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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Tacks! II (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f2.8D
Date: Apr 15, 2009
Aperture: f5
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Portraiture, Political
Date Uploaded: Apr 15, 2009

I think I am taking a risk with this one. I have had a really good run the past two months on DPC shooting 'safe' pictures. With this one, I have no idea how the scores will be. I think this will end up 5.5, but hope that voters see the hours of effort in it, and give me a sympathy 6.

Post Challenge
Thanks for the higher than expected score everyone. My thumbs have recovered.

Also, for the low scores, I guess some of you cannot get past your politics when voting for a photo eh!

Place: 15 out of 101
Avg (all users): 6.1970
Avg (commenters): 7.4615
Avg (participants): 5.9556
Avg (non-participants): 6.3218
Views since voting: 1724
Views during voting: 550
Votes: 132
Comments: 26
Favorites: 2 (view)

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08/15/2009 02:46:00 AM
seriously...your assumption is "Also, for the low scores, I guess some of you cannot get past your politics when voting for a photo eh!"

It's not the picture, it's their politics... it's not you that took a bad picture, it's they are small minded?

wow...no wonder

If you want some politics let me know and I'll post my tribute to atlas shrugged. You should read it some time
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04/27/2009 01:46:47 AM

well you got your wish on voting for effort and not quality.

I did one just like this with my Sony cybershot 10 years ago of Monica under Bill's desk...

nice idea but it is VERY boring. I can't see how this beat out 50% of the rest of these photos
04/23/2009 04:06:54 PM
Originally posted by VitaminB:

Thanks for your comment. I can appreciate the fact that this is essentially a photo of artwork... but it essentially no different than the photo which inspired it, jeger's Mona Lisa:

While I am not bothered by my score overall, I am really happy with it, I did get a lot of low votes, which the Mona Lisa shot didnt get. ...

The difference between the Mona Lisa shot and yours is that the Mona Lisa photo has some context and depth to it. By the photographer including himself with the artwork, plus the wall, baseboard, carpet, etc...it becomes a photo, rather than a direct representation of artwork only. Again, JMO.
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04/23/2009 11:03:34 AM
Originally posted by glad2badad:

Originally posted by VitaminB "Photographer's Comments":

Also, for the low scores, I guess some of you cannot get past your politics when voting for a photo eh!

Yes, politics do play a part in like/dislike (it is subject matter) - however, additionally, this entry is more of an artwork entry than a photo IMHO. Kudo's to you on effort in assembly, but time and effort is not always rewarded as the end result is, and should be, based on the qualities of the photography. In this case, you basically have a photo of a flat piece of artwork. Could be a painting or a watercolor with yarn from a schoolroom hallway display.

In the end I do think your score reflects points based on the art effort rather than the photo itself, and the popularity of our current president.

FTR, I am a Republican, and not a big fan of Obama - although I don't disapprove of his efforts thus far. Had we had another VP choice... Oh well, there's always 2012 to look forward to. :-)

Thanks for your comment. I can appreciate the fact that this is essentially a photo of artwork... but it essentially no different than the photo which inspired it, jeger's Mona Lisa:

While I am not bothered by my score overall, I am really happy with it, I did get a lot of low votes, which the Mona Lisa shot didnt get. And, based on a small number of my comments, I believe these votes to be politically motivated, and not a reflection of my photographic skill.

That being said, I am sure that some of my high scores were also political... so it all balances out... and the score is not dissapointing. My comment was just noting the political nature of the votes.

Oh... and I am not a Democrat.. I am Canadian :)

But, what Obama means to me, and the reason I kept the HOPE title, is that Obama is seen by many in the rest of the world as a refreshingly open minded president who is willing to listen to the rest of the world, rather than just push an American agenda on the rest of the world (which is how many people viewed Bush). And that gives a lot of people HOPE.
04/23/2009 09:28:44 AM
Originally posted by VitaminB "Photographer's Comments":

Also, for the low scores, I guess some of you cannot get past your politics when voting for a photo eh!

Yes, politics do play a part in like/dislike (it is subject matter) - however, additionally, this entry is more of an artwork entry than a photo IMHO. Kudo's to you on effort in assembly, but time and effort is not always rewarded as the end result is, and should be, based on the qualities of the photography. In this case, you basically have a photo of a flat piece of artwork. Could be a painting or a watercolor with yarn from a schoolroom hallway display.

In the end I do think your score reflects points based on the art effort rather than the photo itself, and the popularity of our current president.

FTR, I am a Republican, and not a big fan of Obama - although I don't disapprove of his efforts thus far. Had we had another VP choice... Oh well, there's always 2012 to look forward to. :-)
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04/23/2009 06:35:30 AM
Good finish. The voting breakdown is all over the chart.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/22/2009 09:03:13 PM
looks like you had some time on your hands.......great job
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04/22/2009 10:12:23 AM
Best in show for me, and the only 10 I gave. Extremely creative entry, and exceptionally well executed as well.
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04/22/2009 01:19:30 AM
ahhhhhhh... pray to allah barack HUSSEIN obama
04/21/2009 07:21:28 AM
The pattern is a little off .... but, hey, nothing that I could have done - 9
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04/19/2009 02:17:00 PM
Amazing....it is impressive how much work you put in this challenge! Wonderful creation....
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04/18/2009 08:52:25 PM
i'll be very surprised if this isn't at least top 5. awesome job!
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04/17/2009 10:22:56 PM
No vote. good luck!
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04/17/2009 07:01:06 PM
absolutely phenomenal.
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04/17/2009 05:42:52 PM
Very creative and artistic. Amazing skills and nice photo too. My top score. Good Luck.
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04/17/2009 08:03:48 AM
Oh geeze. I wonder if YOU can get sued too? JejejeĆ¢„Ā¢
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04/16/2009 10:34:09 PM
Hasn't there already been enough hubbub about this image? You did a great job recreating it with tacks.
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04/16/2009 09:02:50 PM
A technical success, it's less than successful in an artistic sense being much to busy.
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04/16/2009 08:31:10 PM
I disagree with your concept... yet, still, this is wonderfully creative and artistic. (not voting)
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04/16/2009 07:01:27 PM
A great effort and well done although I'm thinking Clinton would have been better suited in a tacky portrait of one of our leaders! ;-)
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04/16/2009 03:35:58 PM
Good work.
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04/16/2009 10:23:40 AM
Im not thrilled with Obama or the HOPE title but I do like the time you put into this. 8
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04/16/2009 09:25:20 AM
I saw a very similar thumbtack portrait of Obama when I Googled "thumb tacks" yesterday. Nice achievement, though not so evident in the photographic elements.
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04/16/2009 09:07:29 AM
This is Crazy with a capital C
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04/16/2009 01:46:49 AM
nice work.
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04/16/2009 12:17:05 AM
Looks like a lot of work. Great idea, although the lighting is less than pleasing.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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