Your colors came out a bit odd on this - a little over-aqua'd. That may be the virtual photographer plug in, but also depends a bit on how you did the HDR (which software). You say in your notes "what to do?" about midday sun? Don't shoot in it. Yeah, I know, pain in the butt. If you're shooting for you, shoot whenever you want (I sure do) - if you want to win landscape prizes at DPC, shoot only in the morning or evening, and preferably in Iceland. By the way, I take bracketed exposures handheld all the time. The software (if you are using Photomatix) will try to accomodate that and line things up. Or you'll get ghosting. I sometimes quite like the ghosting, though again that usually won't cut it with the DPC crowd. Depends on why you're shooting.
Anyway, don't give up on the HDR - it has its uses and it can be "managed" to get more of what you want out of it. And taking a camera on a long bike ride is sweet, isn't it? |