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Eubucco bourcierii
Eubucco bourcierii

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2009-01 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Olympus E-510
Lens: Olympus 70-300mm F/4.0-5.6
Location: Cinchona, Heredia, Costa Rica
Date: Jan 2, 2009
Aperture: F/5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Nature, Birds
Date Uploaded: Jan 5, 2009

Male of a Red Headed Barbet (Eubucco bourcierii)
Taken at a bird feeder located near a National Park
Levels, Shadow-Highlight, Cooling Photo Filter, Neat Image, USM, Crop, Resize.
This was taken 6 days before an earthquake destroyed the viewpoint where the bird feeders were located. Here's a before and after shot of the place:

Place: 9 out of 454
Avg (all users): 6.7294
Avg (commenters): 7.8000
Avg (participants): 6.6018
Avg (non-participants): 6.9825
Views since voting: 3195
Views during voting: 282
Votes: 170
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/11/2009 12:39:46 PM
Great shot. Congrats on your high finish!
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02/09/2009 01:45:50 PM
Wonderful shot, a 10 from me. Congratulations on finishing in the top 10.
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02/08/2009 10:47:47 AM
beautiful capture. love the vibrant red. it also looks as tho it is posing for you. congrats on finishing in the top 10!
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02/08/2009 01:32:29 AM
Beautiful colors and clarity. I didn't get to this one during voting.
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02/08/2009 12:19:16 AM
Brilliant shot , glad it ended on the first page. Congrats!!
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02/08/2009 12:15:37 AM
Felicidades por la toma y 9º puesto , espectacular ejemplar y comparto el sentimiento por la zona que se vio afectada por el terremoto, se que muchos de los que aca estamos(en DPC) hemos visitado Waterfall Gardens y las zonas aledañas como esta donde capturaste esta hermosa ave, y tuve la suerte de acompañarte el día que de la toma 6 días antes del terremoto.

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/07/2009 06:08:39 PM
LOve the detail and DOF, and colors. He seems to materialize right out of the background. I'd probably blur the branch on the right just a little more to get it to recede visually.
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02/05/2009 12:39:21 AM
What amazing color and sharpness!
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02/02/2009 05:51:24 PM
How incredible, lover the closeness of the image and the way the bird leans into the image, focus is spot on
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02/02/2009 04:17:03 PM
Looks the teeniest bit OOF to me but it's not really noticeable. Brilliant colours and a great shot of this little fella. Good DOF.
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02/02/2009 12:13:06 PM
Very nice angle. Love the color and details.
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02/01/2009 08:50:37 PM
I like the almost 3-d effect but it almost seems oversharp yet the beak is slightly blurred. Did you do adjustment of highlights and shadows in the background? Hmmmm - that eye is tack sharp and I love the bright red in combination with all the green. I might crop it so that the diagonal blurred limb is out of the picture and just concentrate on the bird. Hope all this jibberish is helpful. :~)
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02/01/2009 03:55:57 PM
Nice shot. Love the perspective and how he's perched into the shot.
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02/01/2009 03:46:42 PM
Wonderfully sharp and a beautiful background, except for that other twig. I think I'd have cropped that out. Beautiful.
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02/01/2009 07:35:37 AM
There is no doubt this is a great image, but it is so nearly sharp that the eye longs to see perfect clarity at the eye and beak. I think you may have thought so too since the area to the left of the bird betrays some haloing which suggests some attempts to reclaim final clarity in software.

Great colours and composition though - overall, very nice indeed.
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02/01/2009 06:13:39 AM
brilliant shot, excellent editing. the bird just pops out. well done!!, 8, wish the right leaf was not there.
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02/01/2009 12:57:42 AM
A wonderful capture of a very colourful and well detail little bird 10
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02/01/2009 12:05:16 AM
Beautiful1 was it taken in the wild?
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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