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 This image was disqualified from the Life III challenge.
Circle of Life
Circle of Life

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Life III (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D60
Lens: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G DX VR
Location: KY
Date: Jan 7, 2009
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/50
Galleries: Humorous, Animals
Date Uploaded: Jan 8, 2009

Meet Eve the dwarf hamster. She has a 10-gallon fish tank I clean out once a week. It was time for her cleaning so before I did that I put white poster board in there with her wheel and took some pictures. It wasn't easy getting a picture of her that had the face in focus while she was spinning. I took about 100 pictures and found one that worked.

Thank you everyone for the great comments. I am happy with the place I got. Sadly Eve passed away on the 15th of January. She was living in a 10 gal-opened top aquarium tank. She stayed in a upstairs bedroom. When we got home the other day a cat was in front of our door cold and hungry. It was 7 degrees out and was going to be 6 below that night. We took the cat in but forgot about Eves opened cage. Yep the cat got to Eve. From the looks of the crime scene the cat just wanted to play with Eve and looked shocked at what she had done. Anyway to save a life we had to lose another. I am glad I have this picture to remember her by.

The cat has now left again. The weather got warmer and her belly full she ran out the door yesterday morning. I think she will be back.
Disqualification Details
Banned user trying to sneak back in under a new account.

Views since voting: 1592
Comments: 28
Favorites: 2 (view)

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01/20/2009 10:37:38 AM
I'm sorry about Eve. It's a good photograph to remember her by, though...
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01/19/2009 02:44:58 PM
The story gives the title an appropriate double-meaning. :) Great job on this - congrats and condolences. Hope you got a picture of the cat before the wolves get to it. ;-)
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01/19/2009 12:11:59 PM
Beautiful tribute to your little hamster - sorry to hear of her loss.

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01/19/2009 10:39:09 AM
This was one I liked. I love that circle of blue contrasting with the white background. Perfect theme and the capture of the face is perfect as well. Congrats on your new PB!
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01/19/2009 07:41:17 AM
I think this one is terrific!!
And what a great momento to have of your little Eve. *sniffle*
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01/19/2009 06:42:44 AM
Lonni thanks again. You are a great sport and it was really a pleasure to go head to head with you. I hope you can stay in so we can do it again!
01/19/2009 06:30:09 AM
Oh, such a sad story :( Not being the world's greatest cat fan, I feel particularly sorry for little Evie!
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01/19/2009 06:26:48 AM
Thank you Lonni and thank you everyone for the wonderful comments. I really enjoyed entering this one and using the update button for the first time. :=)
01/19/2009 05:18:48 AM
Oh Agnes, you've done so well (should have been higher in my opinion!) I am particularly impressed to read that the wheel really was spinning - I was convinced in voting that it was done in post processing. Didn't matter though - I gave you an 8.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/18/2009 04:13:09 PM
lol this is so funny. excellent capture, i hope this is scoring well for you, its great:)
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01/18/2009 03:17:05 AM
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01/17/2009 03:33:54 PM
Eye-catching picture, well done :)

PS, I'm not voting this challenge, just commenting on some pictures :)
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01/17/2009 10:19:05 AM
That little guy looks like he's really bookin' along! Nice work behind the camera.
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01/16/2009 12:20:40 PM
Nice take on the challenge.
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01/15/2009 08:18:17 PM
nice job
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01/15/2009 06:35:53 PM
Nice concept :)
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01/15/2009 03:20:20 PM
I love the way the blue pops, I love the lines in this and I love the motion in the wheel but maintaining the clarity of the eye. Well done, would like to read your capture/editing steps :)
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01/15/2009 11:58:10 AM
This is great. Perfect use of motion blur. I love how the face is still so sharp.
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01/14/2009 02:07:06 PM
Oh, this is wonderful. The processing is very clever to give the impression of movement.
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01/13/2009 12:00:05 PM
Very well executed shot. Simple yet striking. 8
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01/13/2009 06:57:00 AM
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01/13/2009 02:22:21 AM
LOL! Love the sharpness of the wheel and eyes, and the blur of his little paws. Nicely done.
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01/12/2009 08:46:22 PM
No argument over the concept here! I see some artifacts in the upper left corner and in various places around the edge of the wheel. Some grayish areas around the stand as well. I am on my calibrated monitor at work right now. I suspect my monitor at home will show a nice clean white background. I'll be curious if anyone else sees this. I won't ding you for it, it's subtle.

Added: Looking at it on my monitor at home now, and as expected, it appears to be a nice solid white background with none of the artifacts that were previously visible. If I look really hard in the upper left corner I can see a hint of a color difference, but only because know it is there.
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01/12/2009 05:10:06 PM
it took until the very last photo im voting on till i ran up one one that i thought would be the winner, 10 from me, awesome awesome photograph
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01/12/2009 04:17:42 PM
A great take on the challenge... pretty humourous actually! I like the contrast of the blue and the white... and of course the effect of speed in this shot.
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01/12/2009 03:07:15 PM
Nice work on teh capture... though I'd have cropped out the stand and kept the wheel mostly.
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01/12/2009 08:49:03 AM
I really like this, what a great photo.
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01/12/2009 12:03:25 AM
Love that little focused beady eye.
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