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another kind of playground
another kind of playground

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Habits (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Nijmegen, Holland
Date: May 16, 2004
Aperture: F5.3
ISO: Auto
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Black and White
Date Uploaded: May 18, 2004

we all ahve bad habits...we will also have...but we don't admit we have...to throw the garbage on the public domain...to create a mess...but even more dangerous to let our kids to play in this places...taken in Nijmegen, Holland, after a public event...taken after difficult light - low sun from the front

Place: 33 out of 256
Avg (all users): 5.6887
Avg (commenters): 7.1667
Avg (participants): 5.4766
Avg (non-participants): 5.8400
Views since voting: 979
Votes: 257
Comments: 19
Favorites: 3 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/25/2004 09:07:34 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background (20% Weight): 6
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing (20% Weight): 6
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc. (30% Weight): 6
How well does it meet the challenge (30% Weight): 5
Total Rating (Rounded) 6
05/25/2004 06:42:10 PM
I really like this photo - it's so poignant - the legacy of litter and garbage and the child making his own toy of kicking a bottle around is a wonderful understatement. The lines of the ground really help to bring the composition together, giving order to an otherwise chaotic foreground. You have a great eye - I like the choice to place the boy off-center and heading off the frame, it gives the sight greater desolation and hopelessness, as if everyone has given up.
05/25/2004 04:42:45 PM
I like your title. It takes some thought to recognize the habit you are portraying.
05/25/2004 06:16:56 AM
wonderful composition
05/23/2004 07:09:51 PM
Was this after a street Parade, or sporting event?
05/22/2004 01:06:30 AM
I don't see this as depicting a habit so much as a habitat. This is this child's environment, apparently, but it isn't revealing anything about habits accept maybe a habit of littering. Your title might be throwing me off here. It's a great photo, if a bit too contrasty. Great composition. There just isn't enough detail in the boy's face or skin.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/21/2004 06:50:21 PM
Wow...this says more than 1000 words. Immensely emotional capture. Hope you win a ribbon with this one.
05/21/2004 01:25:12 PM
Superb image. Great use of B&W to give it that journalistic feel. Well done for submitting something original. I love this shot, 10
05/21/2004 10:16:18 AM
This looks like it could have come right out of Newsweek. Great photojournalistic style in this image.
05/21/2004 05:15:55 AM
05/20/2004 09:55:34 PM
is the habit kicking the rubbish...I don't get it??
05/20/2004 05:10:07 AM
When looking at the photo gallery my attention has been directly focused to this photo. Very nice shot. Cool attitude of the subject.
05/20/2004 01:41:24 AM
This is great work. B/W is an excellent choice to keep focus on the subject. 10
05/20/2004 01:35:36 AM
Wow...this is a very powerful picture, and I'm not even sure what the story here is. Please, do tell! Very nice shot! :) 9
05/19/2004 04:02:44 PM
i would of croped only the kid and the trash, not the pillers
05/19/2004 03:41:53 PM
its hard to tell what the things on the ground are. they kinda blend in
05/19/2004 02:42:05 PM
This is a really neat shot. I'm not sure it meets the "habits" theme, but nice. I also find the two pillars(?) at the top distracting, but there obviously wasn't a good way to crop them out.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/19/2004 12:28:39 PM
I like the shot but don't really see how it fits this challenge...?
05/19/2004 04:20:11 AM
This looks like it should be in a newspaper, well done. The only thing I'd say about it is that the kid is a little dark. 8
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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