This is Kari Ann, greetings from the Critique Club:
composition: the lemon is placed nicely in the frame, fills it quite well, and the background is there, but just enough and not too much.
color: Very good choice of contrasting colors, unfortunately, the both try to over-power each other and are very oversaturated and bright.
contrast: could have been more contrast between the lemon and the background, perhaps by darkening the background.
focus: focus is a little off. The edges of the lemon are not sharp, nor is anything else in the photo.
depth of field:none
lighting: too bright
other: this shot has a lot of potential. A few points to fix though: the entire shot is too bright. Turning up the ISO or turning up the aperture would help cut some of the light. Secondly, there is some haloing/jagged edges on the little drops of water. This is due to oversharpening, or compression through the saving process. I hope this critique was helpful to you, if you have any other questions to ask, you are more than welcome to Pm me anytime.
-Kari Ann Haskell |