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Sword of Orion
Sword of Orion

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2008-12 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Location: Bedford, NH
Date: Dec 25, 2008
Aperture: 10
ISO: 800
Shutter: b
Galleries: Nature, Astrophotography
Date Uploaded: Dec 27, 2008

Here's a good closeup of Orion's nebula, sometimes referred to as Orion's sword (because it's the second "star" in orion's sword). This is a composite of 10 exposures, 4 3 minute exposures, 3 30 second exposures and 3 10 second exposures. The orion nebula is so bright that the core area, AKA the trapezium, blows out after only about 30 seconds, so in this composite, the core is replaced with the shorter exposures thus exposing the trapezium area. This was shot with a 10" newtonian telescope from Anttler's optics, canon 350xt, losmandy g11 mount and hutech IDAS light pollution filter. Internal noise reduction was on in the camera. This was also the maiden voyage of my new guidance system, the orion autoguider... it's very rare that I get new equipment working the first night, even rarer that it works flawlessly, so this was quite a good night for me (Dec 25th).

One last note about this shot, take out a pair of binoculars and take a look for yourself. This is the second star in orion's sword, to the eye it will appear greyish green, but long exposure photography reveals its true color.

Post challenge: WOW!!! I can't tell you how honored I am to get an HM amongst all the amazing photographers on this site in a FS no less. This whole week I thought the score would eventually tank but held at 7.1 and then crawled back up. I want to thank Kali for talking me into going with orion as I originally submitted the running man nebula . I had gone out to the observatory on Christmas day eve to test out my new guiding system with the intention of shooting the running man, the orion nebula was an afterthought... but she told me to give it a shot, so thank you Kali! Also, thanks for all the comments, and a posthumous and k10DGuy comment on the same image...

For those interested in the how to aspect of this image, I wrote up a tutorial, it's two years old, but still holds true (although I've upgraded the telescope)... how to

Place: 4 out of 407
Avg (all users): 7.2469
Avg (commenters): 8.7500
Avg (participants): 7.3796
Avg (non-participants): 6.9815
Views since voting: 4522
Views during voting: 348
Votes: 162
Comments: 54
Favorites: 28 (view)

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01/20/2009 09:35:57 AM
I love astronomy. And I absolutely love gazing at celestial objects. Wonderful photograph! Who gave this a 1?!?! How can anyone give any decent image of a nebula a one?!??
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01/14/2009 09:43:03 AM
wow that is soooooooooooo cool but how did you do that
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01/11/2009 11:19:21 AM
Someone please post a tutorial... Id love to take these... if possible lol
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01/11/2009 12:48:30 AM
Thank you so much for putting this here! I have never seen such a lovely sight!

oh and btw, CONGRATS on 4th place, but this is the BEST to me!
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01/08/2009 09:44:43 PM
Very glad to see you do so well this shot is just amazing! Congratulations on your HM.
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01/08/2009 09:11:47 PM
John, congratulations on your 4th place finish! This is an amazing capture, such beautiful colors and magnificent clarity.
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01/08/2009 08:05:06 PM
You are most welcome! I suppose this means you have mastered your new scope :) Ready for APOD?
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01/08/2009 07:37:18 PM
Awesome shot!
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01/08/2009 04:28:31 PM
INCREDIBLE, and congratulations on your very well deserved score.

Your work continues to amaze.
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01/08/2009 03:36:49 PM
Wow, I find your star images amazing. You are definately king when it comes to this. Congratulations.
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01/08/2009 03:34:09 PM
Finally! Your excellent shots make a top10 in an FS. I guess folks are starting to come to their senses ;)
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01/08/2009 11:44:57 AM
Excellent. Congrats!
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01/08/2009 09:42:25 AM
Fantastic. Congrats on top 5.
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01/08/2009 09:39:00 AM
Love it, John...love it. Hope you keep the passion for Astro-photography, it's both abstract and wondrous at the same time.
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01/08/2009 08:50:14 AM
This kind of photography amazes me, shear brilliance
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01/08/2009 06:28:42 AM
Magnificent. Now, where's the dark matter...
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01/08/2009 05:27:50 AM
stunning shot. so glad it did well
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01/08/2009 04:24:15 AM
Quite impressive.
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01/08/2009 01:15:47 AM
Breathtaking! Thanks for showing us these wondrous, fascinating images, John and huge congrats on your HM.
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01/08/2009 01:15:38 AM
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01/08/2009 12:29:03 AM
Wow! An Astro shot made it to the top 5! Great shot.

edit: shure whish eye cud spel

Message edited by author 2009-01-08 00:29:50.
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01/08/2009 12:27:33 AM
John, this is brilliant!! into my favs & congrats on the HM.
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01/08/2009 12:26:24 AM
holy cow that is a wondrous image, congrats on the HM, well deserved
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01/08/2009 12:25:23 AM
Nice to see the astrophotography coming into its own amongst the voters, rather than being an obsession of a relative few afficionados. Congrats on the top-5 finish!
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01/08/2009 12:07:50 AM
WOW ... this is so amazing. I can't believe i didn't see it.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/07/2009 11:39:14 PM
Excellent shot, I love the "star" effect of the light from the stars! Pardon the pun but IT IS really cool. 9 -BB
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01/07/2009 09:24:05 PM
Dare I predict a ribbon for this? Spectacular.
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01/07/2009 05:44:52 PM
Easily the best shot of Orion on DPC!
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01/07/2009 04:11:48 AM
this is spectacular! one of the best I have seen here of this type...10 from me
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01/06/2009 09:50:34 PM
Amazing! If who shot this is who I think it is, another great addition to your portfolio and I expect nothing less from you :)
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01/06/2009 09:10:07 PM
This type of sho is so amazing and you have done just a wonderful job capturing it. Stunning!
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01/06/2009 01:08:05 PM
This is maybe the best of these shots that I've seen on this site.
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01/06/2009 12:07:41 PM
Technically good and excellent colours
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01/06/2009 12:10:17 AM
I have some shots of his sword too, but none like this! Thanks for bringing us deep space again.
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01/04/2009 10:32:54 PM
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01/04/2009 04:54:05 PM
This is really stunning.The colors and the star on the right are my favorite parts.
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01/04/2009 02:59:55 PM
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01/04/2009 12:25:46 PM
Wow! Amazing capture. I cannot even imagine the amount of work behind this wonderful picture. Congratulations.9
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01/03/2009 04:26:04 PM
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01/03/2009 05:27:17 AM
Incredible detail and not all blown out in the middle like my attempts. In favs.
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01/02/2009 04:37:59 PM
awesome - takes my breath away
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01/02/2009 04:35:07 PM
the colors are incredible.
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01/02/2009 04:20:32 PM
Cool! I'll be checking your notes to see how you captured this one!
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01/02/2009 03:54:18 PM
OMG!! now there's a picture 9
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01/02/2009 01:49:00 PM
From time immemorial it had prowled the universe. It had spawned countless legends and horrors and tales in countless cultures and peoples and civilizations. For a few unlucky worlds, they didn't even have time to create a tale, as it devoured them before they knew it was there.

In our own cultures, it was known in many forms. Cthulu, Satan and the Kraken were borne from the feelings of dread and evil, but it also spawned myths and gods of good as well. The Nephalim, Jehova, and angels of many names and origins.

However, unlike those mentioned above, it was very real, and it was very hungry, and one day it would devour everything. For that was it's purpose. To cleanse the universe for a time when it would begin anew.

So it roamed, and so it consumed, and so legends would continue to be formed.
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01/02/2009 11:35:49 AM
Wow! (9)
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01/01/2009 11:11:10 PM
This takes my breath away! What beauty you have captured! Wow!
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01/01/2009 07:02:17 PM
noooooo waaayy...that's so awesome!!! fabulous colors and the blue stars look really nice too
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01/01/2009 06:12:25 PM
Magnificent!!!! 10
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01/01/2009 04:53:22 PM
You should send this one to the NASA picture a day. That is if you haven't already. Fantastic shot!!!
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01/01/2009 01:17:35 PM
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01/01/2009 12:35:06 PM
Definitely impressive!
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01/01/2009 12:22:35 AM
I really admire astrophotography. The contrast between the brilliant pinks in the middle and the bright blue spots on the right is very nice.
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01/01/2009 12:12:13 AM
Holy shit, dude. You've got some wicked mad skills. This is truly awesome (and I use that word in the Bear_Music sense). I'm gonna 10 you up right off the bat.
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