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11-april 09 unconventional. indignities
11-april 09 unconventional. indignities

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Collection: 028 - APRIL 09. UNCONVENTIONAL
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Location: camden vet hospital
Date: Apr 18, 2009
Galleries: Animals, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Apr 19, 2009

Viewed: 544
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

this was katee at the animal hospital last night ..
i was working at the computer and she was under the desk .. nothing unusual in that ..
i looked down and noticed that she was sitting up rather than lying down and seemed like she wanted my attention ..
i invited her up onto my lap and she started shaking & shivering ..
to cut a really long story short, this pic is the vet giving katee a monster syringe full of a charcoal mixture because we thought she may have ingested something toxic .
this was not the most invasive thing that happened to katee last night ..
when we got there her temp was taken .. invasive !!
then she was made to vomit .. even more invasive !!
then the vet applied vaseline to her plastic gloved finger and examined inside her bum ... couldnt get much more invasive than that !!
then squeezed her stomach to see if she was in any pain .. wotever
she is the most excellent little dog ..
she totally won them over ..
with all that the vet did to her she put up with the lot .. not even a dirty look .. !!

i was worried about her today .. she's not happy and i think she's developed an infected anal gland .. i phoned the vet hospital & they said, without seeing her, that she should be ok to see our vet tomorrow .. its the weekend and the vets arent open ..

so the indignities she faced last night will pale into insignificance tomorrow when i take her to the vet .. if anyone has had a dog with an infected anal gland they'll know exactly wot i mean.. !!

after michelle aliqui's comment ..

its amazing, but she wasnt scared at all .. she was making friends with one of the vets when there was a lull in the 'activities' ..

this is a pic after the charcoal and everything ....
looks like the vet is katees best bud .. lol ..!!..:)

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04/27/2009 03:24:32 AM
Oh poor little Katee! Just seen this now, I hope she's all better. Can you give her a big hug from me and Bailey.
04/26/2009 11:34:14 PM
How is Katee doing now I hope she is better, That stuff looks nasty tasting. The docter would have grab me like that too if they wanted me to drink it.
04/25/2009 12:25:45 PM
Oh Roz! I'm so sad Katee has had to endure so much! Especially after winning you a blue ribbon! Pooor baby! But what a trooper she was! That's the sign of 100% total trust in her loving owner. I hope she is completely 100% good as new now.

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04/19/2009 08:02:07 PM
Best wishes to Katee. I hope she gets better soon. Your story of her behaviour is amazing. She certainly has a great temperament.
Tisa hates the vet and even getting her shots is an ordeal.
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04/19/2009 07:01:26 PM
Best wishes to Katee for a speedy recovery. You know, from her other pics I thought she was a bigger dog. Much bigger. It must be her personality!
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04/19/2009 03:32:04 PM
Was she perhaps having a seizure of some kind? Weird. Poor baby. Hope she is ok now.
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04/19/2009 02:13:16 PM
Best wishes for Katee. It almost breaks your heart more when they put up with all that ....
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04/19/2009 12:00:41 PM
Poor Katee! OMG that must have been awful for her! I'm soooo sorry she's not well. Hope everything's back to normal soon.
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04/19/2009 11:37:47 AM
Your poor baby!!! All of those indignities AND mom takes pictures??? You're as bad as me...April 18 must be a bad day, one of my kitties showed up with a torn up paw, I rushed him to the vet who said he'd have to stay there over the weekend sedated, then get a toe amputated on Monday :-( Anyway, I hope Katee feels better after all is taken care of tomorrow!!!
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04/19/2009 09:50:02 AM
i'm so sorry roz- get well katee!
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04/19/2009 09:42:48 AM
Ohhhhh poor little katee- I wish I could hold & kiss her- you will do it for me, Roz > I can drain the anal glands myself but I have to breathe thru my mouth so the odor does'nt knock me over - LOL- indignities indeed ! She will be ok :)
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04/19/2009 04:12:41 AM
Poor girl! I bet she was so scared. That's a whole lot of charcoal for such a little pup. The gland draining isn't going to be much fun either. I hope she feels better soon.
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