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47 Dog Steps
2nd Place47 Dog Steps

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 47 Steps (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 18-135mm f/3.5- 5.6G ED DX
Location: South Africa
Date: Nov 5, 2009
Aperture: f22
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Nov 5, 2009

And yes, I do live here. It was a misty morning and I just knew the photo opportunities would be endless. It is a beautiful part of the world.
It took me almost a year and many challenge entries to achieve this. DPC's taught me what they want. I could have gone in any direction, the result would have been the same. Thanks for all the lovely comments and votes.

Place: 2 out of 135
Avg (all users): 7.0196
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 7.0984
Avg (non-participants): 6.9674
Views since voting: 6157
Votes: 153
Comments: 51
Favorites: 8 (view)

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02/11/2013 02:04:20 AM
Love this image! Wonderful...
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02/02/2012 07:49:40 AM
This is an excellent photo, and here is why I think so.

First and foremost, it tells a story that we can all relate to: Looking into the unknown, for example, looking into the future. That is key, because every element of the photo works toward telling that story:

-It uses the dog as a foreground focal point for a landscape. The fact the dog is facing away from the camera and looking into the mist is critical to the telling of the story.

-It has three layers, exactly what you want in a photo: foreground (the dog and green shrubs), mid ground (the yellow grassy area, slightly misted) , background (the mysterious landscape in the dense fog). All of these elements work toward the story, the idea that the present is knowable, the near-future is relatively predictable, and the distant future is unknowable.

-The two elements that DON'T work toward telling the story are the ones I'd change. Here, I'd have stuck to the rule of thirds to place the dog off-center, which would enhance the effect of the dog looking into the landscape, and I'd remove the border, which gives a sense of order, which contradicts the idea that the future is unknowable.

I didn't vote in this challenge, but I'd have give nthis photo a 9. It'd get a 10 from me if without the border and if the dog were off-center.
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03/14/2011 09:37:21 AM
Stunning Amanda. Congratz with the red ribbon. And now I have even been lucky enough to visit there. :)
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11/19/2009 07:18:43 PM
Oh... Beautiful! I have a GSD like that and can really imagine being here with him.

Congrats on your ribbon!
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11/19/2009 01:27:45 AM
this photo is VERY beautiful.
i hate the frame you added on it, though (that black line doesn't cut it for me)
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11/18/2009 10:33:52 AM
What a marvelous idea! Did he follow the directions or did you lead..? lol! Wonderful! Just love it!
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11/18/2009 06:00:19 AM
Congratulations on the red ribbon. This shot really blew me away.
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11/17/2009 08:55:07 PM
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11/17/2009 07:20:17 PM
Huge congratulations on your first ribbon, PB, and an incredible 7+ score.
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11/17/2009 10:16:50 AM
Baie Geluk!!! Uitstekende foto met soveel atmosfeer as wat 'n mens in een foto kan inprop. Welgedaan
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11/17/2009 09:29:48 AM
Lovely tones and softness, Great job! Congrats!
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11/17/2009 09:20:50 AM
Lovely shot. Looks like you live in a lovely place :)
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11/16/2009 10:22:17 PM
Oh, a sweet Shepherd! Can you tell I am a Shepherd person? LOL
Lovely shot!!
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11/16/2009 08:15:42 PM
Beautiful, congratulations on the red.
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11/16/2009 06:45:45 PM
Lovely mood. Congrats!
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11/16/2009 05:28:41 PM
YAY - I loved this one. Congrats.
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11/16/2009 03:54:22 PM
Great photo.....congrats
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11/16/2009 03:39:44 PM
Excellent result Amanda - and a well deserved ribbon
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11/16/2009 01:47:08 PM
Very well deserved Ribbon, congrats!
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11/16/2009 12:02:22 PM
Nice mood in this one, I just don't like the hairline border but that's it, great shot!
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11/16/2009 11:11:07 AM
Congrats on your Red! Awesome shot!

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11/16/2009 11:10:40 AM
OMG! This is FABULOUS! FABULOUS! I'm so happy to see this with a ribbon! Congratulations.
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11/16/2009 10:46:19 AM
Simply superb!! Congratulations well deserved...
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11/16/2009 10:46:15 AM
Now this is gorgeous! Congrats on your first ribbon, Amanda. Very well deserved.
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11/16/2009 09:10:38 AM
Beautiful, beautiful shot! Congratulations on a ribbon!! So exciting and well deserved.
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11/16/2009 08:25:52 AM
Congrats on the ribbon. Thoroughly deserved.
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11/16/2009 07:17:11 AM
Congrats on your ribbon.
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11/16/2009 07:02:48 AM
WHAT A SHOT !!!! Brilliant , Congrats on the ribbon
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/15/2009 10:48:26 PM
Very eerie image. I like the German Shepherd in the foreground blending in with the foliage and staring into the mist.
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11/15/2009 09:54:24 PM
Just stunning! Lovely shot. In my top five images for the challenge. 9!
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11/15/2009 08:55:14 PM
Wow. Jealous of this shot.
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11/15/2009 02:51:29 PM
i feel like the border doesnt really fit in this one and that the inner border really detracts from the mood of the photo. i also would have tried to crop so that the dog wasnt as centered. also when taking the shot maybe have gotten a little lower to the ground for a different perspective. i love the soft tones in this one as well as the subtleties of the shadows. great job defining the field of focus. 9.
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11/15/2009 08:23:31 AM
Maybe a touch tight on the bottom crop but FANTASTIC. I'd not have included that brown border though. Simple white or black is best IMHO. :~)
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11/15/2009 07:38:01 AM
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11/14/2009 07:19:16 PM
Love the layers that create the feeling of depth, as well as the natural tones here. That inner border that chops off the pups legs is nagging at me though. Not sure why you chose to put it in further on the bottom edge. Still, a nicely done, and unique shot.
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11/14/2009 12:35:56 PM
beautiful landscape great title
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11/14/2009 08:48:30 AM
Gorgeous - probably my favorite in the challenge
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11/13/2009 09:13:22 PM
fussy border detracts from a lovely image. nice tonality work here. gl
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11/12/2009 05:13:07 PM
WOW .. this is awesome .. its a totally stunning image with atmosphere .. i'm not voting yet but this is too good not to leave a comment .. :)
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11/12/2009 09:29:47 AM
Wonderful capture with a sense of mystery. Nicely done!
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11/11/2009 07:22:40 PM
The photo is gorgeous! The mood and mistiness is awesome. But the frame is quite bad. It just ruins the whole soft amazing mood. A thin black border would have been quite enough.
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11/11/2009 12:27:39 AM
Oh, that is really wonderful. I love it. Favourite and 10
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11/10/2009 03:02:32 PM
Color palette is just great.
(not voting)
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11/10/2009 01:36:26 PM
What a wonderfull image, ... and what a dead-ugly frame!
Really, its the first thing my eyes were drawn at. It takes away the attention from the image itself (which deserves all the attention btw).
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11/09/2009 07:55:04 PM
Very evocative and mysterious! No vote, just commenting.
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11/09/2009 12:39:18 PM
beautiful shot, top 10
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11/09/2009 11:09:04 AM
great image although the thin black border is distracting.
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11/09/2009 07:04:29 AM
I have been on DPC for some time and once in a while a picture will grab me. This is one of those pictures. I love the mood. Great composition. My only critisism would be that I do not care for the framing. The line within the picture is distracting. Definitely my choice for the blue ribbon. Good luck.
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11/09/2009 05:12:22 AM
a really nice photo worth framing on your wall. The fog/mist, the sun rays very softly creeping in, and your dog looking as if he is expecting some creature to jump out.
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11/09/2009 03:55:32 AM
Lovely, just like a painting.
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11/09/2009 12:11:26 AM
Love it, the mist gives such great depth....10
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