Originally posted by menardmam: Another bad picture taking up space in the server and making me loosing my time voting and writing comment.... sorry ! |
it would appear that you just have that copied, and paste it for every picture you dont like....or perhaps you just have bad grammar each time? either way, if you don't like it, say why, not just a "this sucks" No one likes to be made to feel bad, if you are going to whine, at least offer something useful. just because you dont like it, doesn't mean that it is taking up space on the server, which by the way is not YOUR server, so who are you to make that assertion. i was awfully confused by this picture myself, but everyone sees things differently, and although i might not give a photo the highest vote, i will not go so far and be so presumptuous as to say that someone elses art is a waste of space. |