Critique Club Critique
First Impressions
The tilt bothered me when I first saw this - I voted this a 5 during the Challenge. Nice lighting.
Photograph Information, Technicals & Composition Review
With a shot such as this, commenting is difficult because I am not sure what you were aiming for - what the image is being used for. Is it selling the swimwear, etc.
The tilt - could be 'minor', of course depends again the purpose of the image, however, I think the image would be stronger with a straight horizon.
Her hands are quite nicely posed and her neutral facial expressions works, what I find distracting are the knees/legs 'sunk' into the sand. I think the angle and oof fore enhances that. The strap not cutting into her skin quite so tight at the back, but fairly minor - again, depends what the image is used for on what to 'look for'.
Her beautiful hair is lit and displayed well. Regarding her pose and you 'directing' - it does look very posed (again, purpose). I like the subtle reflections of the water on her legs and skin.
Comments, Score & Placement Review
113/418 is a fair placing, I'm guessing the horizon worked against you. Score of 6.01 - the quality of the technicals is there, so again, perhaps the horizon, possibly coupled with the somewhat static pose, didn't captivate the viewers.
You've a couple of helpful comments, and with an average score from your commenters overall of 7.5 they all liked it.
The model stands out well in the scene and the colors are all complementary. A variation in angle and direction perhaps would have given this a little more. This is an image that does need to have a purpose described to provide some better feedback and I'm sorry I haven't been able to do so. |