Here's your critique and feedback, as requested! =D
Fantastic job! The setting is almost surreal. The only thing I am disappointed in are the trees, they make the picture appear cluttered, and off-balance. The cropping could be done a little better, I'd love to see some white space to the left of the red shed or crop in to that green panel on top to it doesn't seem like the shed just ends improperly. From experience, either leave some padding on the side of leave em' hanging to fill in the rest. Also, I'd like to see more of the snow beneath the shed, since your title is "Abandoned to the Snow" it only seems reasonable. I love the textures on the barn shaft and the HDR'ed looking shed. I also love how the two buildings seem to be sloping in towards each-other, and the pealing red paint on the front of the shed lets the photo come of as almost a dream. Magnificent work, I'm only puzzled by the lake of image quality, if you have Photoshop, try sharpening with Un-Sharp Mask (USM) maybe %100-150, THEN resizing to 800 pixels, THEN Save for Web & Devices with 100 quality? That's something simple you can do to improve the quality of your photos as they appear on the interwebz. Hope I helped!
- ColemanGariety
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