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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2008-12 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D2H
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 24-85mm f2.8-4.0D
Location: Philadelphia
Date: Dec 2, 2008
Galleries: Urban, Street
Date Uploaded: Dec 2, 2008

[Jan. 7th, 2009 11:55:09 PM]

Doesn't happen to me a lot, but this was one of those moments when I was in the right place at the right time, and I visualized this final image as it came trotting down the road.

I still don't think I am able to pin a meaning or explanation to the photo. I know my interest in the scene originated in what I perceived to be the dissonance between the old rusting factory and the made-for-show carriage. After pushing the shutter, the image immediately began to grow in significance for me. The wall seemed all too orderly and perfect, hiding the ugliness beyond and separating the two worlds. The horse and buggy, vestiges of a bygone era - resurrected for the frivolous tourist experience. And the surveillance camera watching it all.

I could not piece together a congruent theme to link these elements, but I settled upon the title 'Dystopia' as being the closest word I could come up with to encapsulate my thoughts.

Having said all that, I'm actually much more interested in what other viewers think. I usually don't get this many comments on my shots during voting and would like to thank everyone for their votes, comments, faves, and wow, a Posthumous and an Upsy Daisy! Very happy this shot was received well by some of you here.

Place: 75 out of 407
Avg (all users): 6.1198
Avg (commenters): 6.7647
Avg (participants): 6.0603
Avg (non-participants): 6.2549
Views since voting: 1159
Views during voting: 304
Votes: 167
Comments: 23
Favorites: 5 (view)

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01/08/2009 08:01:41 PM
Very black and white; thought provoking without any conclusions. It should be hung in many places.
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01/08/2009 02:00:42 PM
Wonderfully 'speaking' image. Congrats.
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01/08/2009 08:36:27 AM
underscored. Talk about perfect timing. Think it means a lot (the image).
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01/08/2009 06:53:33 AM
fantastic capture!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/07/2009 10:30:06 PM
This is Clarkean in its candid perfection. I'm a bit disinclined to give ribbons to photos that are so obviously professional, but really I can't ignore this. So I'll give you my yellow ribbon.

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01/07/2009 05:47:34 PM
Not anti-utopia?
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01/07/2009 03:37:00 PM
nice juxtaposition of old and older
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01/07/2009 10:08:55 AM
Interesting photo. Nice contrast.
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01/06/2009 10:30:12 PM
From the thumbnail this looked like two seperate shots. What a pleasant surprise when I opened it. Great job with this juxtaposition. One of many faves from this challenge :)
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01/06/2009 12:37:25 PM
Good contrasts works well in mono
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01/06/2009 09:23:11 AM
Great contrasting themes.
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01/05/2009 12:05:52 AM
Great dichotomy in this photo. Super!
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01/04/2009 03:00:45 PM
Well seen.
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01/04/2009 07:52:42 AM
What an interesting juxtaposition! The high contrast black and white is perfect for the image. This really works for me.
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01/03/2009 10:45:19 PM
This is a really interesting pic... emotive and thought-provoking.
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01/03/2009 07:02:53 PM
congrats, a great capture, the perspective could be fixed but isn't really distracting, very good the black and white 8
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01/03/2009 07:02:42 AM
interesting juxtaposition...
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01/02/2009 03:13:47 PM
nice shot, love the factory in the background
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01/02/2009 08:38:37 AM
This is very nice in B&W.
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01/02/2009 04:13:46 AM
Would have rated higher if the carriage were not cropped, found it distracting.
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01/01/2009 02:42:11 PM
Great shot and well seen. I love the title!
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01/01/2009 12:51:10 PM
I don't know what to say about this other than that it seems well-done.
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01/01/2009 08:41:34 AM
nice picture
lexicographical title
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