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Northbound Train
Northbound Train

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Waiting (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon GL2
Location: Preston Station: Houston, Texas
Date: Jun 8, 2004
Galleries: Urban, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Jun 8, 2004

This picture was taken mid or late morning while was waiting for the northbound train in downtown Houston

Place: 304 out of 309
Avg (all users): 3.5294
Avg (commenters): 3.3077
Avg (participants): 3.2824
Avg (non-participants): 3.7589
Views since voting: 998
Votes: 272
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/15/2004 06:02:08 AM
Make it larger and give it a tighter croping from above.
06/15/2004 04:34:20 AM
Your picture is quite small so it's hard to see much detail.
06/14/2004 02:17:37 PM
Shame this is so small, we can't see it clearly. Use the full 640 pixels we are allowed.
06/11/2004 08:23:16 PM
It's a bit small...
06/11/2004 10:00:58 AM
Too small.
06/11/2004 05:10:54 AM
This could be a very good pic, but it's too small to tell! Please use the maxium size you can when entering next time!
06/10/2004 12:45:31 AM
the picture size makes it hard to understand what the picture is about. nice touch with the silouette of the train station but seeing that the pictureis so small againit is hard totell ifthereis a person there or not.
06/09/2004 08:13:01 PM
what does this picture have to do with waiting?
06/09/2004 02:14:10 PM
You must be new. I did the same resizing mistake. Also is looks to dark to make out who exactly is waiting. Perhaps because it is too small, it is hard to see. There is some info about resizing on DP Challenge--check it out.
06/09/2004 12:23:01 PM
The first picture I ever submitted to a challenge got a lot of "too small" comments. I now understand why. It's really hard to see any detail in this photo. I have a feeling that it's probably pretty good.
06/09/2004 11:12:36 AM
Too much contrast
06/09/2004 01:57:58 AM
you won't score hight because you're picture is too small. Don't take it personal.
06/09/2004 12:51:17 AM
too small to really judge :(

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