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 This image was disqualified from the Old Cars challenge.
We call him Kermit
We call him Kermit

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Old Cars (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM
Location: Bessastaðir, Iceland
Date: Jun 20, 2009
Aperture: f/11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/80
Date Uploaded: Jun 20, 2009

This is a Austin Seven Tourer, 1926 model.
The owner of this car is my dad, which he renewed from scratch, the car has probably never ran as good as he does now. The slang for this model is Kermit.
Disqualification Details
The use of effects filters (excluding Noise and Gaussian Blur) is not permitted in Basic Editing. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 2441
Views during voting: 337
Comments: 37
Favorites: 1 (view)

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07/03/2009 07:23:33 AM
Mátt ekki heldur nota dodge og burn í basic ed... ekkert sem lagar einn stað en ekki annanna (nema fjarlægja dauð pixl)... mæli með að lesa yfir reglurnar því það er mjög óréttlátt fyrir okkur hin sem fylgjum reglunum að keppa við myndir sem notað hefur verið spot ed á. Bara svona upp á framtíðina að gera.
07/02/2009 05:53:11 PM
Já... svona er það, ég hafði bara ekki hugmynd um að þetta mætti ekki. Þeir vildu reyndar meina að þetta hefði eitthvað um regluna að það mætti ekki bæta við pixlum.... sem ég er ekki alveg að skylja, þar sem ég setti bara gradient á himininn. Nota bara dodge burn næst til að fá sama effect ;)
07/02/2009 04:31:13 PM
flott mynd en reglur eru reglur, svona er það...bömmer :(
07/02/2009 04:21:32 PM
Well.. I got that cleared ;) They didn't DQ me because of filter using (they put a wrong message for the DQ).
The picture was DQ because I used a little gradient on the sky. Maybe that qualifies under "spot-edit your entry, except to remove sensor dust or hot pixels."
07/02/2009 03:01:17 PM
Originally posted by gr33nphoto:

So... it's prohibited to sharpen the image? Cause that's the only "filter" I used (used high pass sharpening). hmmz...

Gísli, sorry about the dq. It is clear you missunderstood the rules.
I am not an expert but here my two cents to clarify your doubt:
When they say that the ONLY effect filters allowed in BE are Noise and Gassian Blur, they are explicitly forbidding any and all filters that you may find in PS under the "Others" tab, including High Pass. For the purpose of sharpenning under BE rules you have to use any sharpenning filter such as Sharp, USM or the ones that come embeded in the NR filters such as Neat Image, Ninja, Topaz, etc, etc. As said just my two cents, but you better trust SC only :-)
07/02/2009 02:46:59 PM
So... it's prohibited to sharpen the image? Cause that's the only "filter" I used (used high pass sharpening). hmmz...
07/02/2009 02:41:14 PM
Well, that stinks...such a wonderful shot....sorry
07/02/2009 10:45:52 AM
Originally posted by SandyP:

Hey, CONGRATULATIONS on your first ribbon! Don't think it will be your only one for long tho.

Were you being profetic seeing that it wouldn't be his only ribbon for long because you knew it would be DQed or because they have talent and will be getting more?
07/02/2009 10:37:48 AM
Flottur !
07/01/2009 11:27:42 PM
Beautiful car
07/01/2009 07:52:23 PM
till hamingju með þetta flott mynd
07/01/2009 01:02:24 PM
Congrats on the ribbon! Very nice image. Good setting for the photo.
07/01/2009 11:25:12 AM
Hey, CONGRATULATIONS on your first ribbon! Don't think it will be your only one for long tho. This is really awesome! And not just because it reminds us of our beloved Kermit either :)

07/01/2009 10:49:51 AM
It DOES look like Kermit the frog, color and shape.
07/01/2009 10:33:30 AM
I don't remember what kind of car he drove... but it might be though, since it's a british car
07/01/2009 08:07:12 AM
Cute little car. Congrats on your ribbon.
Is the the same sort of model that Bertie Wooster drove?
07/01/2009 06:49:24 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon.
07/01/2009 06:33:04 AM
WOW!.... sweet! A ribbon, not in a million years I would have expected that.
Thanks alot for all the comments and votes!
07/01/2009 05:55:14 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon and PB, Gísli.
07/01/2009 04:50:22 AM
Til hamingju með borðann!!
07/01/2009 04:29:10 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon! Nice shot.
07/01/2009 02:38:55 AM
Congrats on the ribbon, very well done!
07/01/2009 01:27:24 AM
3rd challenge and already a ribbon, nice work and congratulations.
07/01/2009 01:24:57 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon!
I know exactly how you are feeling... believe me! ;)
07/01/2009 12:27:32 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon Gísli !!!
07/01/2009 12:23:08 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon and PB!!
07/01/2009 12:06:47 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/30/2009 03:55:39 PM
The composition throws me in this. what is the primary subject? the car is lost. The building is blocked. I'm confused. I'd like to see the car off to the side a bit, filling foreground, go monochrome with high contrast.
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06/29/2009 02:04:37 PM
in turkish "cok guzel" in english wonderful..!
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06/27/2009 04:28:30 PM
Extra point from me for complimentary background.
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06/27/2009 01:06:01 AM
Very nice, maybe a bit light on the car to background ratio, but what you have is very nice, top ten.
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06/26/2009 10:37:24 AM
I like the colors and the perspective that you have created in this shot...well done...
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06/25/2009 01:58:37 PM
square crop on this to get rid of all that sky would have helped this one. super concept.
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06/25/2009 06:35:20 AM
Too much sky that doesn't add to the image. Maybe a square framing would have made the image stronger. Composition wise, I think the car positioned to the right a little bit more would have been more pleasing (I think viewers generally have a better perception of a car coming into the frame rather than going out of the frame). IMO. Nice very old car though.
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06/24/2009 07:58:35 AM
06/24/2009 07:42:33 AM
good location and perspective. 7
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/24/2009 01:53:27 AM
wow! Fantastic "showroom"!
For me, it's the best in challenge! - Good luck!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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