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My Only Regret
My Only Regret

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Location: Toronto
Date: May 4, 2007
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Emotive, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Mar 6, 2009

What makes a shot stand out as something worth remembering?
This one hits me because as I sat near these two men I overheard the older gentlemen say "My only regret in life is..." and then my friend spoke up and I never did hear the end of the sentence. I must admit that this shot still draws me in for that reason, still makes me question what it means to live with regret, what I hope for my life to mean.
I am entering this shot, not because it is my best, but rather because it best defines what is missing for me in most of my work.
I hope to shoot like this more often.

Place: 285 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 5.9796
Avg (commenters): 7.0952
Avg (participants): 6.0438
Avg (non-participants): 5.6410
Views since voting: 1076
Views during voting: 662
Votes: 489
Comments: 70
Favorites: 10 (view)

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10/28/2011 12:03:10 PM
Splendid shot, has an outstanding feel to it.
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05/19/2009 02:36:17 PM
I could swear this was already in my favs! The atmosphere is wonderful.
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03/18/2009 01:34:15 PM
"it best defines what is missing for me in most of my work."

I think I know what you mean, and I feel the same way about my poetry. Perhaps you worry that "most of your work" is so mysterious that a viewer has no story or emotion to latch onto. But in your case, the mystery is its own emotion, its own story, and oh so beautiful.

Or maybe you think the exact opposite. Whatever it is, shut up already!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 09:56:28 PM
Beautiful light and contrast...this is a great candid!
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03/17/2009 09:34:08 PM
The effect is beautiful and i think you are going to do well. I'm just not sure about this border.
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03/17/2009 06:30:20 PM
...worn and weary, he stares into the dark wall...things left undone, places ungone, friends never made...or maybe the dopey kid behind the counter just forgot to put the sugar in the coffee as he requested...and he never spoke up.

He misses the sweetness.

: }
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03/17/2009 05:55:36 PM
A true gem...beautiful lighting. Thanks!
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03/17/2009 05:40:38 PM
if you only knew the answer...
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03/17/2009 09:30:24 AM
A great dark shot.
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03/17/2009 07:25:59 AM
this is alright

six from me ;D
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03/16/2009 11:03:00 PM
Nice and sharp. I like the BW.

Not voting yet.
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03/16/2009 03:39:21 PM
nice tones....interesting subject...
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03/16/2009 02:35:58 PM
Good shot. What's the regret?
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03/16/2009 02:20:00 PM
Effective b&w. Nice scene, though the image loses impact without the letterbox frame. At first glance I thought he was playing the piano.
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03/16/2009 02:08:18 PM
Great lighting and amazing tonal range. Your b/w conversion is flawless.
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03/16/2009 01:48:38 PM
Copmletely fabulous. This is getting my first 9 in this challenge.
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03/16/2009 12:29:55 PM
picture a bit too dark
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03/16/2009 11:29:24 AM
poignant image and title..
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03/16/2009 12:55:39 AM
Not sure what his regret is, but its a great shot. Really good black and white conversion.
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03/15/2009 11:55:34 PM
Lighting centers the focus well. Nice shot, well framed.
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03/15/2009 10:55:46 PM
The mood from this image will stay with me for a long time.
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03/15/2009 09:44:16 PM
Thought provoking.
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03/15/2009 09:34:53 PM
Good title for this very interesting photo.
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03/15/2009 07:19:16 PM
Nice job. I really like the way you processed this.
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03/15/2009 06:51:05 PM
Nice dark shot, I think the border is too prominent as it detracts from the subject
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03/15/2009 05:51:14 PM
Nice subject. I think the cropping and border work well also.
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03/15/2009 04:42:15 PM
Delightful image. Very nicely lit. Interesting frame. 7
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03/15/2009 03:53:22 PM
Interesting lighting and compositional balance.
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03/15/2009 12:27:11 PM
great lighting. nice old-timey feel
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03/15/2009 12:08:29 PM
the added white lines distracting IMO otherwise a very fine image
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03/15/2009 12:05:42 PM
Why regrets.. It is a super pic, Maybe a bit centered, but still very good moment
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03/15/2009 11:29:00 AM
Lovely b&w, really interesting
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03/15/2009 10:18:47 AM
A good candid, I think the darkness suits this.
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03/15/2009 09:46:03 AM
Looks very sad, a very dark image as the tone suggests. 6
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03/14/2009 11:41:33 PM
Voted earlier coming back to leave comments. The B&W tones and contrasts are eye-poppingly dynamic!! Absolutely stunning! The widescreen border just complements the look and feel of a cinema scene that this photo invokes. I feel that this is a still from a movie where we are watching the main protagonist take a seat at the bar/bistro. He sits alone for there is no one to celebrate with him. His birthday - 50. He realizes, he is old. Old and alone. He reflects upon the one special lady he let slip away decades ago. And he regrets...regrets that he has no one close to his heart to be there with him on this day. This is the scene I see being played out. This is what story the photo speaks to me. Very mood driven and has a powerful story to tell...and not just what I think as that there are sure to be others who see a story here that might differ from mine or share in some same elements. Wonderful work here - bumping up to 9.
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03/14/2009 10:49:53 PM
I'm not really fond of the border, but excellent b&w conversion. The subject is interesting and this photo makes me want to learn what his story is.
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03/14/2009 10:49:16 PM
nice entry ,good lighting and presentation
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03/14/2009 06:59:37 PM
Interesting shot, nice focus. Unfortunate juxtaposition of background item with his chin/throat.
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03/14/2009 06:35:09 PM
Very moody and dark. Great details. I think the think white border, especially on the bottom, is distracting.
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03/14/2009 06:30:06 PM
great piece of art - wish he were off center
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03/14/2009 05:10:41 PM
Wow. Almost missed the other guy.
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03/14/2009 04:53:20 PM
This is a classic. Excellent, well seen
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03/14/2009 03:44:51 PM
Beautiful b/w!
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03/14/2009 02:15:57 PM
classic shot....
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03/14/2009 01:30:25 PM
Nice shot, good use of the B&W.
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03/14/2009 07:18:47 AM
Very nice B&W photo. I like the dark view and the beautiful use of light.
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03/14/2009 07:17:15 AM
Beautifully captured image full of interest and very pleasingly presented.
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03/14/2009 06:56:21 AM
Full of character. Excellent work
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03/14/2009 06:48:50 AM
I don't get it. What is is only regret? That he didn't give up coffee? That he never went to Guatemala?

Anyhow, The pic is well done, but the emotional impact is somewhat lost on me because he looks more bored than pensive.
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03/14/2009 05:54:17 AM
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03/13/2009 10:51:36 PM
I'm not giving you a ribbon because I know who you are. But I have no compunction about giving you a 10. This shot is easily a 10.
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03/13/2009 06:25:37 PM
This is interesting. The lighting (including the lack of it) is theatrical, and suggests that this is a stage performance. I expect to see the man begin a soliloquy raking over the coals of his life.

Beneath all that is another interpretation, triggered by the self-congratulatory posters. How to turn 2 cents worth of coffee beans at the Guatemalan grower's end into two bucks worth of coffee at the regretful man's end. The shadowy figure in the corner is no doubt Mr Businessman, counting the beans. 9.
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03/13/2009 03:39:35 PM
wish I could see just a hair more of the guy on the right. at least the shape of his head would do. On my editing monitor, I probably could, but I'm 'working' right now. will return later, for now, an 8
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03/13/2009 03:29:23 PM
Very emotive study. Nicely done. 7
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03/13/2009 01:56:25 PM
When I first saw this pic, the first thing I noticed was the Guatemala Antigua sign and I thought, gee that looks like Starbucks' poster. Then I realized it IS a Starbucks poster. The darkness kind of hides the location a little, which I think works well here.
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03/13/2009 07:55:47 AM
nice conversion to B&W, I like how the light falls and illuminates the face
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03/13/2009 05:00:36 AM
What a sad image. Well done on creating a sombre mood.
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03/13/2009 02:30:24 AM
I like the darkness that you present here, but I'd much rather see him sitting in the left portion of the frame. Centered composition does not work well for this image.
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03/12/2009 09:06:18 PM
I love the nostalgic feel to this, well done.
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03/12/2009 01:48:13 PM
I am getting some inspiration here to really work on my BW conversion. You have done it masterfully, which of course suits this scene. Bravo!
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03/12/2009 09:03:00 AM
Not liking the frame but the subject is good. I wish he was facing the other way. Being centered just doesnt work for me.
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03/11/2009 11:21:08 PM
Cool shot, nice use of black and white- really draws out the subject.
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03/11/2009 08:41:17 PM
This is perhaps the strongest image I've seen so far. I don't grok the title but I love the image ... a man, maybe in uniform, in a darkly exotic place alone, full of mystery. I might cut 15% off the right edge to balance the composition, but that's probably a personal preference.
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03/11/2009 05:39:18 PM
great moody lighting
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03/11/2009 04:52:10 PM
Great mood caught here. Love it!
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03/11/2009 03:50:17 PM
This is an example of one I'd LOVE to see really big. When you have the 720 constraints, it loses some of it's impact, but doesn't affect the score I'm giving at all. Just wishing we could see them bigger. I love the contrast and how he's perfectly centered. Nice use of the frame. 8
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03/11/2009 01:19:02 PM
great shot
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03/11/2009 12:22:54 PM
The title draws me into the photo even more; trying to figure out what his only regret is.
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03/11/2009 05:29:31 AM
I find the border a bit distracting, but this is beautiful...
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03/11/2009 12:27:24 AM
I would love to know under what lighting setup this was taken. I love the selective lighting that really causes the subject and parts of the environment to pop. Very nice mood setting.
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