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Sie Wartet
Sie Wartet

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Waiting (Basic Editing I)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart 320
Location: Switzerland
Date: Jun 6, 2004
Date Uploaded: Jun 6, 2004

It's a bit unclear due to having to shrink the photo, but hopefully you can look past that.

Place: 297 out of 309
Avg (all users): 3.6522
Avg (commenters): 3.6250
Avg (participants): 3.4308
Avg (non-participants): 3.8493
Views since voting: 628
Votes: 276
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/15/2004 01:43:49 PM
The majority of this photo is too dark for my liking.
06/15/2004 10:33:34 AM
Think a trainstation is a good place to capture a images for this challenge but this isnt very well performed. Underexposed and caotic and you dont focus on anything special. Auf wiedersehen (oder etwas).
06/12/2004 04:20:16 AM
This looks too dark to me, and I'm not sure what it's really of. The details that make it a train/bus station are not clear, and there isn't any one person or object in clear focus or well exposed.
06/09/2004 06:09:38 PM
Shot is too dark, sloppily composed (tilted) and has little of interest to hold the viewer. It sounds harsh but I believe in honesty - so sorry if this angers you.

Some remedies that spring to mind are:
1. shoot from anything other than eye level (above the head or floor level perhaps)
2. find a focal point - a platform being swept, a man looking at watch, a baby crying - anything!
3. get into a position where you have some good light on the subject or use the flash but diffuse it by wrapping it in tissue paper so that you don't bleach out subjects close to the camera.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/09/2004 11:25:00 AM
Too much movement in shot
06/09/2004 11:12:26 AM
nice idea. A focal point would have helped it.
06/09/2004 03:52:57 AM
The title loses me. the pic couls be abit bigger. seems too dar as well.
06/09/2004 02:45:20 AM
Für was? Wartet sie für ihn? Wartet sie für der Eisenbahn? Vielleicht Mittagsessen? :)

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