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No two alike
No two alike

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Architecture V (Basic Editing)
Collection: Challenges 2009
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Lensbaby Composer
Location: Darmstadt
Date: Jun 5, 2009
Aperture: f/2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/1000
Galleries: Lensbaby
Date Uploaded: Jun 9, 2009

Many thanks to Kelli who helped me decide what to enter for this challenge. There's a long story behind it, but it's late and tomorrow's a workday, so I'll add the story later on....

Post Challenge:
Ah, so perhaps this didn't work out so well... :-) Not that I wish I'd entered something different - I'm pleased with this entry - but it didn't translate well. One commenter thought it a reflection; another thought it a miniature, which is a definitely hazard/feature of the Lensbaby. *I* thought the Lensbaby suited this particular structure well but as I said, it didn't translate particularly well, though I am very pleased to see some folks appreciated it!

But yes, I'd have scored better with a re-shoot from the nifty mall in Frankfurt - many folks encouraged me to do just that. More on that in a minute.

This is the Hundertwasser Waldspirale in Darmstadt, Germany. I researched architecture in the area and came upon this place. The artist/architect is Friedensreich Hundertwasser. //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedensreich_Hundertwasser The link takes you to the wiki entry - an interesting read if you've not heard of the guy.

I drove down after work on Friday. Light probably was not the best - I think I missed it by about half an hour - but it was an interesting place. It's an apartment complex. It's in a sort of "U" shape, starting at a single story and rising as it goes around. The sloping roof is a garden of sorts, with trees and plants. The building is surrounded by other "normal" buildings so it's kinda hard to shoot - this was taken from the parking garage across the way. And as the title implies, there are no two windows alike in the entire structure. Some other shots:

I did go back to the mall - the weather was horrible over the weekend so I went the Tuesday after work. Evening light has a completely different result there, particularly when it's mostly cloudy at times; the tungsten light inside the structure dominates and things aren't as crisp, the color is muddier. But I had a blast shooting there again just the same and came away with some good images from the outing. So why didn't I use one of those? Had there been a bit more time between challenges or had the entry in Unusual Objects bombed, I probably would have. But one of the things I really enjoy about challenges is they get you out to see things you might otherwise miss - this was one such occasion.

Place: 62 out of 153
Avg (all users): 5.5588
Avg (commenters): 5.7500
Avg (participants): 5.0926
Avg (non-participants): 5.7267
Views since voting: 1198
Views during voting: 324
Votes: 204
Comments: 29
Favorites: 1 (view)

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03/13/2010 10:26:43 AM
This is amazing!
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03/09/2010 09:24:19 AM


Just got my lensbaby comp and I'm excited about the possibilities. This is a very good example. And very nicely processed.

I'd love to hear a bit more from you as to how you set up the lensbaby for this one.
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02/10/2010 08:10:59 PM
This is so cool! I love how Dali-esque it looks! And the Lensbaby really enhances that effect. A great find!
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06/24/2009 12:59:50 PM
This is so cool - I just keep looking at it.
I will admit that I didn't go all the way to a 10 (why, I don't know) but this is by far the best lensbaby shot I've even seen (not usually a fan)... thanks for sharing the other shots as well!! Love the Hundertwasser link.
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06/22/2009 04:50:08 AM
This was one my favorite ones in this challenge! Unfortunately I got so busy over here that I couldn't vote nor participate! Just looked at all briefly as I so wished I could have entered one of my own...
What a great building and wonderful use of lensbaby!
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06/19/2009 12:00:31 AM
PostLuminous Award WINNER!
This is Fantastic. Real Abstract Reality--and the lensbaby choices you made (aperture, sweet spot, etc) are such enhancements to this wonderfully disorienting surreal image. This is fascinating.
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06/18/2009 08:12:13 PM
Not heard of Hundertwasser before. The link is informative - his intentions and motive for incorporating natural design to his work is interesting.
His organic layer effect is very beautiful.
I love that title - No two alike - I think a excellent interpretation.
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06/18/2009 04:28:07 PM
Thanks for the explanation. I wondered what I was looking at. But, still... it was an 8 from me.
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06/18/2009 08:27:34 AM
That is one weird building -- even in the non-Lensbaby shots. I'm glad you gave us the notes.
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06/18/2009 08:10:26 AM
I never thought much of those lens baby's. It just never really intrigued me. This image however is very cool. It's almost like a reflection in the water. You're also right about European architecture. We just marveled at it while we were in Ireland.
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06/17/2009 01:36:50 PM
Wow - way cool and unique and the LB suits the shot! Nice.
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06/17/2009 01:35:06 PM
I love that. Like ribbons of color. I didn't vote but would have rated it high.
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06/17/2009 01:30:49 PM
Crazy cool building !
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06/17/2009 11:45:03 AM
Love the lines. Beauty of a shot.
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06/17/2009 09:14:30 AM
I've seen a few books here in Japan on Hundertwasser, so he's not unknown here. However, I don't think I've seen this particular place in those books.
It looks very interesting, to say the least. I'd love to visit. I wonder what they're like inside... ;-Þ
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06/17/2009 08:04:14 AM
This was so cool Deb! For some reason it reminds my of a fun and funky layer cake. Cake=good yes? We need to have another LB SC soon.
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06/17/2009 02:50:05 AM
I think the LB effect accentuates the roly-poly lines of the building very well - the disorienting effect almost makes it appear to be a mural in spots, rather than an actual building. Deserved better than a 5.5, seriously.
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06/17/2009 02:22:52 AM
Originally posted by colorcarnival:

It's almost like something you'd see in the little kids section of an amusement park.

That's exactly what I thought too. That and a flash back to pictures from Hansel and Gretel. Although I'm sure the Gingerbread House didn't have quite so many windows ;)
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06/17/2009 01:30:58 AM
This was the only 10 I gave out in this challenge - certainly didn't have it as yours, it is really quite different to your usual style!
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06/17/2009 12:16:10 AM
I'm not usually an LB fan but it really works here! What a fun looking building. It's almost like something you'd see in the little kids section of an amusement park.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/16/2009 11:36:11 PM
A neat effect. I like it.
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06/15/2009 01:33:19 PM
This is really disturbing. It's so weavy that it makes me dizzy. 7
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06/14/2009 09:33:14 PM
very cool color processing and the blur works well.
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06/14/2009 06:14:59 PM
I love the LB blur and colors. Great isolation of the building!
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06/13/2009 11:54:37 AM
I think the blur would of been more effective on the top and bottom.
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06/12/2009 11:52:33 PM
Intersting. Miniature?
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06/12/2009 12:27:00 AM
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06/10/2009 11:46:26 AM
No vote... comment only!

Your score should be rocking! People are so short sighted. This is a brilliant piece of architecture and it's superbly photographed in the most brilliantly artistic way! Go Deb!
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06/10/2009 06:37:18 AM
I like the concept of all the different windows but the use of the warped reflection ( I am assuming a reflection in a window or something here) detracts from the overall 'hit' of the shot.
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