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Challenge: Pet Portrait IV (Basic Editing)
Collection: Dogs
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 20mm f/2.8D
Location: Maine
Date: Feb 10, 2009
Aperture: f/22
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Feb 10, 2009

My husky Zeus. My daughter kept hiding then jumping out to get him to look up. Levels, curves, cloned out some dust spots, more curves, with contrast. Sized, saved for web.

Wow, my highest rated photo!!! A had some comments about his front paws, they weren't cropped off, they were never in the photo. The fact that Zeus stayed here long enough was harder than keeping a 2 year old still for a photo! But its cool. ALL comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Place: 67 out of 278
Avg (all users): 5.8740
Avg (commenters): 6.2000
Avg (participants): 5.7500
Avg (non-participants): 5.9557
Views since voting: 1429
Views during voting: 435
Votes: 262
Comments: 30
Favorites: 2 (view)

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10/04/2009 12:56:36 PM
Beautiful photo of Zeus; I had a husky many years ago who was so hyperactive, all my photos have motion blur! Nicely done.
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10/02/2009 10:56:55 PM
Beautiful picture! It definitely has a professional quality to it.
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10/02/2009 06:58:04 AM
I LOVE how he looks so proud and so picture perfect! You'd have no idea from this picture that getting him to pose was any problem whatsoever. Excellent portrait indeed!
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10/02/2009 04:55:12 AM
he's the most beautiful dog .. unsual with the different coloured eyes too .. its a brilliant shot .. :)
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10/02/2009 02:20:39 AM
Zues is an absolutely stunning looking dog. I love the background you have for him too.
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10/02/2009 12:55:35 AM
I love the dual eye color on huskys, they look so much like wolves, nice setup portrait, lighting is excellent.
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10/01/2009 11:25:58 PM
yes, I can see he has his feet under him
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10/01/2009 10:34:06 PM
Lovely portrait of such cute dogie! Nicely done!
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10/01/2009 09:42:49 PM
Lovely Huskie. concur with bassbone, our Huskie was 15 when he past, smart and ornery.
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10/01/2009 09:23:42 PM
Beautiful dog. He's a cutie. Great shot too.
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10/01/2009 07:40:02 PM
what a proud dog. i love huskies and you have captured Zeus so well. we had one for about 12 years and she was the smartest dog - a bit ornery and a lot independent but she was the best.
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10/01/2009 07:07:53 PM
I scored this one at a 9 in the challenge .
I was sure I added it to my Favs ,but it is now !
great shot !
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10/01/2009 06:29:47 PM
I see I gave this a 7; still like it :-) Brilliant to use a child as an attention-getting device, I must say!
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10/01/2009 05:47:30 PM
I gave this a 10 in the challenge & I love seeing it here!
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02/18/2009 10:29:31 PM
stunning portrait of a very beautiful dog . congrats on your pb .. :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/16/2009 06:24:53 AM
Would have been better if the front legs wherent cropped off, but the lighting and background are good.
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02/15/2009 07:17:03 AM
Lovely, I'm curious what it would have looked like with the blue eye on the shaded side?
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02/14/2009 04:57:42 PM
great shot
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02/13/2009 09:30:21 AM
I would have kept the legs.
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02/13/2009 06:53:32 AM
the amputation of the legs in the crop doesn't work for me, but light is nice and the dog is great
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02/12/2009 12:58:46 PM
I'm sure the eyes are natural, but they seem so strange. Instead of putting the light on the side with the lighter eye, I might have switched it to even the eyes up a bit so that they didn't stand out...unless, of course, that was your intention!
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02/12/2009 11:54:02 AM
stunning portrait,well done 9
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02/12/2009 09:29:54 AM
The colors of the background go so nicely with the dog's coat. I wish you hadn't chopped off his paws. I love the lighting, especially how his nose turned out.
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02/12/2009 09:11:57 AM
Zeus is looking mighty handsome!
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02/12/2009 07:07:54 AM
Technically excellent, but it looks odd with the front legs chopped off
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02/11/2009 05:36:30 PM
I dont like the contrasting color of your background; its like 4 different colors mixed together.
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02/11/2009 12:36:34 PM
Wonderful portrait-BG is perfefect for Zeus ! TEN !
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02/11/2009 11:28:46 AM
Nice portrait. I wish you had taken the camera down some to capture the paws.
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02/11/2009 08:01:52 AM
I can never get my dog to sit still like this. Pretty dog.
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02/11/2009 07:58:04 AM
what a eyes <3
good shot.
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