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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 100 Years Old (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Olympus E-510
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Date: Mar 7, 2009
Aperture: f5.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Black and White
Date Uploaded: Mar 8, 2009


Place: 167 out of 184
Avg (all users): 4.5723
Avg (commenters): 4.0000
Avg (participants): 4.2857
Avg (non-participants): 4.7978
Views since voting: 1087
Views during voting: 259
Votes: 159
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/14/2009 02:59:56 PM
Too many graveyards in the challenge. A more interesting sky would have improved the shot.
03/14/2009 04:05:35 AM
Nice capture. It would be great if there's more contrast in this photo. More cropping would make the photo tighter too. Good job.
03/12/2009 12:27:24 PM
Focus seems a little soft on the statue.
03/11/2009 10:45:18 PM
B&W shots really suffer when the contrast is low. I would suggest making sure the dark end of your shot is anchored in pure black shadows, the highlights just barely touch pure white, and your subject is nicely lit. A great B&W shot then has a rich range of tones in between, but that's hard to achieve as it depends a lot on lighting and composition. Also, a completely blown sky that dominates the photo and leads the eye out will hurt.
03/09/2009 11:54:48 PM
Looks very like an Angel statue in Chester?
03/09/2009 02:18:18 PM
Good choice of subject, but I think the wall is distracting, and it would have been nice to see more of the graveyard.
03/09/2009 11:19:37 AM
I like it, but i would have cut out that second pillar thats on the far right; it takes your focus away from the center (assumed focal point)
03/09/2009 12:12:26 AM
A bit too centered and soft for my own preference. I think there is lots of great contrasty detail here, however.

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