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Luck or skill?
Luck or skill?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Lucky (Basic Editing)
Collection: 2009
Camera: Canon PowerShot S5 IS
Location: Horseman club, Fort Worth, Texas
Date: Jan 1, 2009
Aperture: F2.7
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/2 Sec.
Galleries: Candid, Street
Date Uploaded: Jan 1, 2009

Shot while out for new years eve. These folks were nice enough to allow me to photograph their poker game. Very poor lighting for the camera I had with me. Would have done much better if I'd had the SLR with me, but I think I did pretty good stabilizing the camera on the edge of the card table. I think if this were an advanced challenge, some layer work and dodging/burning could have also improved it.

Pre-challenge notes:
Being a real life "found" scene, I expect this will have both lovers and haters of it. I may get some advice on avoiding the motion blurred hand. Expecting a low 5, and hopefully some good comments from the folks who like such shots.

[Jan. 7th, 2009 10:55:06 PM]

Third comment included the anticipated critique of the blurred hand motion. Can I call it, or what?

Post challenge notes:
Came in way higher than I expected and placed... 4th? WOW! Thanks for all the good comments and votes. "Lucky" was right, for a sub-6 score to come in 4th place!

Here's the color version for any interested. I think the sepia treatment was a good choice for this one.

Place: 4 out of 87
Avg (all users): 5.9729
Avg (commenters): 6.3333
Avg (participants): 5.7500
Avg (non-participants): 6.0221
Views since voting: 3560
Views during voting: 376
Votes: 221
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

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01/05/2013 05:52:15 PM
Excellent POV. I can feel the tension at the table. Another one of my favorites. You have so much in your portfolio that are great.
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12/08/2009 12:30:19 AM
linked to this from the "people hiding behind black and white" forum thread... great shot to post as an example! the color version pales in comparison to the sepia / b&w conversion. turns a ho hum image into a really interesting look and feel...I am a casino manager so maybe i'm biased though force, after having to review so many surveillance shots. to stay interested i try to find art in images like these, for sanities sake... anyway I think this is great and turning to B&W improved this image exponentially! good call, good example, great end result!
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04/27/2009 02:53:50 PM
Im a big fan of this shot... I think it really captures the mood of a poker game. The motion of the card-player's hand... the intense stare of concentration... all great. The foreground elements of the chips/smokes is what seals the deal. Might be my fave of your shots!
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01/17/2009 10:34:31 PM
I've played alot of poker at casino tables and this is great for it's "real deal" feel (sorry didn't intend the rhyme). Looks like the bald guy wins and the guy in the hat is scared/ticked.
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01/14/2009 03:36:50 AM
This is great, Steve. Sepia was a good choice.
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01/14/2009 02:45:01 AM
4th! Congrats! See - when voters lower the bar, everyone wins! ;-) You know I jest. This is a good shot and great for the challenge.
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01/14/2009 01:59:46 AM
This is excellent, Steve! Wonderfully composed, great perspective, definitely works in monochrome better than color (for me, anyway) so great choices made all around. Congrats on the nifty star thingie, too!!
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01/14/2009 12:17:14 AM
Congrats on the 4th place....this was my pick for the "blue"
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/13/2009 03:20:28 PM
great study - you could get lucky yourself
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01/12/2009 09:39:59 PM
This is an interesting comp. Good subject, nice angle and crop. Good levels and contrast. Perfect shutter speed and DOF. it's a really nice capture. 8
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01/12/2009 05:40:46 PM
Very interesting shot. I like the prespective and duo tone.
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01/10/2009 04:04:30 AM
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01/09/2009 11:28:24 PM
all the elements of a tough guy photo. You got the marlboros, the poker chips and cards, the cowboy hats, and the balloons? :-)
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01/09/2009 12:36:43 AM
I really wanted to get a normal poker shot, but wasn't sure if they would kick me out for having a camera. Nice job taking risks to get your picture!
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01/08/2009 02:16:52 PM
Great mood here. Too much going on visually to be a clean shot, but good idea.
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01/07/2009 10:39:07 PM
The portrait of the guy on the right works really well. I'd prefer this cropped in around him. I like the perspective from low down on the table, but the cigs and moving hand are a distraction for me.
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01/07/2009 04:10:38 AM
Phil Helmuth would say skill, me i have to get lucky lol.
I think your choice of tint on this shot has turned what may, in colour, have been a cluttered image into something with good mood and interest.
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01/07/2009 12:53:44 AM
a casino that allowed you to take pictures, wow!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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