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Centered Composition, Light on White, Portrait
Centered Composition, Light on White, Portrait

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Three Techniques (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Hasselblad H3DII-50
Lens: Hasselblad HC100 f2.2
Location: Oslo, Norway
Date: Oct 24, 2009
Aperture: f11
ISO: 50
Shutter: 125
Galleries: Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Oct 25, 2009

This is Ingrid - a beautiful Norwegian model with 2 years experience. She did an excellent job!

No edit to tones, levels or curves. Straight from the camera as is except for some sharpening around the eyes and removal of some small insignificant blemishes that would really not have made much difference anyway. All the work was with the lighting and set-up.
For the ones who cares: I used 2 strobes on the back wall (from the left and right sides) to overexpose it (3.5 stops more than the main light) and a 4'x2' softbox laying flat overhead approx 5 feet behind the model to overexpose the floor behind her (this was a knees-up shot).
Main light was a 5' octagon softbox placed high slightly on my right side pointing down. I used an 18" beauty dish down low in front of the model pointed up to lighten/soften the shades on her neck.
Finally I used a 12" reflector with honeycomb from the back left to slightly light up the models hair and shoulder where it otherwise would have been a little dark and 'dead'.
I then placed a lot of black styrofoam boards various places to block unwanted light from behind and to control the exact position of the honeycomb beam (barn doors are next on my shopping list!).
The color temperatures from all the light sources were measured and synchronized with various filters (coloured sheets in front of the lamps).

Original 100% unedited (except size) shot:

Post challenge: Wow! Thank you so much for all the nice comments and votes. It feels good to finish this high in a challenge with as many high quality images as there was in this one.

Place: 4 out of 140
Avg (all users): 7.0496
Avg (commenters): 8.5000
Avg (participants): 6.8679
Avg (non-participants): 7.1591
Views since voting: 6073
Views during voting: 309
Votes: 141
Comments: 29
Favorites: 27 (view)

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11/03/2009 11:16:25 PM
Is this your new camera?! 50 MP ought to do it! Congrats on your 4th place finish!
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11/03/2009 10:20:44 PM
Thank you for sharing your lighting steps. I for one, lack heavily in this area and still need to learn so much. Congrats on being in the top 5
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11/03/2009 01:51:06 PM
Ingrid - a beautiful blond Norwegian model - how cliché. :P

Congrats, Trollman - this is spectacular.
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11/02/2009 04:37:37 PM
Stunning model, stunning image! Fabulous job on the lighting! Well done! Congrats!
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11/02/2009 11:05:33 AM
Congrats on the HM. Great lighting.
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11/02/2009 10:10:43 AM
Oh Darn! We definitely need 4 ribbons this week. For this not to win a ribbon is pretty much a shame! I know I said it before but: WOW!!!
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11/02/2009 07:07:32 AM
One of my favourites, perfect portrait. Congrats to you and your model (very pretty indeed.
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11/02/2009 01:53:25 AM
Knew this would be tops !! Congrats on the HM !
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11/02/2009 01:42:49 AM
one of the best portraits i have seen in a long time
it so deserves a ribbon
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11/02/2009 01:04:08 AM
This is just out of this world... Your model and image are totally stunning. This is another challenge where I wish there was a ribbon for 4th place. Congrats on your excellent finish, Are.
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11/02/2009 12:49:17 AM
Great picture, should have ribboned. Congratulations on the high score and placing.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/01/2009 11:55:21 PM
Beautiful portrait, and how could you go wrong with such an exquisite model?
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11/01/2009 08:35:36 PM
Beautiful young lady!
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11/01/2009 11:44:43 AM
Wow! That takes my breath away. It so helps when you have flawless technicals in a portrait -- to have someone also so stunningly beautiful. There's not one thing that could improve this photo. It's perfect. 10
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11/01/2009 11:16:44 AM
Great exposure and use of white.
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11/01/2009 07:49:44 AM
Other than the distracting shoulder this is a great shot. A most compelling model too.
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11/01/2009 12:55:43 AM
Amazing portrait. Fave of the challenge.
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10/31/2009 12:08:51 PM
Outstanding portrait with perfect lighting, composition, focus and color.
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10/30/2009 06:52:08 AM
This photo has the "WOW" factor. Superb sharpness and lighting. She is an absolutely stunningly beautiful model. This is a 10 from and I hope you get ribbon with this shot.
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10/29/2009 11:26:52 PM
Oh, big eyes. I'm a sucker for big eyes.
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10/28/2009 04:40:09 AM
Lovely portrait.... very well done.. tenner...
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10/28/2009 02:21:03 AM
Technically perfect... I wish her expression wasn't so distant though. 7
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10/27/2009 11:13:45 AM
really like this alot...her expression how her eyes engage me...very well done
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10/27/2009 06:22:53 AM
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10/26/2009 04:03:15 PM
Amazing lighting and post processing. Looks like a fashion portrait.
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10/26/2009 11:18:00 AM
Great portrait but I'm missing the "light on white" part.
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10/26/2009 08:35:07 AM
Beautiful work and model, like the center comp.
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10/26/2009 01:05:16 AM
Beautiful portrait of course it helps that she is so pretty. 10
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10/26/2009 12:52:05 AM
Lovely. Lots of nice portraits in this challenge, and this is no exception. Well executed, a nice example of how a tight portrait can really work. 8
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