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I'm not quite feeling like myself today.
I'm not quite feeling like myself today.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Never Seen on DPC! (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Lensbaby 2.0
Date: Jun 25, 2009
Aperture: F4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Still Life, Lensbaby
Date Uploaded: Jun 25, 2009

...it's awesome my shot reminds people of an RKT shot...so cool.


I looked through all of JLs after Judy made the comment and found nothing like this.

Kelli, I also looked through all of your entries and saw nothing like this.

The the glove is actually a really heavy iron hand. After I was done shooting this, I launched the thing like a lawn Jart ( remember those? ) and to my delight, and with all great "thunk" it landed head up. Good times...good times.

I have used Alice before here...

...but not quite like you see her above.

Place: 17 out of 110
Avg (all users): 6.0723
Avg (commenters): 6.8333
Avg (participants): 5.9412
Avg (non-participants): 6.1304
Views since voting: 1812
Views during voting: 438
Votes: 166
Comments: 31
Favorites: 3 (view)

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07/04/2009 09:58:40 PM
Surely hope I wasn't rude during voting. Joey has removed so much of his stuff and he did have a doll's head once. I did too, in a challenge and completely forgot about THAT. LOL No big deal. It's still a cool image. :~)
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07/03/2009 11:51:44 AM
NICE! love the weirdness of this. Great job!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/02/2009 11:45:02 PM
This is great, I'm not sure if the motion blur was created in photoshop or not but this is just a well-composed image by someone who obviously knows what they are doing. I only wish I could say the same for others in this challenge (I was really looking forward to it) Anyway, the off-center doll-head helps mak room for the glove (taped to its neck?) and leaves some white space to the left that is just icing on the cake.
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07/02/2009 11:30:30 PM
Creepy! Get out of my dreams!
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07/02/2009 11:16:51 PM
Very interesting - the rubber glove makes it even more creepy. I like it.
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07/01/2009 09:18:59 PM
Lens baby baby head with lens (eye) issues?
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07/01/2009 02:48:00 PM
Hope this one does well for you. Soooo bizarre, and one of my faves so far in this challenge.
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07/01/2009 10:18:05 AM
can't imagine this has been done before. nice job.
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06/29/2009 10:39:27 PM
So disturbing! But great picture
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06/28/2009 03:03:13 PM
Reminds me of an RKT photo.....lensbaby, creepy doll head, yep, a signature shot. You're very artistic.
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06/28/2009 07:17:52 AM
Haha...excellent. I like it! :-)
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06/27/2009 08:17:00 PM
This feels like a representation of a dream, or of a nightmare now that I see the weird hand coming out of her neck. I'm never voting again if this comes up in my dreams later! jk - sorta. :)
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06/27/2009 05:18:52 PM
How does one find themselves in such a predicament...
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06/27/2009 05:01:46 PM
this looks like a sacrifice!
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06/27/2009 05:01:26 PM
this looks like a sacrifice!

Correction -- my son voted from my account by mistake -- moving it to his.
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06/27/2009 03:03:17 PM
Disturbing and beautiful all at once. Perfect place to use the Lensbaby!
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06/27/2009 01:41:38 PM
Freaky. I hope you feel better tomorrow. :) I like the motion feel to it. (not voting)
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06/27/2009 11:07:14 AM
this is just creepy...I will have to "hand' it to ya...excellent focus and processing although
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06/27/2009 12:26:13 AM
like a scene from a horror show! great photo
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06/26/2009 11:54:08 PM
I haven't voted the whole thing yet, but I think this is my favorite. Perfect lensbaby shot, and I can just picture that thing hopping up on its hand and running around. Feels like an RKT shot to me. If that's not you, take that as a compliment, please.
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06/26/2009 10:52:29 PM
Besides being a very unique choice of subject ... I love the title too. Well done. 8
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06/26/2009 08:47:55 PM
Soooooo wierd......so cool. 7
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06/26/2009 05:45:33 PM
comment only, not voting.

ooh, my first LB shot (10). Am loving the title though you could have dropped the 'like' I think. Quite a surreal image though am commenting in a sober state so might have to revisit later. Am thinking B&W though colour may well be the better option and the colour is very nice. Can I recommend a decent psychiatrist? Good luck with both the challenge and impending treatment!
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06/26/2009 05:10:14 PM
surreal! Good colours! The lens efect has everything to do with this shot!
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06/26/2009 04:55:07 PM
Very nice! I knew all those folks with lens babies would figure out how to use them.
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06/26/2009 11:41:01 AM
Sorry, I did the "dead doll" years ago! LOL!
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06/26/2009 10:28:01 AM
It looks nicely lansbabied.
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06/26/2009 09:29:06 AM
You are sick!
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06/26/2009 07:39:50 AM
Didn't Joey Lawrence do this?

Still a cool image. That one eye (shudder) CREEPY
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06/26/2009 02:55:52 AM
the title made me smile :-)
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06/26/2009 01:26:41 AM
reminds me of Toy Story when all the mutilated toys crawled out of the sandbox. Super creepy, but also a great photo
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