Life was a difficult challenge. This definitely shows something alive, but it doesn't show it in such a way that "life" is the first thing anyone who looks at this thinks of.
Your fiance made this image? Do you realize that images entered to challenges here need to be made by you, not by someone else? :)
About the picture:
It's a good attempt at a closeup (macro), but you are including too much in the frame for it to be effective. You have the worm, the flower, the buds, the stem. Too much information. It might be better to get a whole lot closer and concentrate on one of these only, for example, the worm.
The focus is off. Nothing seems to be really sharp in the picture, and at the same time, nothing is really thrown out of focus for effect. Did you use a tripod or some other support to make this? Use a larger F number (smaller aperture), to get a better area of sharpness. Or, if sticking to a large aperture, make absolutely sure that the important part of the picture is in focus, clear as a bell.
The colours are good, although you could experiment with backgrounds other than the plain brown used here.
I hope this helps.