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Three's a Crowd
Three's a Crowd

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Personification III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D
Location: Toronto, Ontario (My Living room)
Date: Dec 14, 2008
Aperture: f/2.2
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Emotive, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Dec 14, 2008

yea,,, yea,,, yea....

I already took a pic JUST like this a while back... I first entered it in the "Abstract Emotion" challenge, but according to DPC's definition of "abstract" peanuts do not count, so it didn't do very well... Anyways, I decided to hold onto these three peanuts, becuause I had to go through like a 5kg bad to find them! The second I saw that Personification was up for the challenge, I KNEW that my peanut pic would be PERFECT!!! You can search ym old one, this one is simmilar, but I think that this one is edited much better...

Here is the old one (it only got a 5.06)

It was an easy setup since I saved the props from last time I shot it... just sit the peanuts on a white piece of bristol board, and make them stand up with thumb tacks from below through the bristol board into the bottom of the peanuts. Easy as Pie! I had to shoot at f/2.2 to get a shallow enough depth of field to blur the peanut, but not shallow enough that you can't make out any details in the sad peanut in the back. I used a Soft box to light the peanuts the first time I did it a while back, this time I used an umbrella... I think the umbrella worked a bit better for this setup... it is more directional so I think the shadows turned out better... I'll propably post some setup pics later...

How will this do? Well, I have lost my ability to predict on DPC... it better do better than my last attempt at this pic which only got a 5.06 !!!

meh... oh well... =)


Yay!!!! Top 10!!!!

Much better than my first go at it =)

and yes... I DID save the peanuts this whole time =) I knew I would find another use for them =)

Thanks for all the votes and comments!!!


here are some setup pics





Place: 10 out of 75
Avg (all users): 6.2597
Avg (commenters): 7.3000
Avg (participants): 6.0000
Avg (non-participants): 6.2871
Views since voting: 2320
Views during voting: 413
Votes: 231
Comments: 16
Favorites: 2 (view)

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05/21/2010 09:15:12 PM
That is very creative. Good work.
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05/20/2010 10:02:05 AM
I had to go look for this when the peanut challenge came up -- it was a memorable image!
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12/26/2008 02:58:15 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club...

I was not able to vote on this challenge, but if I had, I probably would have given you a 6 or 7.

My first impression is that this was very well thought out, and that the hunched over peanut does a great job at expressing his emotions. Choosing to have the foreground peanuts in focus and having the 3rd peanut out of focus, really helps drive the message here. The ample negative space also helps create the sense of being alone. This photo fits very well into the theme, and therefore I am not surprised it finished in the top 10. In comparison your original image, I think this one is much stronger. The other one was too dark, and less sharp overall. Great shot.

If you need any clarification on any of my comments, please feel free to pm me. It might take some time for me to get back to you.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/22/2008 05:41:33 PM
Cute and sad.
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12/19/2008 09:07:25 PM
lol like it
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12/19/2008 10:45:01 AM
very nice work - one of the better efforts in the whole challenge - the slumping peanut seals the deal
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12/18/2008 06:35:46 PM
Oh! The pooor little nut. You can feel his rejection.
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12/18/2008 02:27:29 AM
good job portraying the emotion
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12/17/2008 10:12:09 PM
I like the interactions in this shot. Lighting is good.
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12/17/2008 04:58:19 PM
Aww nuts!
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12/17/2008 01:31:32 PM
That's one dejected peanut. Nice work. I think turning the dejected peanut around might have been even better.
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12/17/2008 01:30:05 PM
good concept, good execution and lighting. the big neg space helps focusing on the crowd :)
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12/17/2008 12:35:47 PM
nice shot. 9
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12/17/2008 04:54:46 AM
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12/17/2008 04:34:26 AM
Destined for the top 5! I love it!
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12/17/2008 01:53:36 AM
omg, you saved them?
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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