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A Piece of the Night
A Piece of the Night

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Nikon D60
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Location: University of Minnesota
Date: Mar 8, 2009
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/10
Galleries: Cityscape, Urban
Date Uploaded: Mar 8, 2009

This is my first submission ever! Glad to be a part of such a spectacular challenge.

Place: 1078 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 4.2651
Avg (commenters): 4.5581
Avg (participants): 4.1877
Avg (non-participants): 4.6892
Views since voting: 785
Views during voting: 639
Votes: 479
Comments: 46
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 04:22:19 PM
This doesn't do much for me to be honest, it's kind of a dull subject and it's not very sharp and the composition doesn't do anything for me.
03/17/2009 10:50:16 AM
I like the perspective, using the lights to draw the viewer into the photo... but aside from that, there isnt much else that grabs my attention. Sorry.
03/17/2009 10:22:25 AM
Good idea. Needs more detail and WB.
03/17/2009 09:23:55 AM
Nice lead in lines with the railing and rectangular lights, followed by the round lights providing a stop-point. I might have cropped slightly tighter on the right and top to emphasize those features & I feel I'm missing a main subject at the end of the path where the light lead me to. Of course there's never a subject around when you need one :-)
03/16/2009 10:44:21 PM
What does the picture say? Reminds me of a college campus in the winter.
03/16/2009 10:34:43 PM
03/16/2009 01:46:33 PM
Nice shot, the lighting is very nice.
03/16/2009 10:40:57 AM
sorry but this doesnt do for me I dont want to be rude so please dont take it personally and maybe you have some kind of special relationship with that moment .. .but its soo boring... I give just two sorry...

good luck though and take it easy ;D
03/16/2009 03:28:40 AM
Very strong silhouette forms.
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03/15/2009 11:35:13 PM
too much of a snap shot , sorry. Lack impact & appeal
03/15/2009 09:24:00 PM
Well exposed night shot.
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03/15/2009 02:52:09 PM
great mood, multiple exposure layering would have worked here imo
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03/15/2009 02:09:21 PM
It's well done... the lighting is interesting... yet still I think I'm looking at a photograph of a light fixture. *sigh* Sorry... I don't know how else to say that.

Not voting yet.
03/15/2009 12:13:23 PM
Interesting composition but the subject doesn't really hold my interest.
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03/15/2009 10:19:19 AM
Congrats, you get my 500th comment in this challenge...

interesting perspective, good use of leading lines, the sepia works well here eliminating the color factor leaving only the structural elements ...
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03/15/2009 09:15:10 AM
I like the concept of this photo but sharper focus would have given it a better scorre
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03/15/2009 06:49:22 AM
Not too inspiring an image. I don't really understand how this can be your best photo ever taken and hidden gem.
03/14/2009 11:07:08 PM
Nice glow on the front light but other than thatit's not doing much for me, sorry.
03/14/2009 10:15:22 PM
interesting mood image a little on the dark side but its still interesting
i like hiow the rails sends you along into the image
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03/14/2009 07:16:08 PM
not so interesting - well exposed
03/14/2009 05:22:38 PM
Good idea but not much to hold interest.
03/14/2009 03:35:22 PM
Nice mood, love those lights
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03/14/2009 10:46:32 AM
Interesting POV.
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03/13/2009 07:22:21 PM
My opinion - the front light could have been sharper and more in focus. Maybe get tighter on it and crop the left side to where the steps start (I think those are steps anyway).
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03/13/2009 06:20:35 PM
might have been cool to set this at long exposure and had someone walk by with their hand on the rail. to get a ghostly effect
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03/13/2009 05:59:52 PM
I like the feel of the picture, but it doesn't seem to draw me in to a main subject. I notice the first light the most, and it gives good ambiance, but it doesn't hold my interest long.
03/13/2009 02:25:15 PM
Nice sense of darks/lights. Good overall composition!
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03/13/2009 12:50:19 PM
I think this photo could benefit from a stronger composition.
03/13/2009 12:29:16 PM
just doesn't engage me as it should...not a terrible shot...just doesn't pull me in...sorry
03/13/2009 11:50:52 AM
Would like this better if it was sharper.
03/13/2009 10:23:23 AM
Nice warm colors of the night here.
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03/13/2009 09:53:08 AM
I don't get the title or the image.. sorry
03/12/2009 11:12:52 PM
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03/12/2009 08:49:32 PM
cool lines in this image
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03/12/2009 06:53:21 PM
Very Zen.
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03/12/2009 08:51:54 AM
Interesting title and picture. I like the focus on the one lamp. Most would have detailed the walkway so good on you for that.
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03/11/2009 07:40:09 PM
Interesting shadows.
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03/11/2009 03:31:55 PM
i would have shifted the view a little to the left, so the railing is not in the middle of the photo.
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03/11/2009 03:26:50 PM
I like the line of lights off into the distance
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03/11/2009 12:29:33 PM
Let's go for a stroll.
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03/11/2009 12:25:05 PM
interesting exposure and realistic wb
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03/11/2009 10:45:27 AM
A nice empty street. I like the focus on the single light...
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03/11/2009 10:06:30 AM
Reminds me of late nights coming home from the library in college for some reason.
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03/11/2009 05:09:35 AM
Nice composition
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03/11/2009 03:38:33 AM
cool capture
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03/11/2009 01:27:08 AM
Like the depth in this shot. Would have liked the front light a little sharper focused.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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