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Hard & Soft
Hard & Soft

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Opposites (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE E223
Location: Home
Date: May 9, 2004
Aperture: 2.9
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/5
Galleries: Humorous, Animals
Date Uploaded: May 9, 2004


Place: 258 out of 286
Avg (all users): 3.9412
Avg (commenters): 3.6923
Avg (participants): 3.6429
Avg (non-participants): 4.1718
Views since voting: 982
Votes: 289
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/18/2004 10:40:31 PM
The forced perspective that accentuates the size difference between the boots and the bear is quite nice. The reflection on the shiny wall is a little distracting.
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05/17/2004 11:24:56 PM
Nice idea, but the lighting (which looks like flash) really hurts. The subject is too close to the background, if you pull it out some it will help alleviate the harsh shadow.
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05/17/2004 12:22:43 AM
nice boots
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05/15/2004 12:15:31 PM
The lighting on this could be improved. There is very little detail visible in the boots and the shadows don't work for this composition. There is some weird shiny white spot to the left of the boots that is very distracting.
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05/15/2004 01:37:29 AM
The lighting in the top of the picture is good. The lighting on the boots is really awkward. I see lots of shine - but not much detail. The bacground reflections really distract from the overall sense of the picture.
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05/14/2004 04:36:56 PM
Trying too hard. Lack of color plus forced arrangement makes for low interest
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05/14/2004 11:45:20 AM
Bear is out of focus and boots are underexposed.
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05/14/2004 10:39:23 AM
The lighting looks too harsh for this picture. The glare on the left part of the wall around the boots is distracting. The shadow and bright area of the wall on the lower right tries to pull your attention out of the frame. This looks to me like Sepia tones were used to try to make an dull picture more interesting, but I don't think it worked in this case.
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05/14/2004 12:58:16 AM
Just my take, but between all of the different textures (vinyl, metal, fabric, plastic, cord, ribbon, felt, and two tones of wall) and lighting ambiguities, the image is too muddled to pull a good concept of "opposites" out of it. While I'm a fan of B&W, I think this one may have faired better in color. And taken from a slightly lower angle would have done very well in the "proportions" contest!
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05/13/2004 12:38:10 PM
Sweet, fetish bear. Nice shot...
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05/13/2004 08:20:37 AM
IMHO, this shot suffers from a few technical faults, the boots are almost so dark as to be recognizable--I can tell they're boots, and I'm guessing they're some sort of ski boot? Levels adjustment or some different lighting, perhaps from the side, might have remedied that. The shadow and reflection on the wall are distracting--you could have avoided this by moving the subject far enough away from the wall, and even used an F-Stop to give you a soft background taking advantage of low DOF.
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05/12/2004 12:59:27 PM
If you're going to shoot something indoors, you may want to consider getting a reflector and doing something different with lighting. This one has a lot of contrasty shadows.
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05/12/2004 06:07:55 AM
flash too bright to left of boot. light souce above and difuse would bring out more detail of boot buckles and laces. Eliminate shadow.
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05/12/2004 12:30:21 AM
could have softened the lighting a little bit .... and improved the shadows
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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