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8 Balls-Only 1 in focus
8 Balls-Only 1 in focus

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Light Source (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S30
Location: Aunt's House
Date: Oct 18, 2002
Aperture: F/2.8
ISO: Automatic
Shutter: 1/15 sec.
Date Uploaded: Oct 20, 2002

I took this shot at my aunt's house with one artifical light source

Place: 31 out of 256
Avg (all users): 6.1933
Avg (commenters): 7.1739
Avg (participants): 6.0552
Avg (non-participants): 6.4057
Views since voting: 1391
Votes: 269
Comments: 26
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/27/2002 11:59:00 PM
Colorful and bright, even though there is only one light source. Great setup and even better lighting. Wonderful vibrant interesting submission.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/27/2002 11:18:00 PM
Great lighting and a fantastic shot. Great lighting and a thoughtful idea. Also great shadowing.
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10/27/2002 11:08:00 PM
The use of focus and the deep dark shadows are amazing in this photo. I would have never thought to do anyting like this and it looks a step higher than the other cheaper pool shots this week. Awsome work!
10/26/2002 10:06:00 PM
Ha -- I thought the title was funny... as if to say, "Don't tell me how to adjust the aperature for greater DOF... I know how to do it!" Nice shot.
10/25/2002 01:33:00 PM
nice idea good lighting. i give it an 8
10/24/2002 08:24:00 PM
great manipulation of light and focus.
10/24/2002 04:00:00 PM
this looks very neat, i give u a 8
10/24/2002 12:10:00 PM
Good composition, I would like to see the fist ball more iluminated.
10/24/2002 12:05:00 PM
I think it's a beautiful image
10/23/2002 07:34:00 PM
Does what it says on the tin!
The only thing I don't like about this picture is the colour of the background.
Very good.
10/23/2002 04:25:00 PM
Cool perspective.
10/23/2002 10:34:00 AM
I think u tried to explain too much in the title (i do the same thing) and the shadow on the front of the balls are kinda flat 4 Mags Coyote
10/23/2002 05:28:00 AM
10/22/2002 02:43:00 PM
I would have placed the Nr 4 ball in focus and perhaps used slightly more DOF. It's a nice composition though.
10/22/2002 10:47:00 AM
a top three shot at least... well done. marksimms
10/22/2002 08:04:00 AM
major loss of points for the title...you don't need need to describe the shot
10/21/2002 10:19:00 PM
i like the idea and the composition but i think the lighting would have been better from the front.
10/21/2002 07:46:00 PM
very nice, that fuzzy in front of the shadow of ball two bugs me a bit though.
10/21/2002 05:36:00 PM
Very well done. B&W might be interesting too. 7
10/21/2002 05:24:00 PM
8-1=7 very cool composition
10/21/2002 02:06:00 PM
nice approach, I like that only 1 is in focus.
10/21/2002 11:54:00 AM
Very nice DOF.
Vote 8
10/21/2002 11:14:00 AM
i'm normally not a big fan of obviously set-up shots, but this is an exception. i really like the different-sized shadows created by same-size objects. nice work.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/21/2002 08:29:00 AM
good DOF
10/21/2002 02:57:00 AM
WOW! when I saw this I had to take a step back. It is so great the lighting the shawdows and the perspective. LOVE it. --10--
10/21/2002 01:32:00 AM
I'm not a fan of the title, but the shot speaks for itself... Nice use of lighting/shadows. - 7 - JB

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