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Lower Falls, Big Canoe, after a lot of rain
Lower Falls, Big Canoe, after a lot of rain

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Galleries: Landscape, Water
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2009

Viewed: 432
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

F11, ISO 800, 2.5 seconds
used a circular polarizing filter and the camera was on a sturdy tripod

Taken very early in the morning just as the sun was rising. The sun was in front of the waterfall so the sky was still fairly muted. It had been raining for a few days before I took this image so the vegetation around the waterfall was very wet which brought it out...especially since we are mid-Winter.

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05/23/2009 11:20:23 PM
I am way behind and also a newbie so take with a grain of salt please!..:)
For winter very nice to see any greenery so that is nice.
I just read something about being careful that the silky smooth water is becoming quite common and I found myself wondering what this would look like with less time exp. or just slightly flowing. Don't know just thinking out loud and sharing ideas.
It is quite pretty and I just "cropped" it with paper, and I like it with this POV just as is.
the foreground water and trees, especially the crazy 90 deg. one on right, add a lot of interest to me.
thanks for letting us "cut" on your photo!
Nice work
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04/25/2009 11:01:42 AM
Lovely waterfall shot, has come out superbly. The vegetation is great and doesnt look at all like midwinter
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02/17/2009 12:03:22 AM
I love waterfalls and this one is quite remarkable. The low POV with the circular polarizer works really well here, gives it a sense of magnitude and maintains a tonal consistency. I think the subject lends itself very nicely to the overall workability of this capture. Very well done IMO.
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02/13/2009 09:05:52 AM
This is lovely, the nice silky water, the light is really nice considering how low the light levels must have been. The low pov is really nice as well and the rock in the foreground give something to break the waterfall up a bit.
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02/01/2009 10:39:09 AM
I like the silky-softness of the waterfall. A tighter and little less central crop would have made this even better for me. It's a fine shot as is though
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02/01/2009 09:08:28 AM
Beautiful shot!
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01/29/2009 12:13:26 AM
Lovely image, really well done. Did you need the CP filter for reflections or something else? Without it you could have had the same exposure at a smaller ISO, so I'm wondering how much the filter added to the look of the image.
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01/27/2009 08:01:20 PM
lovely waterfall - i love how the rocks split the falls in two

i just wonder about the crop - the foreground does not add a lot to the image and it might be worth considering a small crop on the bottom
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01/27/2009 07:28:43 AM
my fav so far in this side challenge
i really love these long exposure images too
i have tried with mine but i cant get the exposure right always ends up way O/Exp
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01/26/2009 10:03:17 AM
I really like the exposure, could the tree color (greens) be brought up just a tad more? And what were your PP steps?

Message edited by author 2009-01-26 10:03:52.
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01/20/2009 03:25:59 AM
Great exposure on the water. Really nice photo.
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01/20/2009 02:56:35 AM
Exposure is very good, and I like the center composition with the top falls cradled by the vegetation. Love to see some details on your technique at the time of capture. The color and detail are well preserved. I presumed you used a circ pol and ND filter, but I see that you went commando!
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01/17/2009 01:17:06 AM
I've always liked these long exposure cascading water photos. This one is perfect all around. It looks like early morning is the right time of day for this type of photo. Great job!
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01/16/2009 01:10:45 PM
Originally posted by rlewis:

Originally posted by SaraR:

From the thumb nail I didn't think this was going to be anything special - glad I was wrong! The water cascades over the rocks in a really pleasing fashion - nicely spread out! Exposure is always tricky with running water, and you have done a really good job, with no blown highlights; curious,did you use a ND filter? If so, what strength?

No, I did not use a neutral density filter. I took this image very early in the morning with the sun barely over the horizon. I always struggle with the sky above this waterfall blowing out with over exposure. I have used a split neutral density filter here in the past, but did not on this day.

I am going to have to start getting up early - I am very lazy when it comes to landscape photography!

Revisiting this, I am struck by the variety of textures, and how well they come together.
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01/15/2009 02:11:43 PM
Originally posted by SaraR:

From the thumb nail I didn't think this was going to be anything special - glad I was wrong! The water cascades over the rocks in a really pleasing fashion - nicely spread out! Exposure is always tricky with running water, and you have done a really good job, with no blown highlights; curious,did you use a ND filter? If so, what strength?

No, I did not use a neutral density filter. I took this image very early in the morning with the sun barely over the horizon. I always struggle with the sky above this waterfall blowing out with over exposure. I have used a split neutral density filter here in the past, but did not on this day.
01/13/2009 04:42:54 PM
From the thumb nail I didn't think this was going to be anything special - glad I was wrong! The water cascades over the rocks in a really pleasing fashion - nicely spread out! Exposure is always tricky with running water, and you have done a really good job, with no blown highlights; curious,did you use a ND filter? If so, what strength?
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01/11/2009 06:32:13 PM
cool pov, great exposure and lovely flowing feel to the water
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01/11/2009 06:10:40 PM
Very nice, the water is beautiful love the soft look, very good exposure.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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