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 This image was disqualified from the Motion Panning III challenge.
Rocket dog
Rocket dog

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motion Panning III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Location: Lithuania
Date: Jun 10, 2009
Aperture: 2,2
ISO: 200
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Jun 10, 2009

My dog, Beagle
Disqualification Details
You may use a cloning tool or small healing brush for the sole purpose of removing sensor dust or hot pixels. No other spot-editing is allowed, including dodging/burning.

Views since voting: 7702
Views during voting: 579
Comments: 67
Favorites: 11 (view)

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06/28/2009 07:29:32 AM
Terrific Shot!! Yup the DQ sucks can sympathesize as it happened to me one time..No matter what it's a winner shot!!

06/28/2009 02:00:54 AM
the DQ sucks. :(

Can we see the original please?
06/26/2009 09:13:10 AM
So sorry about you DQ great shot and awesome dog. :)
06/25/2009 11:44:16 PM
Sorry about your DQ this is a great image.
06/25/2009 10:06:42 PM
You Got Robbed ;-( This is First place to me!
06/25/2009 07:59:10 PM
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can't believe its been DQ!! =(
06/25/2009 04:36:49 PM
This is still the #1 and winner here...... Awesome shot!!!
06/25/2009 04:07:13 PM
as a vet dqer myself it will pass
06/25/2009 03:41:51 PM
Sorry bout your DQ, this is such a glorious shot!!!
06/25/2009 03:29:00 PM
Great shot and sorry for the DQ.
06/25/2009 02:42:00 PM
Sorry to hear about the DQ.
06/25/2009 02:30:30 PM
What a Bummer!!! It is one of those shots that just makes you smile when you look at it!
06/25/2009 02:27:53 PM
Really sorry to see your image dq'd. It's such a beautiful shot.
06/25/2009 01:27:37 PM
To bad on the DQ, this was my pick for Blue. Either way, the image is awesome.
06/25/2009 12:56:11 PM
Well shoot, I'm really sad to see this image go down :-( I thought it was absolutely a wonderful, vibrant shot, and still do, of course. Danged editing rules! :-)
06/25/2009 11:39:22 AM
A beautiful shot
06/25/2009 12:56:36 AM
Sooo wonderful. Thanks for the smile.
06/25/2009 12:08:07 AM
Voted 8, I called this one, knew it and happy it won, congrats!
06/24/2009 08:33:07 PM
I'm so glad you got blue on this challenge, I voted this pic a 10 and love it every time I see it. You should consider sending it to Purina or something of that nature. I'm sure they'd love it as much as I do!!
06/24/2009 05:25:17 PM
Excellent job! Congrats on your ribbon!
06/24/2009 02:59:00 PM
06/24/2009 02:00:40 PM
Awwwwwwww! I'm so glad he won a blue ribbon for you. And what a fabulous score! I'd say steak and lobster is the order of the day for his expert modelling services :) Congratulations!

06/24/2009 01:49:10 PM
Wow! This is great :)
06/24/2009 10:13:19 AM
well done, super cool shot!
06/24/2009 09:55:22 AM
BIG congraTS !
06/24/2009 09:46:33 AM
A beautiful shot. Of course I'm partial to animals in general as a subject matter (I'm a groomer) so I might be a tad biased! I gave it a 9!
06/24/2009 06:02:10 AM
That's my stick!

*punches LCD monitor*

06/24/2009 04:28:42 AM
He looks SO HAPPY!! Congratulations on the ribbon!
06/24/2009 03:04:23 AM
Brilliant shot!!! Congrats on your well deserved blue!
06/24/2009 02:38:12 AM
Thanks for everyone, I glad to get my firs ribbon :)
This is the my Beagle his name Ramzis.
06/24/2009 01:56:56 AM
a most excellent ribbon, grats
06/24/2009 01:53:12 AM
So cool...I love beagles...
06/24/2009 01:18:46 AM
This is a great shot. Such a cute dog, and you the wonder of the moment. Congratulations on your blue. It is well deserved.
06/24/2009 12:50:20 AM
Kickass! I love this one. Congrats!
06/24/2009 12:25:21 AM
Congratulations on the new blue. This was my challenge fave. Beagles rule!
06/24/2009 12:24:01 AM
Congratulations! Excellent image & very well taken!
06/24/2009 12:18:23 AM
Fabulous!!! Congratulations on your ribbon
06/24/2009 12:17:02 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon!!
06/24/2009 12:04:03 AM
Congratulations!!!! What a Great Sport!!! Is his name Beagle...my Aunt had a beagle named bagel

Message edited by author 2009-06-24 00:06:50.
06/24/2009 12:03:53 AM
well done!!!
06/24/2009 12:01:31 AM
awesome photo. my beagles would love Beagle:)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/23/2009 11:58:08 PM
great focus and capture of the action
06/22/2009 09:51:47 PM
THE cutest picture of the challenge. The pose the dog was captured in is great.
06/22/2009 08:21:58 PM
This is a totally awesome shot! LOVE IT!!! 10!!
06/22/2009 07:43:25 PM
Tremendous catch! How many shots did it take to get one this fantastic? It's a full 10 in my book!
06/21/2009 12:40:34 PM
very funny - great whimsical shot but really well done. 8
06/20/2009 11:12:48 PM
06/20/2009 03:41:43 PM
Very nicely done.
06/20/2009 12:15:31 PM
I love this shot. While the dog is a stranger to me, I still feel his excitement and enthusiasm of playing with that stick. The way the ears are flapping around, the eyes in focus, the intensity of the green in the blurred background -- well done!
06/20/2009 02:16:34 AM
quite amazing really.
06/19/2009 02:28:50 PM
very sharp face. good technique!
06/18/2009 07:57:46 PM
Very nice! Excellent technique and capture. I'm hoping this ribbons. 9
06/18/2009 03:17:04 PM
Its good, nice focus!
06/18/2009 03:01:47 PM
Great shot! I tried lots of shots like this with my cats last week but none of them came anywhere near as good as this. You don't have that tell tale horizontal streaking of the background that comes with panning though.
06/18/2009 01:09:43 PM
Wow, great shot. Reminds me of one of my favorite dogs, a dog named Beau, this one looks a lot like him. Would offer a suggestion, but I really like it as shown.
06/18/2009 11:22:30 AM
Amazing capture :)
06/18/2009 11:08:51 AM
lol, fantastic, I'm still trying to get a capture of my two pups like this! 10
06/17/2009 05:35:58 PM
much better than the average doggy shot - lol
06/17/2009 01:23:53 PM
I hope you know how cool this looks, the "rocket dog" is perfectly distinguishable from the background. Great job!
06/17/2009 11:43:01 AM
This is truly a remarkable image. i wonder how many shots it took to get this perfect one. Great job.
06/17/2009 08:52:35 AM
Exuberance and joy in motion...great capture!
06/17/2009 01:52:37 AM
This is great! I love how he is frozen in stick fetching nirvana. The ears flying back are an added bonus. 8
06/17/2009 01:44:39 AM
very good!
06/17/2009 12:56:06 AM
Awesome capture 8
06/17/2009 12:45:30 AM
Awesome! I love Rocket Dog. :)
06/17/2009 12:32:41 AM
The only question is what colour ribbon this is going to get you. Perfect example of motion panning.
06/17/2009 12:24:32 AM
I'm sure everyone who views this smiles. I know I did. (not voting)

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