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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Location: Grand Teton National Park
Date: Jul 18, 2008
Aperture: f/11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 2.6
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Mar 8, 2009

Grand Teton National Park

Place: 350 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 5.8725
Avg (commenters): 6.4127
Avg (participants): 5.8913
Avg (non-participants): 5.7750
Views since voting: 922
Views during voting: 674
Votes: 494
Comments: 70
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 04:05:14 PM
I love how the water appears silver and silky it is like a platinum lake
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03/17/2009 01:30:17 PM
Gorgeous mountain range. I cant decide if I like the roots in the foreground though.
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03/17/2009 01:22:24 PM
This looks a little too hdrish or tonemapped for my taste. I looked at it in bw and liked it better. If you didnt already you should have bracketed and got some detail in the moon
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03/17/2009 11:41:48 AM
Interesting use of different natural elements - wood, water, rock, sky.
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03/17/2009 05:07:01 AM
I like this photo, but my favorite parts about it are the moon and the mountains. The roots just aren't that appealing to mel Still, I like the overall affect of this picture.
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03/17/2009 02:04:40 AM
Lovely image.
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03/16/2009 08:40:55 PM
I have to admit this is a great location and you did a good job capturing the photograph from this pov. However, with the roots being your main subject I find them a bit dark and lacking of detail. My eyes are drawn more to the mountain peaks. I find the top half of your photograph to be the best. A little dodge or S/H IMO would of helped in bringing out the foreground.
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03/16/2009 07:43:15 PM
Beautiful landscape!!!
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03/16/2009 02:10:56 PM
This is almost like 3 images combined. The clarity is so strong and the colors so rich - Beautiful composition. Bumping up...
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03/16/2009 01:58:54 PM
Cool shot. I like that you have included the roots in the foreground.
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03/16/2009 11:09:14 AM
well done... six
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03/16/2009 07:09:54 AM
Great mountains & water. Nice, subtle colors.
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03/15/2009 11:28:19 PM
I recommend a more panaromic crop, crop the bottom portion a little more. This is an excellent shot. 8
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03/15/2009 10:12:07 PM
The background is gorgeous, the roots seem a bit too distracting though
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03/15/2009 07:37:10 PM
Good comp, but lighting is wrong
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03/15/2009 04:11:33 PM
Wonderful shot, nice detail on both background and foreground.
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03/15/2009 03:50:35 PM
Lovely image with that moon above the ice capped mountains and the old roots in the foreground. The sheen on the waters surface is wonderful. 7
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03/15/2009 02:13:40 PM
great mood in this shot, any more light on the roots and that would have changed.
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03/15/2009 10:38:52 AM
Very nice image. It's good to see a few "great" images. This is a perfect reflection of your abilities as a photographer.
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03/15/2009 10:18:09 AM
What a beautiful scene, the moon in that pretty coloured sky. I am actually not fond of the roots in the foreground, I think they take away from the beauty of the scene. I love the snowy mountain.
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03/15/2009 09:38:54 AM
Love the colors. Nice shot.
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03/15/2009 12:55:19 AM
Shot has good depth. Well taken.
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03/15/2009 12:02:33 AM
what a fabulous view. Excellent
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03/14/2009 07:17:24 PM
Centered up front too much.
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03/14/2009 06:44:45 PM
Looks like a mini-mountain in the foreground.
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03/14/2009 05:41:21 PM
Nice shot. Nice detail on the mountains but the roots are a bit dark to see.
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03/14/2009 05:40:37 PM
Gorgeous. The foreground really makes this shot.
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03/14/2009 05:37:24 PM
Nice use of foreground in this
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03/14/2009 03:15:33 PM
Interesting juxtaposition--the mountains are so beautiful, and the roots really aren't. It makes me keep looking at the roots when I'd rather look at the mountain.
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03/14/2009 01:53:10 PM
Elegantly composed landscape, all the elements in the right place.
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03/14/2009 11:06:46 AM
Unnatural looking but very artisitic for that matter.
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03/14/2009 09:33:25 AM
very pretty, i like the color of the sky and the illumination of the mountain tops
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03/14/2009 05:44:10 AM
A nice combination of a dark and strong view with wonderful soft light.
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03/13/2009 11:46:29 PM
Almost "surreal" looking, things look like the belong and don't belong at the same time in this image. Quite a different point of view. The almost over the top processing works in this instance.
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03/13/2009 08:43:46 PM
I love the top half of this photo. What a great scene, time of day, hey you caught the moon ... but the bottom half lets me down a bit. Don't sweat it, it's getting a good score.
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03/13/2009 08:37:46 PM
Very nice. Interest throughout the image.
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03/13/2009 06:09:03 PM
Great shot - nice composition.
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03/13/2009 04:12:03 PM
very lovely, i wish i was there right now!
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03/13/2009 03:08:57 PM
Nice abstract sense. Beautiful soft colors! 7
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03/13/2009 01:57:59 PM
The roots feel very out of place in this image. They are like worms or a some infestation crawling in onto this serene scene.
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03/13/2009 12:44:31 PM
wow...really like the dark tones with the silhouette of the sunrise/sunset...excellent
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03/13/2009 12:33:13 PM
Great details in the roots leading into the scenery
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03/13/2009 11:13:22 AM
I love the roots with the moon too, plenty of interest in your image :)
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03/13/2009 11:09:39 AM
Overall a pleasing shot, the long exposure has made for a lovely pastel water and the foreground adds some interest
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03/13/2009 06:02:45 AM
Beautiful photo!
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03/13/2009 03:09:16 AM
There are three definate layers to this image, the roots, the water and the mountains. Nicely seen and taken.
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03/13/2009 01:42:03 AM
roots looks a little over sharp
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03/13/2009 12:36:48 AM
Awesome shot, really nicely edited. Almost 5 layers of subjects to take in.
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03/12/2009 10:43:01 PM
Nice! The mts. really make the background on this!
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03/12/2009 08:34:55 PM
Dark and decay up front with the light and snow in the back - good contrast!
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03/12/2009 07:10:51 PM
It's interesting that the crags and shapes in the mountains are reflected in the roots. Very cool shot.
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03/12/2009 06:28:57 PM
beautifully captured
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03/12/2009 02:14:11 PM
It crawled up onto the rocks and lay there, the tentacled creature from the lake. It had taken a grievous injury and had come here to die. For centuries it had been feared and reviled, through no fault of its own. All it wished to do was live, and let live. To hunt for the tasty fish that lived and swam closer to the surface, but the humans that frequented this place that would chance to see it would call it a monster. They would hunt it and avoid it and fear it, and it saddened him.

For he knew it was not he that they should have feared, for there was something terrible and evil in that lake, but it was not him. The thing lived in the deep waters and caverns and was almost never seen, but occasionally it would come hunting, and until now he had known to avoid it. Until now he had hidden from it when it came from its den to terrorize the waters.

This time, however, there had been a boat upon the lake when it came, and in that boat a father with his little girl, a girl that had seen him many times before, and hadn't been afraid. She had thrown fish into the lake for him, and had even talked to him, and he had come to like, nay, love, that little girl. On this day, however, she was now threatened, for that evil thing that was his nemesis had gone straight for the boat and the lives of those within would have been forfeit. So he had acted. He had attacked that evil thing and had fought with it, and the violence of that fight churned the waters and the father, seeing the activity, had taken himself and his daughter to safety, and had called all that would listen to come and witness such a thing.

And so he fought, and through a sheer force of will and love he had triumphed and destroyed that evil thing, and it had drifted to the far bottom of the lake. Yet he had not gained victory without cost, for he was mortally wounded himself, and it was only with struggle that he managed to crawl out of the waters where he did, and lay down to die.

So the people gathered and saw him there, and rejoiced that the monster of the lake was revealed and that it was finally dead, and they need not fear anymore. They, in their ignorance, cheered his demise and set a celebration to mark the day. All of them, that is, but one little girl, who stood back with a tear in her eye and silently thanked an alien creature that had given his life for her safety, though none, but her, would ever know.
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03/12/2009 12:54:40 PM
Lots of interest and great scape. Nice touch with the moon in the picture.
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03/12/2009 09:35:23 AM
great PP job
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03/12/2009 09:33:08 AM
Love the mountains, i would like to see them as the main subject
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03/12/2009 05:59:16 AM
Nice composition and use of colour
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03/11/2009 11:02:09 PM
Lots o' contrast. I like the choice to focus on the roots in the foreground, rather than the mountains in the rear.
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03/11/2009 09:55:41 PM
Nice composition. I like how I'm led through the picture.
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03/11/2009 09:20:08 PM
Very interesting photo. Great depth.
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03/11/2009 06:44:01 PM
Love the moon over the mountains. Even with the title, the foreground is almost too dark to make out.
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03/11/2009 05:06:24 PM
Very nice combination of elements here - the foreground roots, the moon (I think it is), the jutting of trees, and that gorgeous range. All iced with the orange sky and the smooth water. Almost surreal but in a good way.
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03/11/2009 03:46:31 PM
nice shot
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03/11/2009 01:18:28 PM
Wow, great spot to shoot!
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03/11/2009 12:21:38 PM
Beautiful, nicely textured.
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03/11/2009 10:47:03 AM
I like how the pile of roots mimics the shape of the mountains.
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03/11/2009 02:20:46 AM
colors seem really weird to me... background area is much stronger than the stuff in the foreground which is distracting.
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03/11/2009 02:15:09 AM
very nice
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03/11/2009 12:21:35 AM
beatiful shot , roots need more contrast. Hince they are the subject.
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03/11/2009 12:10:15 AM
The light (possibly the editing?) here makes it look like a composition, rather than a single frame. Nice exposure for the sky and background elements.
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