Author | Thread |
01/18/2009 06:27:52 PM |
Originally posted by ELLIPS: The strange thing is that the yellow ribbon of the FS-challenge (the superb ) is actually showing a suffering animal. |
Personally, I don't think that the two photos can be compared in terms of artistic value. While the bird photo is clearly of a suffering/dead animal, there is also beauty in the shot. It's also not a shot that I prefer to see but, the entirety of that shot is not "gore". It's harsh and yet, has elements of beauty at the same time.
"Run over..." has only elements of gore. There is nothing else to focus on in this shot and it's that fact that differentiates between what a viewer will view as "art" and what is considered "gross". (Sorry, but I don't see Digifoto's comment of "gross" as being horrible or unfair. The shot hits a lot of people as just plain gore. Digifoto seems to have given her first reaction as her comment and I don't see jumping on her comment as necessary nor, fair to be singled out.)
Neither of these two shots are my cup of tea, purely because I prefer not to see such suffering however, if I were to have to choose between the two, the difference is clear. The bird shot does have elements that are pleasing to the eye and mind. "Run over..." has no other elements that are pleasing in any way. From my perspective, that is the reason for the low score on this one and yet the other can ribbon. |
01/09/2009 05:42:12 PM |
Hi "Dr.Confuser"
Thanks for your comment. I agree with you. Different kinds of pictures make the this site more interesting.
We all have different interests, but for me it is very important, that our photos communicate and tell a story. It annoys me when people like "digifotojo" write something like mentioned below.
I think the big difference between the yellow ribbon and my picture is one of them is man-made and the other one is pure nature! But what is common for both of them is that they represent life. I still think, despite it may sound narrow-mindedness, that my picture is undervalued and judged pretty hard simply because a lot of people can't take it.
Thomas |
01/09/2009 12:56:52 PM |
this kind of thing would work well in ma gallery where people will likely appreciate it, not on a site where people vote with their gut mostly.
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01/09/2009 12:55:15 PM |
I don̢۪t like the subject, but the quality of your photo is superb. It's clear that at least you're using your photo talent to communicate something you think is important. I have a lot of respect for a photographer who is willing to push out of the usual-DPC-Stock box and show us something new and (sometimes) risky. However unpleasant folks found the subject, it was an incredible photo to convey such a strong emotional payload.
In my view the final average score reflects folks' queasiness about the subject, not the quality of the photo.
One of the values of any art form is to make people think. And some of the world's great art is explicitly designed to make people think about hard things, unpleasant things, things that are wrong ... sometimes just to expose them, sometimes to initiate change.
Many of the photos at DPC are as empty of meaning as sugar is empty of nutrition. Sometimes we need a little protein in our diets. And it's refreshing to see a photo that makes us think. In the same way there's nothing wrong with an occasional lollipop, there's nothing wrong with the occasional cute puppy, the tiger's head, the waterdrop, the illuminated glassware, the motion-blurred seashore at sunset and so on. But there's also nothing wrong with the occasional photo that makes us think, react, feel.
Thanks for taking the risk. |
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01/09/2009 09:51:37 AM |
The strange thing is that the yellow ribbon of the FS-challenge (the superb ) is actually showing a suffering animal. |
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01/09/2009 01:30:49 AM |
Okay - here the explanation comes...
This picture is part of a series of pictures, which is about animals that have been killed on the road. It is brutal, extreme and tough, but it is the real world. To some people it is too much and that is okay with me (comment from digifotojo). But the essential is not me as a photographer whether I kill for fun or not (WHICH I DON'T DO!!!!) but that thousands of animals every day are killed on the road! That is what I try to tell with this picture.
About the technical outcome I am surprised that this picture is my lowest rated picture ever. To me it is one of my best since it has a story, it portraits real life and composition, sharpness and colors are pretty good.
The picture is NOT manipulated and I newer touch the eye, since it would take something away from the story.
- Ram import
- Crop
- Blacks
- Sharpness
- Saturation
- JPEG export
I posted it on another forum where it got 85 comments in 7 days! It started a huge debate about life, what you should photograph and what we can post on the internet. Link (it's in Danish): //
Best regards
Thomas Jessen
Message edited by author 2009-01-09 01:35:27. |
01/08/2009 10:35:21 PM |
Jamie, my sentiments exactly...I couldn't have put it better. It always amazes me how people can be so insensitive as to portray something like this as an art form. I suppose that's part of what makes some people hunt/kill for pleasure.
Thanks for putting it into perspective. Jo ((hugs)) |
01/08/2009 08:19:17 AM |
To anyone who though the animal "suffered," I seriously doubt it.
Looks more like it exploded.
Probably didn't feel a thing. |
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01/08/2009 02:52:51 AM |
I'm glad it turned out to be real. If it turned out to be fake i was going to kick myself and drop my 8 down to 2 in my head! It's grim and disturbing yes, but there is a place for this type of photography. It's called reportage and some of the most amazing and important photography of the last 150 is pretty disturbing and falls into this category. Although you may be slightly blurring the edges a bit into art here. Good for you for entering it though. The only thing i don't like is the exclamation mark at the end of the title. |
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01/08/2009 01:31:43 AM |
Wow, 18 ones. Congratulations. You came so close to winning a ribbon.
:) |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/07/2009 11:05:47 PM |
Sorry, but this makes me want to cry and throw-up. I would even say it ruined the moment. One might say, "that's life", but I would say this is death. |
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01/07/2009 04:40:31 AM |
01/06/2009 11:03:08 PM |
I assume the animal lost... gross but for some reason I can't take my eyes off it. |
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01/06/2009 09:24:57 AM |
Word association - Hostel |
01/06/2009 12:40:08 AM |
bit on the shocking side. I admire your daring! nice comp. |
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01/05/2009 08:30:58 PM |
Grim and horrific maybe, but thats life. Great photo. 8. |
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01/05/2009 12:56:29 PM |
WOW. I can't wait to read the comments here, willing to bet lots of knickers in a twist over this one! |
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01/05/2009 08:10:04 AM |
Guess you don't have to worry about the depth of field on the rest of the face. |
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01/04/2009 11:42:46 PM |
Ewe! This is a fantastic accomplishment as a photo but there are some things I'd just rather not see. Don't worry, I'm giving it a good score anyway. |
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01/04/2009 09:07:17 PM |
01/04/2009 03:33:53 PM |
I'll give you credit for having the guts to enter this. |
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01/04/2009 01:52:34 PM |
I'm slightly disturbed, what animal does this belong to? I'll be back to see what it is!
Evan |
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01/03/2009 11:33:00 PM |
You have a lot of guts :) entering this image as I̢۪m sure you are aware a lot of members will not see eye to eye with this one :)
A lot of people here only like pretty pictures.
Its an interesting shot very confronting and if you achieve as much reaction as I think this will then congratulations you will have people talking about your picture.
I̢۪m sure you have received a lot of comments; I̢۪m very interested to read those comments post challenge. |
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01/03/2009 07:21:52 PM |
... seriously disturbing... |
01/03/2009 12:35:55 PM |
You'll probably get a ton of 1 and some shocked comments, but for me, this is an excellent photography:
- There's a (clear) message about the preservation of wildlife
- The way you express the message is strong enough, immediately understandable
- The image is harsh, but still only documentary, reflecting nothing else than a reality
- And finally, it's an excellent photographic work, where a few elements, a good composition and a good use of DOF are perfectly combining to tell us something.
I wouldn't hang it on my wall and it's not in my fav, but I rate it high for its qualities - with a bonus point for the courage to post it amongst purple sunsets an snowy woods. |
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01/03/2009 12:34:57 PM |
yuck!!! good pun... |
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01/03/2009 05:34:21 AM |
Goodness me - I'll be interested to see the comments you get on this one. I think we could call this one provocative! |
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01/03/2009 05:14:35 AM |
01/02/2009 10:53:58 PM |
ewwwww, what kind of animal was this? eyeballs creep me out but I am a fan of gore as long as it is well done. Focus and DOF are good as is the detail. I wish the red was more dark red than pinkish but overall it is a good image. Don't listen to anyone who gives you a one because they don't have the stomach for it. |
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01/02/2009 09:35:42 PM |
01/02/2009 09:03:36 PM |
You know, I love art and freedom of art and that ability to express our creative sides and obviously, this is happens and it's unfortunate that it does happen. Some people look at photographs and ask themselves "why am I looking at this...why would I want to see what has been captured?" question would have to be on this one, what you, personally, think that others whould see in this or better stated, why would we want to see a photograph of it?
You'd be right in saying that I can turn away from it and don't have to look at it but, on the same hand, it is one of the entries in here and I have to wonder out of all of the millions of other shots that could have been taken and entered, why enter this one? What was your motive? Are you young and this is fascinating to you? Is it shock value?
And, now, I'm clicking off of it because Life is cruel enough and I love animals enough to know that it happens, I just don't want to see it in a photograph in front of me in a Free Study where anything else could have been photographed. |
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01/02/2009 07:06:52 PM |
I am sure you will end up with a new personal high for comments. I hope you find it worth it. I find this to be totally disgusting, and it has no photographic value at all. It is simply entered to shock and get a reaction.
I feel bad for the poor animal. :( |
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01/02/2009 06:23:54 PM |
I find this very confrontational and in bad taste to enter in a challenge like this. |
01/02/2009 04:35:16 PM |
Deer, I suppose. Not an attractive photograph, or intriguing...but impactful and gripping. Should make a lot stop and look. |
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01/02/2009 01:25:24 PM |
Oh my.... this is pretty gory..
But the colors are good and the focus is sharp. The blurred background and composition work well. I wanted to dock a point for unappealing subject matter, but I gave it right back for having the stones to enter a shot that will likely be controversial. |
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01/02/2009 11:52:25 AM |
this is just too grim for me :( |
01/02/2009 09:55:25 AM |
01/01/2009 10:17:16 PM |
Wow! That's really gross, yet even more fascinating |
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01/01/2009 06:45:30 PM |
seriously? is it real or staged? I'm grossed out if it's real so I'll refrain from voting ... |
01/01/2009 01:37:30 PM |
I feel pretty sick looking at this photo. I wish I hadn't seen it at all. Sorry, but I hate to think of any animal suffering... and this is very graphic. |
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01/01/2009 01:06:11 PM |
01/01/2009 11:50:43 AM |
Eye see you went for the bizare look |
01/01/2009 11:31:35 AM |
Nice for the gore effect. |
01/01/2009 09:13:03 AM |
gross, the image might have been interesting if you could have removed the pavement line or whatever it is in the background |
01/01/2009 01:28:56 AM |
Disgusting! This is so repulsive but you were very awesome and daring to enter it. Great focus and colors and dof. |
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01/01/2009 12:44:56 AM |