This is Kari Ann, greetings from the Critique Club:
composition: the trees surrounding the main tree are a good leader for the eyes, but maybe having the moon in more of the top upper half of the photo would have helped. to get this achieved, i think a wider angle would have worked better.
color: lovely toning in sepia/black&white. it adds a surreal feel to the image
contrast: good contrast, enough to keep the trees intact, but not loosing the beautiful sky as a backdrop
focus: focus is very nicely achieved, i know how hard it is to focus at night, even manually. good work
depth of field: everything in frame is sharp, crisp, and easily recognized.
lighting: spooky find in lighting, the moon almost resembles the sun. the choice of a longer exposure allowed those little stars to come through the frame, very nice.
other: overall, a very nicely composed and thought out shot. i think what killed your score was the flare from the moon, but as you mentioned in the comments, you'll try harder next time to figure out what causes that and how to fix it if it does occur. I hope you continue to enjoy DPC and enter in the challenges. Your work already is improving and im looking forward to watching it grow. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.
-Kari Ann |