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Rosette Nebula, a giant stellar nursery
1st PlaceRosette Nebula, a giant stellar nursery

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stars (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Location: Kariani, Greece
Date: Dec 9, 2008
Aperture: f/5
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 12 min (total)
Galleries: Sky, Astrophotography
Date Uploaded: Dec 13, 2008

Telescope : Takahashi FSQ106
Mount : Taahashi EM200 Temma II Jr
Camera : Canon 350D - Baader modified
Filter : Hutech IDAS Light Polluton Filter
Exposure : 10x72s


Thank you all, for the wonderful comments and votes!
This is my first ribbon and naturally I am glad, if not very glad.
As 2008 is almost gone this 1st place in a DP-Challenge is a great gift for me!
This was really not an easy image to achieve. It was first light pollution, as the sky was illuminated by 3/4 of the full Moon, but mainly I was freezing as temperature was steadily between 0 and 3 degrees Celsius (32 to 37 degrees Fahrenheit) and I was out in the cold standing still for almost 6 hours. Of course this image is a stack of only 12 minutes total exposure, but in that clear night I had taken more than 150 exposures of Rosette and other Deep Sky Objects.
Finally, processing was long, because 10 exposures are not enough to eliminate the noise.

Place: 1 out of 87
Avg (all users): 6.6688
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 6.6957
Avg (non-participants): 6.6577
Views since voting: 9151
Views during voting: 371
Votes: 157
Comments: 54
Favorites: 9 (view)

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01/05/2009 07:44:11 AM
Update to my previous comment-- congratulations on winning. I'm glad to see DPC finally recognize a proper astrophoto. I am quite surprised that it was voted into first place, only because astrophotos usually tank on this site-- it truly is an excellent image. I'm sure it also helps to hide the only-10-subs noise by shrinking it to 640x480 :)

The FSQ 106 is an outstanding scope, and color me jealous of your EM200 mount! That is a serious amount of money though, it ought to produce awesome images :)
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12/27/2008 02:36:38 PM
Incredible shot. Congratz on a well deserved Blue Ribbon.
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12/27/2008 10:32:34 AM
Amazing shot, well deserving of the blue ribbon. Congratulations!
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12/26/2008 10:21:14 AM
Congrats Pascal, a great shot. One worthy of a submission to APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) Link here, //antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html. We have a true astrophotographer amongst us.
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12/25/2008 03:21:10 AM
Congrat's on your first Blue. Absolutely stunning shot.
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12/23/2008 03:43:40 PM
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12/23/2008 02:10:12 PM
Congrats on your Blue Ribbon. Awesome image!!
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12/23/2008 01:27:05 PM
amazing shot, so beautiful and very very clear.
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12/23/2008 01:26:50 PM
Well done!! Congratulations to you on your first and it's a blue!! Yahooo!! Wow is all I can say after reading your notes - well done!
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12/23/2008 02:17:11 AM
Out of this world!
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12/22/2008 09:39:11 PM
Congratulations on your Blue Ribbon. Great work.
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12/22/2008 09:08:31 PM
great shot,I would like to know what other equipment you used.
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12/22/2008 08:27:47 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon!
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12/22/2008 07:32:33 PM
It's pretty amazing that you can actually capture an image like this. I'm completely impressed!
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12/22/2008 06:31:41 PM
Truly a STELLAR image!

Sorry, I couldn't resist....
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12/22/2008 01:51:38 PM
So great!
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12/22/2008 01:09:59 PM
Ohmy! You HAD to be the winner of this challenge! There could have been no other choice. This certainly measures up to your phenomenal talent in this genre! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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12/22/2008 11:59:09 AM
This was in my own top three. Glad to see astrophotography getting its due. Well done, and congrats!
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12/22/2008 10:42:11 AM
Congratulations Paschalis! Your first ribbon and a blue, it's long overdue! Definitely keep up the great work!
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12/22/2008 10:33:49 AM
Finally you've been rewarded. This took sometime, but DPC came to its senses realizing that stars actually things in the sky :P

It's an awesome shot, very very nice. and you are very lucky person to watch them live. even the view arrives after 45 thousand years or more.

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12/22/2008 10:02:34 AM
Congrats on your blue, Pascal - it's a stunning image.
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12/22/2008 08:38:45 AM
There you go with that Canon again. He-he. Nice work Paschalis. I'm glad to see your enjoyment of astronomy and photography coming together to create such appealing imagery.

Congratulations on your Blue!
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12/22/2008 03:46:37 AM
Gratz on the blue. Well deserved. I was always interested in astronomy as a kid and when I see photos like this it brings me back.
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12/22/2008 03:28:23 AM
Congrats on the blue, a worthy winner :-) Surprised this didn't break 7 actually.
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12/22/2008 03:07:08 AM
Well done on your ribbon :)
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12/22/2008 02:10:34 AM
Holy smokes, I can see my home planet in there! :P Congrats!
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12/22/2008 01:45:09 AM
Bravo re Paschali!!! Way to go, beautiful!
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12/22/2008 12:42:05 AM
Superb shot!!! Congrats on your well deserved blue!
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12/22/2008 12:35:53 AM
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12/22/2008 12:24:27 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon. I had a feeling you would take this challenge.
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12/22/2008 12:15:07 AM
Finally a BLUE with one pof your great star shots Paschalis, congratulations!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/21/2008 06:43:15 PM
beautiful! it stuns me how you guys can pull these beautys off!
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12/21/2008 01:59:01 PM
Would love to see a larger version of this if you have it posted somewhere.
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12/21/2008 10:28:03 AM
Points just for being able to do what you do. "Billions and billions" of stars. A nine for this...
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12/20/2008 05:20:24 PM
Beautiful! 10
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12/20/2008 12:55:06 PM
Very nice capture. Hope you write up how it was done. Nice and sharp.
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12/20/2008 12:38:00 PM
looks pretty good.
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12/20/2008 10:11:50 AM
Well, I really think they wanted to see stars that were not in the sky. But, your photo is awesome and I know the difficulty photos like this can cause. And the expense! Excellent: 10
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12/20/2008 08:51:19 AM
WOW great shot, love the colour, i realy like all the liitle stars, 8
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12/19/2008 09:52:24 AM
amazing, you have an amazing talent and skill for capturing these sights so far away
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12/19/2008 08:36:38 AM
cool image
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12/17/2008 07:46:25 AM
Nice rosette.. good thing you had advanced editing in your favor. Looks like you used a modded DSLR as well.

I predict this won't vote very well, folks here don't appreciate astrophotos unless there is some element of the ground/Earth in the shot... except maybe an exceptional wide angle shot of Orion or something.

If I had a choice for this contest, I would have done a 50mm shot of Orion with Barnard's loop in it.
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12/16/2008 05:15:04 PM
Wow! Excellent exposure.
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12/16/2008 03:41:37 PM
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12/16/2008 02:54:32 PM
What a breathtaking shot this is! Talk about stars!! I like the natural red color you have captured and the wonderful dark center.
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12/16/2008 12:49:24 PM
Great challenge for an astrogapher..is that even a word?
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12/16/2008 12:20:09 PM
was this done with any special lenses...what was your set up and exposure
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12/16/2008 08:22:01 AM
Truly stunning.
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12/16/2008 05:17:00 AM
Outstanding astrophotography, I think. A joy to view. (9)
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12/15/2008 10:07:47 PM
The real thing. Truly beautiful, 10
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12/15/2008 06:54:27 PM
I've no idea on the technicalities of astronomical photography - but the resultant image is very nice. I wonder how many stars there are here....?
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12/15/2008 02:12:02 PM
Fascinating. Wonderful. I never get tired of looking at these.
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12/15/2008 11:03:08 AM
Amazing how you can photograph this!
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12/15/2008 09:11:48 AM
Outstanding clarity of this Nebula. I wish I had the ability to shoot such great images. Congrats on a great image.

By the way, i went looking around the thumbs to find an image worthy of my 8000th commment. Congrats and you win the prize (and a new favorite for me!)
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