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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Panasonic DMC-FZ30
Location: Monterey Virginia
Date: May 25, 2005
Aperture: f 4.0
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Landscape, Rural
Date Uploaded: Mar 10, 2009


Place: 965 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 4.8294
Avg (commenters): 5.3519
Avg (participants): 4.7616
Avg (non-participants): 5.2051
Views since voting: 635
Views during voting: 649
Votes: 510
Comments: 60
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 06:41:05 PM
Like the purple and green and great DOF!
03/17/2009 04:28:29 PM
I ilke the depth i nthis but I think the contrast or saturation could go up a bit.
03/17/2009 03:24:58 PM
Lovely pastel colors in this very pleasing composition. Like how the road winds through the landscape drawing the eyes in. 7
03/17/2009 07:12:38 AM
Beautifully composed.
03/16/2009 11:24:56 PM
Nice leading line.
03/16/2009 10:42:42 PM
higher contrast would give better rating
03/16/2009 09:55:46 PM
This reminds me of the area where I grew up - the curvy road following the contours of the land, with fields behind wood post fence lines. We had sheep in the pastures, but they're probably just out of shot.
03/16/2009 08:00:36 PM
Very nice composition. Maybe it's just my monitor but it seems to have a pink cast to it.
03/16/2009 06:09:31 PM
Coudl use some contrast. It's a fun image.

Not voting yet.
03/16/2009 03:11:37 PM
What a nice winding road. I'm wondering what happened on the left side, with the dead grass and dead trees on the hill? A fire maybe?
03/16/2009 01:21:49 PM
Good shot. Nice winding road annd no power lines!
03/16/2009 03:50:09 AM
cool shot
03/16/2009 03:36:16 AM
Nice shot. Needs the color boosted a little for impact.
03/16/2009 02:29:13 AM
Like how the road leads me over the hill. Well captured and presented.
03/16/2009 01:54:17 AM
Great perspective and color.
03/15/2009 08:15:48 PM
Great title for a very interesting photo.
03/15/2009 04:36:44 PM
And I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference
03/15/2009 03:06:33 PM
seems a bit overexposed or you just had poor light to work with
03/15/2009 11:20:04 AM
great lines and curves to guide the eye
03/15/2009 10:44:40 AM
I like the curves, it really gives depth to the photo.
03/15/2009 10:35:35 AM
Nice, although more dramatic sunlight at the beginning or end of the day would have helped, I think.
03/15/2009 10:13:36 AM
Oh, really nice. I like the leading lines of the road and fences. I like that the road divides the fields into green and yellow.
03/15/2009 06:45:08 AM
nice perspective but the quality is not so good yet I change 4 from 3
;D brano
03/14/2009 09:43:36 PM
"The long and winding road" was what popped into my head when this came up.
03/14/2009 08:10:43 PM
More like a painting.
03/14/2009 07:41:20 PM
Nice composition.
03/14/2009 03:46:27 PM
Great pastoral scene which might have benefited from a little contrast
03/14/2009 04:39:20 AM
03/14/2009 12:40:10 AM
colors a too muted.Need an onject or subject of interest to be more appealing
03/13/2009 06:42:48 PM
Great angles on that road.
03/13/2009 04:44:02 PM
The composition is okay. It is kinda distracting how the road cuts in and out of view, especially at the bottom.
03/13/2009 04:10:40 PM
Compositionally, the photo is good. I just find that with the overblown sky, it makes the photo feel a little flat. Have you thought about using a polarizer?
03/13/2009 11:55:35 AM
A super composition, but perhaps not taken in the most beneficial light.
03/13/2009 11:07:27 AM
It's a nice composition but I'm afraid it's overexposed
03/13/2009 11:05:38 AM
seems a bit light, maybe a tiny bit of work with contrast or curves could bump this up a point for me.
03/13/2009 12:08:48 AM
no begining no end
03/12/2009 07:40:11 PM
nice perspective
03/12/2009 02:31:35 PM
A motorcycle road for sure.
03/12/2009 01:03:54 PM
a little over exposed, and i would crop a little more from the bottom of the shot.
03/12/2009 11:27:59 AM
I like the composition. The blown-out sky doesn't help...
03/12/2009 09:38:10 AM
well done - wish u had captured the sky too, try a grad. ND filter
03/12/2009 07:46:41 AM
nice composition. Needs more contrast
03/12/2009 07:22:19 AM
A little to much light but the subject is nice.
03/12/2009 05:54:28 AM
Like the ribbon effect that pulls the eye into the shot
03/12/2009 05:42:05 AM
This reminds me a lot of a road I drive past every Autumn on my way to visit my parents. I say "drive past" because I've yet to stop. I beat myself up over it every time too!

Looks like a fun road. I bet you're glad you stopped!
03/12/2009 12:57:04 AM
Great leading lines but they just lead to dull skies.
03/11/2009 07:53:39 PM
Interesting composition. The color seems to be a bit washed out.
03/11/2009 07:24:46 PM
I love pics like this because it makes me want to go out and explore. Always wondering what is around the next bend or over the next hill.
03/11/2009 07:09:33 PM
Nice leading lines. The scenery is OK.
03/11/2009 05:31:01 PM
Looks like a fun road
03/11/2009 02:08:15 PM
Cool road. It gives an unusual feeling since we can't see the road lead off the shot.
03/11/2009 01:09:04 PM
I want to run to the top of the hill to see what's waiting on the other side ... seems like a great place for a picnic
03/11/2009 12:30:44 PM
Although the light is very flat, I like all the lines and curves here.
03/11/2009 09:55:53 AM
A nice blue sky would make this a lot stronger.
03/11/2009 09:44:21 AM
crop tighter on bottom to let the road lead into the frame
03/11/2009 06:31:11 AM
feel good. I wish you had more color in there . 8
03/11/2009 04:44:15 AM
washed out just a bit imo
03/11/2009 02:53:34 AM
Interesting composition, contrast is lacking.
03/11/2009 01:27:31 AM
Nice twisties, but I find it bothers me that the road does not go to the bottom of the frame. I have been accused of being anal though so could just be me ;)
03/11/2009 12:17:03 AM
did you do curves/levels? The photo seems a little flat in tone...otherwise it is an excellent shot, I like how the road leads you through the photo

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