RAW to Jpeg Conversion in Adobe RAW 4.2, Duplicate layer 2X & Convert to Black & White separately (Infrared in one with Multiply Blending and Urban Snapshot in the other with Multiply Blending,) Quick Select Tool to separate the bench from the original background to maintain the color of a selective color composition, Duplicate the Bench Layer about 2x with Luminosity and Overlay Blending to Enhance Blue Color, Quick Select "Hot Spots" on the patina of the hood, and Copy to new layer, Using Eyedropper Tool select a pleasant variety of Blue tone & using the Brush at about 15% match the striations down the back rest to minimize the blown-out lighting, Follow-up with Blur Tool mixed with Guassian Blur to Blend coloration combined with Luminosity Blending function, Blue Photo Filter 2X, Magic Wand, Feather 25 pixels, then Invert Selection and Feather 25pixels again, Merge Visible, Resized, Multiple Adjustments of Opacity on the various layers, Quick Select one more "Hot Spot," then minimize the spot with Clone Tool honed in on the patina of the back rest, Blur Tool again, Merge Visible, Auto-Sharpen, USM, Saved for Web...
Place: 76 out of 126 Avg (all users): 5.3264 Avg (commenters): 6.1250 Avg (participants): 5.3396 Avg (non-participants): 5.3187 Views since voting: 940 Views during voting: 289 Votes: 144 Comments: 11 Favorites: 0
The famous Ford blue, does not seem to appear correctly, given the corrections and complexity of the extensive edit, the colour may not be intended to be oem, the possibly unnecessary desat may be interacting. An unresolved sharpen on my monitor. This is a fabulous bench.
Nice bench first off. That is totally cool.
The shot needed an different angle for sure. Maybe something much lower and a bit more to the left would have helped the composition. This shows me what I refer to as a "Flat Footed" shot. You could have changed the angle and faired much better. The color thing is way cool. It isolates the subject and makes it literally jump out of the shot. Nice thinking there. Had you come around the left a bit and gotten lower you could have cropped a bit tighter top to bottom. Pretty cool thinking and again NICE BENCH!
Now that's an unusual bench! Nice find. Can't say I'm overly thrilled with the desat, but it does isolate your subject and you did a clean job with it.