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A Little Bit o'Grit
A Little Bit o'Grit

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Twisted II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5400
Location: Home
Date: Sep 28, 2009
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/8th sec
Galleries: Macro, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Sep 28, 2009

Basic Editing

Place: 47 out of 155
Avg (all users): 5.7673
Avg (commenters): 5.7500
Avg (participants): 5.4565
Avg (non-participants): 5.8938
Views since voting: 713
Views during voting: 258
Votes: 159
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/04/2009 08:05:10 AM
Nice high key image. I like this whatever it is. The border is a bit too prominent for my liking.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/03/2009 01:13:30 PM
i like the high contrast approach and the details in the bit - but that border really doesn't work for me - it seems to be overwhelmed by the negative space
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10/02/2009 10:30:49 PM
I think the lighting on the picture is a little too harsh.
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10/02/2009 02:04:33 PM
First thing I notice is the color-matching letterbox border. Kinda works for me...not sure that I wouldn't have liked black better. I like how you've centered this drill bit. As far as the photography goes, this seems oversharpened, the highlights are blown, and the shadows are noisy (could be texture of the bg?). I'm wavering. You were either intentionally going for a high-key type look, or you're covering up technical flaws with post-processing. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were going for the artistic, unique approach. :-) Scored it earlier at a 6...still a 6 after commenting. Good luck!
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10/01/2009 01:49:14 PM
nice closeup and good idea, but too harsh lighting. like the toning
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10/01/2009 11:14:44 AM
Almost looks drawn rather than photographed. Nicely metallic and twisted, though.
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10/01/2009 04:09:35 AM
balance ...
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09/30/2009 01:37:57 PM
I like the gold tones and the title is snappy.

I am starting to wonder if drillbits should be added to the list of cliche items...
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09/30/2009 11:09:15 AM
*not voting as I'm in this challenge-just commenting since I've seen requests for comments in the challenge thread*

I dig the artsy feel to this. That can be hard to do with a drill bit. I haven't seen many classy looking drill bits in my day. But you've managed it here. I like the placement, BG and borders. Seems a bit over sharpened to me. That may have been intentional judging by your title. It does help the gritty feel. and also there seems to be a lot of noise in your shadows. that's my only nit pick. Good Luck in the challenge.
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09/30/2009 11:06:35 AM
The blown highlights take a little away from it for me, but I still like the shot.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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