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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Candid V (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR II
Location: Oslo
Date: Apr 21, 2009
Aperture: f/16
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/15
Date Uploaded: Apr 21, 2009

Loving the score, the comments, the PB, the faves, the Postluminosity and the Posthumousness. Thank you all.

Here's the lowdown on the don't try this at home, kids...

The essential techniques involved in taking this picture are:
a) Point
b) Shoot

Don't forget to pack your dumb luck.

A certain dedication to the art was necessary in that I was waiting for a tram and took a picture of it instead of getting on board.

The unedited and uncropped (resized and saved for web) original looks like this:

The picture I took when I turned round looks like this:

I did tone down the saturation a little, but the colour had to be there to retain some distinction for the ghostly figures.

Very bright and low sunlight, similar to that in Gnarf's entry in the same challenge:

which is from the same part of the world, contrasted strongly with the interior of the tram. This enabled very clear reflection as well as lighting up the people sitting near the window. The less distinct figures are standing passengers.

I didn't want to lose the faces top left and bottom right, so I ended up with a long, thin crop - hence the strange border...

Place: 8 out of 170
Avg (all users): 6.4600
Avg (commenters): 8.5926
Avg (participants): 6.2115
Avg (non-participants): 6.5473
Views since voting: 3070
Views during voting: 377
Votes: 200
Comments: 58
Favorites: 17 (view)

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12/06/2011 01:13:22 AM
I love this shot, it's wonderful.
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08/31/2011 12:38:47 PM
Out of top 10, this is the only shot without a second chance. The 17's faves speaks for itself, mate.
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01/24/2010 04:58:17 AM
This is a wonderfully done street shot. I must have studied it for some 10 minutes - including comparing the picture that showed the view once your turned your head around. Like it!

(The light humor in your description makes it a very interesting read)

Good Day!
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05/03/2009 03:59:45 PM
Faktisk eneste bildet jeg ga en 10 :) morsomt at det var fra norge!
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05/02/2009 04:19:57 PM
This is a fantastic photo. I really love it. What luck.
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05/01/2009 06:18:29 PM
Wonderful montage effect. I think the colors and composition are spot on. Amazing to have captured that in a single image.
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04/30/2009 11:38:36 PM
Fantastic, even more so, because it works in color.
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04/30/2009 08:17:55 PM
Completely awesome. What I think I love best about this is I can't figure out which layer is which. That makes it all the more curious and interesting. Terrific capture.
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04/30/2009 10:54:52 AM
very nice! I like how so much is going on but you still don't feel too overwhelmed to get a sense of the scene.
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04/29/2009 07:27:51 PM
Pure genius. Congrats for the ribbonessity!
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04/29/2009 04:24:06 PM
endlessly fascinating...
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04/29/2009 02:04:36 PM
This is great! Keeps you looking!
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04/29/2009 01:48:04 PM
it's like four or five photos in one, and they all would work separately, and they all work together. Terrific!
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04/29/2009 01:46:44 PM
how was this done???
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04/29/2009 01:18:32 PM
Great shot to look into.. congrats on the top10 and all the faves
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04/29/2009 11:35:40 AM
PostLuminous Award Nominee!
endlessly fascinating, supremely well done!
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04/29/2009 11:34:58 AM
This is phenomenal. Mind blowing.
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04/29/2009 10:52:26 AM
Oh MAN! This was my blue ribbon too! I'm seeing my 3 top picks on the front page -- but I thought for SURE this one would be the top pick of the pack! Soooooo how did you get that effect?

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04/29/2009 10:46:00 AM
This was my blue ribbon..I'm surprised that the score isn't higher. Brilliant image!
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04/29/2009 08:56:50 AM
I'm so glad this did well. I thought it was an amazing capture of stories. Such a beautiful collage! Congrats on your new PB!
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04/29/2009 08:31:36 AM
Excellent job Peter.
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04/29/2009 07:42:23 AM
A perfect example that a busy shot can be a great shot. Love it.
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04/29/2009 06:38:07 AM
Came back to find out where... it looked New York-ish. I see you're in Oslo though ;-) Well done on the top 10..
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04/29/2009 05:33:27 AM
One of my higher scoring images in this challenge. Well done! I think it's great.
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04/29/2009 04:56:30 AM
Love this, should have got the blue!!
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04/29/2009 03:54:32 AM
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04/29/2009 03:33:16 AM
brilliant! : )
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04/29/2009 03:05:15 AM
Huge congratulations on the top 10 placement, although I had been hoping this one would ribbon.
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04/29/2009 01:38:53 AM
I think this was one of the most creative, and well executed images in this challenge. Love it! Congrats on a PB, top ten finish, and Postumous award.
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04/29/2009 12:39:40 AM
Congrats on a new PB!
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04/29/2009 12:04:06 AM
YAY!!! And this was one of my favs. Excellent capture!! And a Posthumous to boot! Oh, and Hugh Jackman. That's worth a bonus point or two. :-)

Message edited by author 2009-04-29 00:07:28.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/28/2009 11:45:56 PM
Of course I like this... layers upon layers.

Posthumous Yellow Ribbon.
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04/28/2009 09:11:01 PM
Love this! Hope you do well in this challenge
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04/27/2009 03:13:47 AM
There is just so much here, yet it all holds together. Excellent work.
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04/26/2009 07:28:07 AM
Hay, how did you do this? Very interesting.
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04/26/2009 01:12:49 AM
Wow! This is really awesome! You did such a fabulous job with your camera. I would love to see this one win the blue ribbon. It certainly is my favorite. 10
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04/25/2009 07:24:39 PM
Nice shot. I really like the overall effect and exposure. Windows offer some great visual stories especially in urban settings. (But the exaggerated frame adds absolutely nothing to this shot.)
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04/25/2009 02:18:55 AM
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04/24/2009 10:22:23 PM
Great capture.
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04/24/2009 10:20:07 PM
One of my two tens. So much going on to discover... and all of it valid. Congrats. I hope you ribbon.
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04/24/2009 07:14:57 PM
An intriging title and effective image is very impressive - the author did well to capture a scene using the tools of reflectivel light. It is a very busy image which detracts somewhat from it's immediate impact, but the over all technical success affects the artistic impact in a positive way. A very good entry into the challenge it should place high.
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04/24/2009 02:48:59 PM
My first impression was confusion, but this held my attention longer than any other image in the challenge. The longer I looked at it the more I liked it. I hope other feel the same way because it is ribbon material
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04/24/2009 12:38:28 PM
this shot is so cool! great shot!!
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04/24/2009 11:27:46 AM
intriguing to say at least. wow..
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04/23/2009 07:21:30 PM
Fabulous. Very candid. Eye candy everywhere -- lots to look at. Almost looks like multiple exposures.
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04/23/2009 01:30:42 PM
Too busy.
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04/23/2009 10:16:54 AM
interesting, clever and colorful entry. Best of luck.
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04/23/2009 01:15:51 AM
Great concept!
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04/22/2009 11:36:23 PM
My favorite of this challenge. So many layers of people and layers of blue. No hesitation in giving this a 10.
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04/22/2009 10:59:38 PM
Love the busy quality, the ghosts, the stillness of profiles versus the impending motion. Excellent shot IMHO.
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04/22/2009 07:47:43 PM
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04/22/2009 07:24:58 PM
the most complex shot of the group, and its pulled off nicely... i think this should win 1st :)
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04/22/2009 03:16:02 PM
unique; not a fan of this border.
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04/22/2009 02:36:11 PM
The pick of the bunch for me... lots of interest. I actually think that the border detracts from the image, either by being too wide, or too grey. I's like to see it with perhaps only a thin black border for comparison. Nonetheless, I still think it's the best shot in the challenge. A very different take to all the others on offer.
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04/22/2009 02:18:13 PM
Awesome collage of faces - the vision to see this and capture it is a gift
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04/22/2009 01:09:56 PM
Great effect!
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04/22/2009 11:38:14 AM
I wish there was a primary subject to settle in with. Feels a bit chaotic.
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04/22/2009 06:14:14 AM
Utterly brilliant - bang on challenge.
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