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Three Graces
Three Graces

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2008-12 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 USM II
Location: Daytona Beach, Florida
Date: Dec 26, 2008
Aperture: f20
ISO: 250
Shutter: 1/500s
Galleries: Black and White, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Dec 28, 2008

[Jan. 4th, 2009 09:18:41 AM]

Sunday morning: I have arrived! Woke up to a comment by hotpasta guessing that my image was a goodman. At this point, I don't care what my score is!

Place: 89 out of 407
Avg (all users): 6.0245
Avg (commenters): 7.6667
Avg (participants): 6.0721
Avg (non-participants): 5.9231
Views since voting: 1493
Views during voting: 317
Votes: 163
Comments: 36
Favorites: 9 (view)

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12/30/2010 12:54:04 PM
Gets better with each viewing. I love how the bg figures have more detail than the main trio. The way our memories are often far richer and more textured in the recall than while we are actually creating them.
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12/30/2010 12:26:25 PM
Love seeing this again. Ubique's structural observations mirror my own.
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06/29/2010 10:47:43 PM
This was 'before my time' here... and I just stumbled upon it.

It's magnificent!

You'd arrived long before you got 'the comment'... but I know how you feel.

Good stuff... yeah... good stuff.
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06/28/2010 09:14:34 PM
The dark silhouettes are almost as strong as the rest of the image that is washed out. It almost has a painting like effect, and I love it. You proved that you don't necessarily need to play with 64 million colors to create an engaging picture. I wouldn't change anything here. Bravo:-)

[The Comment or Die Game thread]

Message edited by author 2010-06-28 21:15:14.
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06/07/2010 10:44:55 AM
Of the two I have to say I like this one the best...and it is an image I had remembered from way back when the challenge came out but could not remember who had done it...til now:-). The silhouettes of the three ladies are deep and really pop off the white backdrop...to me I see them as three muses emerging out of the mists of time/history/inspiration or another viewpoint that contends with that is that it is a memory of three ladies (ancestors perhaps) emerging from the mists of memory; a day at the beach long gone but happy memories remain. For a while I had thought I was remembering this as another artist's work for it would make a good pairing of light and then shadow Arthur Domagala's The Dying of the Light
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01/12/2009 04:08:02 PM
I can imagine this framed in a beachside bar or cafe

Message edited by author 2009-01-12 16:08:11.
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01/09/2009 02:55:22 PM
Definitely underrated... AWESOME image!!!
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01/09/2009 05:09:20 AM
Absolutely gorgeous..... missed this one when i was voting, my kinda shot...... I love shadows, silhouettes, outlines etc. I love the way the people in the background merge into the "mist"....... neat
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01/08/2009 09:44:08 PM
I thought it was probably by goodman too! And I know Lesley fairly well, so I refrained from making a laudatory comment because she'd only think I was sucking up to her with a bit of gratuitous flattery. She gets far too much of that for her own good, of course, so I said nothing as an act of kindness to her. Now that I know it was not by She, but instead by You, let me add my compliments on a very nice photograph.

The starkness of the B&W is super-duper of course, as are the reflected echoes of the Three Graces, but what I enjoyed the most was the relationship of that with the next two horizontal 'layers'. In the mid-layer, the people are tiny impressionistic figures representative of 'types' ... such as we see in architect's drawings of public spaces. They seem apart from the Three Graces in more than just distance. And in the third, background layer, the buildings on the skyline have an even more allusive character, as if just a flat cut-out background. Overall, this diminishing reality is very absorbing. Far too good for Lesley, now that I examine it more closely.
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01/08/2009 08:38:35 PM
A sunlit dream of shadows.
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01/08/2009 02:04:04 PM
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01/08/2009 11:59:37 AM
Well done Alicia
I'd flip for a comment like Hotpasta's
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01/08/2009 06:54:47 AM
you absolutely nailed this one!
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01/08/2009 03:21:28 AM
from me in Posthumous Ribbons
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01/08/2009 02:34:57 AM
I do believe this IS a Goodman. Can you provide your proof of ownership? :) Stunning.
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01/08/2009 12:34:21 AM
What a great trip this must've been for you! 4 fav's and comments galore! Beautiful image, and what a wonderful score in a FS!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/07/2009 10:27:51 AM
I like the photo. It's interesting & simple. Nicely done. 9
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01/06/2009 08:50:53 PM
Cool catch 8) I wish the details of the humans where completely void so we only saw shapes. So I squint my eyes ;)
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01/06/2009 02:28:51 PM
Their presence was barely felt as they strolled down that stretch of sodden sand. For most, it would have been like a brush of wind, or a sudden chill, or perhaps even like a breath of warm air on the back of the neck. Not enough to alarm anyone, but certainly enough that the subconscious stopped briefly to wonder just what it was.

So they passed, these three, on their timeless journey that occupied not only that space, but every space in the universe, simultaneously, such was their power. In front of them, an endless nothing. Around them coursed all life and time and happening. Behind them, a decaying of time. Erased as they passed as if it had not happened at all.

They were the fates, the three. The beginning, the now, and the end. All of existence was owed to them, and all of existence was theirs, not to command or control, but to watch over and keep.

Their presence was barely felt as they passed, but their impact was undeniable.
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01/06/2009 12:12:37 PM
Wow, I love the extremes of this image and the lovely reflections
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01/06/2009 07:33:16 AM
6 - I like your pp.
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01/05/2009 11:07:16 PM
Nice contrast, I can see this as a mural somewhere...
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01/05/2009 07:59:13 PM
Fantastic shot. I love the silhouettes and the way the people disappear into the mist.
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01/04/2009 08:49:27 PM
i like the seperate little stories expressed here, the boy surfing, the boy splacing the water, the three women, adn the uniqueness of all the people in the background. i like your editing, its very appealing for such a photo
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01/04/2009 08:15:29 PM
On first look, I didn't think I'd like this, but the more I look the better it seems. Love the very high contrast and the way the mist blurs the distance.
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01/04/2009 12:44:59 AM
I love the artiness of this image... Going to take a guess: goodman?
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01/04/2009 12:33:25 AM
Wow! Love the friendship that is so obvious even with the slight silhoutte. They seem lost to all that's around them. Love the b/w. Beautiful.
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01/03/2009 05:20:13 AM
I like this picture a lot - I gave it a 9, but for me, the real special parts of the image are the top right and left corners. I think the surf boy and the surfer, or the collection of figures top right could be photos in their own right.
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01/02/2009 06:09:42 PM
Unusual processing. I like the mood I get from this.
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01/02/2009 11:48:47 AM
This is just bizarre, high key and really dark shadows on the people in the foreground .... I love it, I find my eye going between the different people and there are no other distractions to see what they are all doing, surfing, paddling, walking, holding hands ... there is so much in this shot yet there is so little! Well done.
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01/01/2009 05:05:10 PM
I love it! I think it is masterfully artful! It reminds me of a watercolor print.
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01/01/2009 02:24:57 PM
Like the contrast and reflections. The kid closest behind them and to the left is a bit of a distraction - not far enough back to be 'in the background' but not really part of the composition either. 8
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01/01/2009 12:04:37 PM
book cover material - very effective
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01/01/2009 11:46:52 AM
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01/01/2009 08:53:19 AM
Oh, this is awesome. I love the title, reminds me of home!

The Three Graces of Liverpool
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01/01/2009 12:58:22 AM
Ah!...the joy of a perfectly conjured title...a thoroughly enjoyable high key image.
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