11:04:00 AM |
Well deserving of the Blue... and the 10 I gave it during voting. Good for you! |
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12/01/2008 08:31:32 AM |
Great shot. Congrats on your first place finish. |
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12/01/2008 08:23:20 AM |
Contrats, this was my favorite and pick for blue, well deserved! |
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12/01/2008 08:22:38 AM |
Wonderful shot, just beautiful. Well deserved win. ;-) |
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12/01/2008 05:32:25 AM |
Congrats on your blue. Great shot |
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12/01/2008 03:00:59 AM |
just beautiful! like it a lot. congrats on your ribbon! |
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12/01/2008 02:00:33 AM |
Beautiful shot, congrats on the blue! |
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12/01/2008 01:42:51 AM |
Outstanding shot! Congrats Coley!!! |
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12/01/2008 12:48:53 AM |
Stunning image, Coley. I love your work, congrats on the Blue. |
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12/01/2008 12:25:56 AM |
Very nice! You've definitely become on of my favorite photographers on this site.. |
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12/01/2008 12:17:22 AM |
WOW .. congrats coley ..!!
excellent to get a blue ribbon with this superb photograph and a third place on your profile page ... :) |
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12/01/2008 12:03:31 AM |
Congratulations! Outstanding capture & Post processing.The tree really adds to the image! |
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12/01/2008 12:02:04 AM |
Really nice. Well done, my friend. CONGRATS> |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/30/2008 11:50:34 PM |
Love it, great composition, tone and scene, awesome photo with emotion! |
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11/30/2008 11:48:47 PM |
My fave of the challenge. I hope you do well |
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11/30/2008 05:05:48 PM |
reminds me of six feet under... |
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11/30/2008 03:11:28 PM |
Wow I love the grey tones. The image really supports the title. Amazing job. |
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11/30/2008 02:15:39 PM |
This is so beautiful however I think it looks more like "solace" than grief. No matter, it's a wonderful image. |
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11/30/2008 04:33:35 AM |
Well executed classical shot. |
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11/29/2008 11:44:52 PM |
This actually feels a lot sweeter than grief. Nice work. |
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11/29/2008 02:52:12 AM |
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11/29/2008 12:34:08 AM |
Solid concept. Well executed. |
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11/28/2008 08:05:11 PM |
Terrific! Among the best of show. |
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11/28/2008 06:59:01 PM |
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11/28/2008 04:39:14 PM |
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11/28/2008 11:54:43 AM |
this doesn't speak to me of grief but is a beautiful image non the less. Well post processed. bump. |
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11/28/2008 01:03:19 AM |
Interesting - I do not get "grief" from the picture - more of a sense of enduring love and peace. |
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11/27/2008 03:13:30 AM |
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11/26/2008 11:44:14 AM |
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11/26/2008 07:13:43 AM |
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11/26/2008 12:51:26 AM |
poignant and emotive .. a brilliant shot .. love that there's snow on the ground .. makes this even sadder somehow .. :) |
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11/25/2008 06:26:01 PM |
Nice mood, colour treatment. |
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11/25/2008 05:43:04 PM |
Top 3 in my book
I give 10 |
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11/25/2008 11:28:30 AM |
There doesn't seem to be anything here to hold ones interest. |
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11/25/2008 06:37:42 AM |
I really like the tones here. Commenting only. |
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11/24/2008 09:29:24 PM |
I also see love! Wonderful sense of emotion. |
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11/24/2008 08:40:05 PM |
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11/24/2008 06:00:17 PM |
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11/24/2008 05:59:36 PM |
Great emotion here. Nicely done. |
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11/24/2008 05:17:54 PM |
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11/24/2008 04:28:19 PM |
I really like how there are fewer branches above the people on the bench, like they fit there. Interesting crop. High marks from me! |
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11/24/2008 01:33:20 PM |
i don't know why but this photo remember me some other photo (with a completely different subject) on dpc. |
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11/24/2008 01:31:45 PM |
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11/24/2008 10:22:18 AM |
Coley? A beautiful, bittersweet photo. |
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11/24/2008 07:04:52 AM |
You may have another ribbon, Cole. Very well done. I hope you didn't make your wife carry the bench across that field. |
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11/24/2008 02:15:44 AM |
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11/24/2008 01:50:34 AM |
excellent atmospheric image, conveys the emotion 8 |
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11/24/2008 01:14:32 AM |
Wonderful composition, I love how you included the tree in the capture, 9 from me.
After going through the challenge, this deserve a 10 :) |
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11/24/2008 12:29:16 AM |
Outstanding composition,tones,and emotion. I'm in love with that tree. 10 |
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11/24/2008 12:10:48 AM |
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