DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Portfolio Images
Head Shot
1st PlaceHead Shot

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: From Above II (Basic Editing)
Collection: Favorites - Ribbons
Camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5
Location: Wrightsville Beach, NC
Date: Jul 2, 2009
Aperture: f/3.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Date Uploaded: Jul 7, 2009

A photographic worst case scenario for me: no planning, no DSLR, and only my laptop for editing. This might look like a lot of work, but it was hardly any effort at all. A couple of the kids were burying each other in the sand, so we thought it would be fun to get all the cousins together. We buried half of them and took some pictures with my little P&S, then the others put their heads in between (on top of the sand) and my 'challenge sense' started tingling.

I wanted the sand to be flat around their heads, so we dug another shallow pit next to the first one, with a ridge in the middle so they could all recline with their heads elevated. Since the photo was going to be cropped anyway, we only buried them halfway with their legs sticking out. The goofy expressions were the result of me begging the kids to open their eyes wider. I stood straddling the group and held the camera out over their heads, and the sunset light was just lucky timing. The whole setup and shoot took maybe 15 minutes. A few basic adjustments in Photoshop and done. It was a toss-in entry, and I actually forgot that I had entered until it came up after rollover. I didn't even read the challenge description until after voting had started!

My daughter won't let me trade her in for a less-recognizable model. ;-)

Processing: crop and straighten, Levels, USM, Vibrance +15, slight warming Photo Filter, and +2 on the highlight side of Shadow/Highlight.

Place: 1 out of 141
Avg (all users): 7.0659
Avg (commenters): 7.6087
Avg (participants): 6.9074
Avg (non-participants): 7.1328
Views since voting: 11217
Views during voting: 415
Votes: 182
Comments: 61
Favorites: 12 (view)

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07/30/2009 10:58:08 AM
I can't believe you set this up in 15 minutes! Great job Shannon, as always. :)
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07/17/2009 07:40:16 AM
Whooot! WTG Shannon! What an incredible fun shot that will bring back memories and smiles for you all forever.
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07/16/2009 08:19:34 PM
Congrats, this is a great photo that will be cherished by all for years to come...
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07/16/2009 02:12:58 PM
Fun shot, keep up the good work! =)
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07/16/2009 10:57:56 AM
Ohmygosh! What a great photo -- and a priceless memory that will be treasured so, so long after the challenge is forgotten. . . . but wait. . .you already forgot the challenge. . .way to rub-it-in to us mere mortals who, when even the dim glimmer of the possibility of a ribbon keeps us up nights pressing update until the final moment. Mega congratulations on this deserving award winner!

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07/16/2009 05:12:01 AM
very creative! it was my favorit, glad it took the blue
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07/16/2009 12:57:13 AM
Congratulations on taking out the blue. Good to see a fun photo do well on DPC.
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07/15/2009 08:14:36 PM
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07/15/2009 08:06:28 PM
Ladies and Gentleman, The King is back to the Ribbon territory.
Long live the King!
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07/15/2009 06:49:51 PM
LOL! ....on a P&S and laptop! Congrats on the blue! The image is pure delight!
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07/15/2009 05:16:34 PM
This is such a fun shot! They will remember this forever!
Nice job! (and you used P&S....jeez!) :P
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07/15/2009 12:10:42 PM
calssic Calvert...LOVE IT!!

CONGRATS on Blue! and LOL!! with a P&S and a "dreaded" laptop (why I never will win a ribbon! ;)

how are you these days? don't see you much kickin' arse on Bejewled Blitz anymore...

Message edited by author 2009-07-15 12:11:53.
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07/15/2009 10:24:19 AM
Just a "toss-in-photo"? Makes me hate you even more... ;-)

Congratulations on very well deserved first place finish. A thoroughly enjoyable image, and one I could imagine seeing on the wall in several types of beach/surf related businesses.
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07/15/2009 10:14:39 AM
Congratulations on your Blue Ribbon this such a fun image I just love it, wonderful work.
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07/15/2009 10:06:26 AM
Congratulations Shannon--I think you'll "own" the TZ5 page for a while :)
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07/15/2009 09:51:01 AM
Great shot.
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07/15/2009 09:42:16 AM
still makes me chuckle when i see this one
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07/15/2009 08:37:54 AM
Congrats Shannon!
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07/15/2009 08:32:39 AM
Great to see it's also possible to ribbon with a P&S camera :) Congrats on the blue!
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07/15/2009 08:21:10 AM
Are there no limits to what you will do to win a ribbon?! Severed heads of poor innocent children....disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Shannon...you are a very sick man.
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07/15/2009 06:38:49 AM
I had a feeling that this was yours... GREAT shot, Shannon, congrats on the blue.
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07/15/2009 03:23:15 AM
I had a feeling. :) Way to phone it in, Shannon. :P
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07/15/2009 02:54:45 AM
head shot. :-) very cute. :-)))
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07/15/2009 02:49:26 AM
Congrats man, well deserved. Seems you're on a roll again.
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07/15/2009 02:28:50 AM
Congrats. Not bad for a non-FS.
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07/15/2009 01:26:07 AM
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07/15/2009 12:55:10 AM
Welcome back ?
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07/15/2009 12:53:28 AM
Brilliant Shannon!! Congrats on the blue.
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07/15/2009 12:32:24 AM
Congrats, this was one of my 10!
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07/15/2009 12:32:17 AM
Point and shoot, harsh light, yet a great result; a lesson for many of us. Congratulations Shannon.
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07/15/2009 12:25:46 AM
P&S cams rule when they are used by a master. Congrats!
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07/15/2009 12:17:26 AM
Oh this is funny! Must have been a great time, they really look happy.
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07/15/2009 12:12:06 AM
Congratulations on the blue :)

This shot caught my eye while I was browsing(didn't vote) all the pics. It's a really feel good shot, and I'm glad to see so many other happy family, beach and vacation shots posted. A pretty cool one at that. Mine was also a toss in. Love when that happens, and how rare LOL.
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07/15/2009 12:09:42 AM
Gotta love P&S cameras. Nice finish!
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07/15/2009 12:06:28 AM
I am really happy that you are entering on a regular basis again. Your shots are always incredibly creative and unique.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/14/2009 04:57:32 PM
Nice setup Scalvert!
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07/14/2009 02:58:40 PM
Fun...I applaud your patience
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07/13/2009 10:07:34 PM
Challenge Relevance:7 Impact/Emotion/Mood:7 Technicals:7 Processing:6 Creativity:8
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07/13/2009 09:38:57 PM
My choice for one of the top three. Fun, creative, good lighting, natural and not a studio shot (which I really enjoy seeing). Best of luck in the challenge.
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07/13/2009 09:30:26 PM
WOW! :)
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07/13/2009 03:11:11 PM
Beautiful set up!
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07/13/2009 12:42:41 PM
A lot of work and very cool!!
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07/12/2009 02:06:20 PM
Great expressions. Creative idea. My vote for a Ribbon. Great job.
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07/12/2009 10:49:56 AM
07/12/2009 05:36:22 AM
looks like you have a lot of fun :-)
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07/12/2009 02:05:17 AM
A brilliant but simple composition which in theory shouldn't work - but it does.
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07/11/2009 10:07:06 PM
Congrats on the ribbon. 9
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07/10/2009 05:28:51 PM
Very creative and fantastic models.
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07/10/2009 03:36:25 PM
Very cute - very creative and I can't imagine how hard it was to corral these kids to do this. 10.
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07/10/2009 12:55:40 PM
omg !!! please tell me they're lying down not buryed standing up ....
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07/10/2009 01:55:07 AM
Uh oh - here's comes a Jeep! :P
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07/10/2009 12:08:59 AM
this photo is wonderful on so many levels. it must have taken ages to prep for the shot, i am sure. well executed fantastic idea.
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07/09/2009 02:40:20 PM
Very cute! Looks like Scalvert's daughter on the left?
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07/08/2009 07:33:47 PM
totally adorable and fits the topic to a 't'. 9 (voted earlier, back to comment)
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07/08/2009 06:39:25 PM
This is a neat shot. The kids look like they are having fun too! I can just imagine the time it took to get them set up just right. Nice job on meeting the challenge and showing a sense of humor too.
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07/08/2009 10:12:42 AM
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07/08/2009 08:48:02 AM
What a great shot! Can't help but smile when I look at this :-)
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07/08/2009 07:41:52 AM
AAAH - this is a classic!! It'd be fun to make a diptych by turning it so we see a revers of the faces. :~)
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07/08/2009 04:42:03 AM
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07/08/2009 03:16:28 AM
Great fun!! so many willing victims!!
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07/08/2009 12:11:47 AM
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