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Candle Lit
Candle Lit

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Multiple Light Sources (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Kitchen
Date: May 25, 2004
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/40
Galleries: Interior, Still Life
Date Uploaded: May 25, 2004

Lit Candle. Flame reflected in dark green olive oil bottle. Natural light provided through kitchen window. Taken with secondary camara a Fujifilm FinePix 4700Z (was unable to select in camera drop down box on submission form). No adjustments made, only a 'crop' in Adobe Photoshop.
File Name
lighting the candle.JPG
Camera Model Name
FinePix4700 ZOOM
Shooting Date/Time
25/05/2004 12:50:24
Tv( Shutter Speed )
Av( Aperture Value )
Exposure Compensation
ISO Speed
Image Size
File Size
Serial Number
Owner's Name

Place: 218 out of 221
Avg (all users): 3.4235
Avg (commenters): 2.3684
Avg (participants): 3.2970
Avg (non-participants): 3.5065
Views since voting: 1090
Votes: 255
Comments: 25
Favorites: 0

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06/08/2004 10:02:43 AM
Critique Club:

Welcome to DPC! I can see you've already taken on board a lot of constructive criticism, so I won't go overboard with this critique.
Obviously, focus (or lack of it) was the big issue here... you mentioned you would use a tripod the next time, are you sure camera shake was the culprit, or perhaps a very shallow dof caused by using a wide aperture in macro mode? The focus may have been in the centre of the picture, on the reflection of the candle. There were some very interesting contrasts in light, shape and texture, but by using mundane bathroom items I think people look less at it as an abstract picture, and more just as a collection of objects. Also, watch out for burnt-out highlights.
Good luck with your future challenges,

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06/03/2004 01:50:35 PM
Hey there -- I know voting is closed, and enough people ragged on the focus, so I won't mention that. ;) Anyway, here's a tip; photography is about light, so think about how light travels, how it changes when it strikes object, and -- here's the suggestion for this shot -- how it travels through things. The oil bottle might have been stunning if it were lit from behind.
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06/02/2004 02:58:30 PM
Thanks to everyone who both voted and commented on my entry. It's my first one. Many of the comments were really helpful and constructive. I agree that the photo wasn't very well focussed. Lesson learned - use a tripod! The competition is incredible - lots of really good photos were submitted. With my 218th out of 221 I know that I can only go 'up' from here on? One of the main reasons I joined was that I hoped these challenges would encourage me to use my digital camera more often forcing me to stop using the 'Auto' settings and help me familiarise with its manual capabilities. It's early days yet - but watch this space!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/01/2004 07:18:12 PM
The color scheme is nice, but the towel-as-a-backdrop is just not very attractive. The candle is OOF, and the towel itself is not covering up all the back area you are trying to mask. The black ceramic object is very distracting, as it does not fit i with the other colors.
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06/01/2004 02:27:50 PM
The colors are interesting, but the candle is out of focus
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06/01/2004 02:24:00 PM
the focus lets this down.
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06/01/2004 01:28:41 PM
it's all just a little too dull and grainy for me.. I'd like to see more contrast, some deeper colors, more definition of the details, and try to get that candle in focus.. watch out for the reflections in the glass, those really detract from the central point of the picture. try using white posterboards to block out background objects, and also maybe try using a different fabric instead of a towel - all those terrycloth loops are just way too distracting! :)
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06/01/2004 11:55:46 AM
Seems totaly out of focus. Think also that you could have chosen a better background.
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05/31/2004 05:47:24 PM
Focus, needed on either the candle or on the reflection, does not appear to be evident.
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05/31/2004 05:16:22 AM
not even focused
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05/30/2004 12:27:44 PM
This is a nice start to a good composition. Consider a differenet background next time (terry cloth isn't the best choice for a background unless you are going for a bathroom feel ---which perhaps you are?). I'm not sure if you intended to focus on the reflection instead of the candle but I think focusing on both might have been more effective. As it is, the candle is quite blurred but you have lots of texture in the terry cloth. A small tripod might be a good purchase. You can buy a little table top model for lighter weight digital cameras for about $10.
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05/29/2004 05:04:51 PM
Candle seems out of focus. However, the reflection is great.
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05/29/2004 02:35:07 PM
needs much more sharpness - it's too soft to be a soft-focus effect and the whole picture is way too overcompressed.
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05/29/2004 12:53:36 AM
Interesting idea and colors, but I'd like the candle, not the background, to be in focus.
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05/28/2004 08:45:15 PM
Looks like the backdrop is in focus while the main subject is not.
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05/28/2004 08:32:02 PM
too close, blurry
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05/28/2004 07:11:31 AM
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05/27/2004 05:08:05 PM
badly out of focus
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05/26/2004 10:38:32 PM
Why so blurry?
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05/26/2004 10:32:21 PM
blurry, muted
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05/26/2004 08:04:55 PM
No artistic merit.
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05/26/2004 04:43:51 PM
Out of focus.
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05/26/2004 11:17:20 AM
appears very soft with the focus, but I like the contrast of colours.
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05/26/2004 08:03:44 AM
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05/26/2004 06:51:17 AM
The atmosphere of this photo is superb. My eyes were led from the brightness and colour of the foreground to the more sombre flame image in the background
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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