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10/08/2009 07:51:42 PM |
Hey everybody! Thanks for all the great feedback, compliments, and criticisms. They all help!
The story behind this image is pretty simple, but so far off. I really was traveling through Morocco with my Girlfriend a month back.
We had just finished taking a tour by ourselves to go see the tanning pits and the mosques in the Medina.
We had been following this guy for sometime through many many little streets like this (as streets tend to be in Fez)
I had the Point and Shoot out with me all day, snapping away, and was just ready at the right moment to capture this one as this gentleman walked into the light from this dark alley-way.
The camera was set on spot focusing and I had only a second before, taken another picture of a carving in the rock wall. As I turned to snap this one I didn't release the trigger full way so the camera kept it's exposure times as if I was trying to expose for the rock, leaving the shutter open long enough for the blur/over exposure of the end of the tunnel; and there you have it! I was stunned to see how this turned out and have never been more pleased with a 'candid' shot in my life.
I did very minimal post processing to it on purpose, I wanted the DPC community to enjoy the image for the moment that it was, not the eye candy that it could be turned into. Soak in a sense of the place and maybe inspire you all to go see it for yourselves.
All I had brought with me was my little 8" Netbook running Ubuntu and Picasa3. So a small contrast and Saturation adjustment was all I even really had at my disposal! haha.
I'm more than pleased with the score, knowing the kind of images that catch the general favor on DPC lately, even more the scores from those who have an appreciation for something a little out of the norm, and so thankful for all your comments.
Happy traveling and shooting to you all!
If you're interested in seeing more of Morocco, and don't feel like dealing with all the donkeys in the street (there's lots of them!) check it out for yourself!
PS. None of this would have been possible if this gentleman still had his Right Arm.......seriously! check it out ;)
Message edited by author 2009-10-08 19:53:55. |
10/08/2009 07:05:35 PM |
Hey I gave you a 9 too, looks like dpc´ers are more into postcard photos
Anyway I liked this one :) |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
10/08/2009 12:38:39 AM |
Way underrated, IMO, but then my vote was one of your 9's. I see you got a coveted Paulbtlw comment. Nice work all around. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
10/07/2009 09:53:00 PM |
This is a really interesting effect; I like it. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
10/04/2009 08:16:20 AM |
It's a little hokey, but I like it. Well done. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
10/03/2009 05:12:03 AM |
OK, I'm going through the Free Study submissions, purposefully finding those images I think are shot with a less conventional eye - this is one of those images! Thanks for offering something that isn't just DPC friendly eye-candy (though of course there's nothing wrong with eye-candy). I'll be picking one of these images for my Mu (most underrated) award:
Positives: What an interesting image - full of story and a little mystery. I'm not sure of the context but the robe, the stone, the light communicates druids to me. I like the blur / motion too - I like the linear aberrations it causes. I think the yellow colouration, the light gives is excellent.
Critical stuff: I'm not too keen on the blue hue - desaturation of that channel with an increase in luminance to a higher key image feels like it might have been more effective but without trying that, how can I say.
Overall: A very effective image which clearly communicates a vision. I really like it. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
10/01/2009 05:00:43 PM |
I like the blur for this image, the composition with the person (impression of a monk) walking a "corridor" toward the light has a very mystic feel. I'm trying to guess your technique; slow shutter? deliberate slight OOF? and just a bit of camera movement during the shutter snap? Please put details in the photog's notes when the challenge is done voting. Good luck on the voting. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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