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The New Crop
2nd PlaceThe New Crop

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Umbrella (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 12-24mm f/4.0G IF-ED
Location: Beeton Ontario
Date: Dec 29, 2009
Aperture: f 8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/150
Galleries: Humorous, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Dec 29, 2009

The Umbrella Man and his magical umbrella tree.
Much thanks to Connor (my nephew) for helping with the setup and modelling as the U man.

We froze to death hanging the umbrellas in this old tree. I was a wee bit nervous putting a ladder against the old limbs. I thought I was going to crash. That would have been a pic!


Thanks to all for the comments votes and the ribby
Thanks again to Connor for all the hard work to set this shot up

Place: 2 out of 71
Avg (all users): 7.5662
Avg (commenters): 8.8182
Avg (participants): 7.1622
Avg (non-participants): 7.6226
Views since voting: 6885
Views during voting: 600
Votes: 302
Comments: 51
Favorites: 14 (view)

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01/10/2010 02:47:52 PM
Way to go Coley :)
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01/09/2010 10:17:58 PM
Now how'd I know you'd enter this challenge AND do well?

Congrats on the ribbon!

I never knew you had a nephew named Connor. That's my little buddy's name too.
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01/09/2010 09:14:35 AM
I always wandered where you got your supply from (we'll ignore the real explanation of how this was created for the moment). Congrats on the red, well done!
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01/07/2010 11:19:12 PM
Congrats on your second place win and an ingenious entry!! Now, what are you going to do with all those unmbrellas? ;-)
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01/07/2010 04:22:53 AM
Gotta love that tree.
Great shot. Congrats on the ribbon.
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01/06/2010 10:51:21 PM
The Umbrella Man and his magical umbrella tree. Quite incredible. Congratulations!
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01/06/2010 10:29:55 PM
Amazing! Thanks for sharing! Congrtas on your ribbon!
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01/06/2010 08:35:06 PM
That Umbrella Man is one photogenic SOB, he just doesn't take a bad picture, does he? Once again, your creativity is inspiring. Congratulations!!!
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01/06/2010 03:33:55 PM
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01/06/2010 02:46:45 PM
Gosh, this is beautiful.
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01/06/2010 01:19:33 PM
Great job! I love that you created your own temporary art installation for the shoot. The high contrast black and white treatment is perfect for the image, too!
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01/06/2010 01:19:07 PM
Yep. Classic Coley! Congrats on your ribbon and your creativity.
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01/06/2010 12:23:36 PM
so creative!! congrats on the ribbon (again!)

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01/06/2010 08:50:35 AM
I knew that was you. Fabulous as always. Congrats.
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01/06/2010 08:08:38 AM
Ohmy. . .what a killer team the 2 of you make :) The rest of us are eating our hearts out over your brilliant creativity and endless awards :) This is just so cool!!! MEGA Congratulations!

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01/06/2010 07:48:13 AM
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01/06/2010 04:33:06 AM
Congrats Coley, it's so you :)
The things I love about this shot are the contrast and composition, just perfect in every way.

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01/06/2010 03:44:48 AM
The setup alone is worth a ribbon, not to mention the unique idea. Congrats on the red that should have been a blue IMO.
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01/06/2010 02:50:55 AM
Knew this would ribbon. Knew it was you. Fabulous entry.
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01/06/2010 02:42:00 AM
"inevitable ribbon" ;-) Congrats! Shoulda guessed it was yours.
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01/06/2010 02:13:28 AM
congrats, a great photo with a signature in the style. if I understand the spirit of the new challenge this image should be perfect for this week also.
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01/06/2010 01:56:09 AM
congrats, very creative!
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01/06/2010 01:49:28 AM
I would have been disappointed if you hadn't ribboned in 'your' challenge! Congrats!
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01/06/2010 12:47:33 AM
Very creative shot, Coley. Excellent work, congrats on your red.
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01/06/2010 12:45:35 AM
Brilliant work Coley!
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01/06/2010 12:03:58 AM
Wow! Look at that score! And only a red! Slipping Coley, slipping :)
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01/06/2010 12:03:39 AM
Great work, Congrats!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/05/2010 10:47:33 PM
Now this is what an umbrella challenge should be about. Talk about dedication to your craft, not only photography but to supplying us with another fantastic image to continue the story of the "Umbrella Man"

I'm sure this will ribbon and I'm sure this is you Coley,

FANTASTIC and thank you for rising to the challenge. It's right up your alley or should I say tree :)


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01/05/2010 05:54:55 PM
I love your surreal compositions. A little flat lighting-wise, but great composition and story!
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01/03/2010 12:36:12 PM
Excellent approach. Is there a shoehorn tree nearby, perchance? This has to be the Coley entry. Fits the ongoing storyline nicely.
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01/03/2010 03:37:16 AM
wonderful idea, nice capture!
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01/02/2010 02:36:47 PM
Well done, nice humor!
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01/01/2010 09:53:12 PM
guess they grow on trees---the story and calander will never die.hurrah.
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01/01/2010 03:32:25 PM
Nice, Cole!
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01/01/2010 12:12:26 PM
No idea how you did this, but i really like this. Love how the man is standing and looking at the tree. Giving you a 9.
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01/01/2010 10:44:32 AM
Coley? This is just fabulous. Love it. Remember the children's story about all of the hats? Reminds me of the part when they are all up in the tree. wow I love this.
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12/31/2009 11:21:16 PM
You never cease to amaze me! 10. Top 3 imo.
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12/31/2009 09:47:40 PM
Nice! The sky is too bright/blown.
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12/31/2009 09:16:07 PM
How delightfully whimsical - a Winter Umbrella Tree. Very creative and executed quite well indeed.
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12/31/2009 07:14:15 AM
wonderful composition!
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12/31/2009 01:09:46 AM
Love the quirkiness. I'm betting everyone else will too.
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12/30/2009 04:54:03 PM
I was sure sure sure that there was a shot B/W with a man with that hat, and I am sure sure sure that I know WHO is the author of this photo. Cleaver choice, the tree that seems an umbrella with many umbrellas on the umbrella-tree, excellent the B/W this is the first photo that I open but I am sure that this will be in the top 3. Happy new year!!!! (10 of course!)
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12/30/2009 01:52:13 PM
I like it, I like it very much. At least a top 3 for this splendid photograph
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12/30/2009 01:50:11 PM
They were all gone by the time I went to go pick one. :(
Fantastic, creative, extra points for level of effort and well deserving of its inevitable ribbon.
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12/30/2009 12:57:40 PM
This picture is awesome. I wouldn't mind a print!
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12/30/2009 12:49:16 PM
This has a real Tim Walker feel to it. Nice work and a contender for the Blue IMO
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12/30/2009 12:29:19 PM
Mine didn't grow that well this year, too much rain! 8 from me!
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12/30/2009 08:42:50 AM
this better win the blue. good luck! 10 from me.
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12/30/2009 08:14:56 AM
How cool is this... Great shot!!
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12/30/2009 01:45:46 AM
That's a lovely tree. I think the high-contrast works well for this image.
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12/30/2009 12:32:44 AM
Hi there Coley!! Brilliant as always.
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