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Memory Envy  x  3
Memory Envy x 3

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Technology (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Grand Falls, NB Kitchen Table
Date: Nov 13, 2002
Aperture: F 8.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/5
Date Uploaded: Nov 16, 2002

My dream ... to have three 1 Gigabyte Microdrives.
3.4 x zoom and manually focused. Camera on my tripod, shutter activated with
remote control. Used a banker's lamp (60watts) for lighting. The picture
actually consists of one 1GB Microdrive (borrowed from a friend), one 8MB
Compact Flash (CF)card and one 32MB CF card. I raised the cards on four $.25
pieces, creating the drop shadow. I over exposed 1 1/3 EV since the scene was
too grey and brightened it up in PSP to make the background completely white (I
hope). Also used unsharp mask to make it bit more crisp. Might not be the winner
this week, I'm sure a lot of people might find it boring/cliche, but I'm happy I
was able to make a photo that was exactly how I had imagined it.

Place: 26 out of 179
Avg (all users): 5.9275
Avg (commenters): 7.5417
Avg (participants): 6.1429
Avg (non-participants): 5.7467
Views since voting: 1577
Votes: 276
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/24/2002 11:37:00 PM
I am impressed by the very commercial quality of this image (it's a complement). Raising the subject and creating a shadow is execlently executed, as well as, the colour and tonal range presented (especially the perfectly white, yet a bit graining background). Overall and impressive effort, which makes you appreciate simple composition and good technical knowledge, congratulations.
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11/24/2002 10:17:00 PM
I want some of those but I heard that they are slow. I like the floating effect.
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11/23/2002 09:50:00 PM
nice idea to elevate the cards to create the shadow... nicely done! what did you use? styrofome or something?
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11/22/2002 03:23:00 PM
I really like the floating effect you have here. This is a great picture. The white background really emphasizes the shadow, and enhances that effect. Good focus and colors, as well. There seems to be a slight light blare on the closest edges of the cards, and though it doesn't distract terribly from the picture, it might be helped by using a softer light, or diffusing the light that you have (however, that might render your shadow less effective as well.) Nice work. karmat
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11/21/2002 09:42:00 PM
Very well done. A 9.
Top 3
Jim msp
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11/21/2002 09:00:00 PM
cool effect. strange title... memory should never "envy" hard drives no matter what capacity of them. memory speed will always be faster than a physical hd. memory speeds reach upwards of 4GB/swhere hd can only acheive a max of 100Mb/s... great picture though.... 8
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11/21/2002 12:09:00 PM
The old trick! Very good though.
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11/21/2002 12:03:00 AM
I like the suspended effect..great composition
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11/20/2002 05:53:00 PM
Why turn them upside down? I don't understand. Good shot, good focus, meets challenge, good color, great background. Good techs. Lacks "wow" and pizzaz to make it an 8 or above. But overall good pic. PTL
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11/20/2002 12:51:00 PM
A great simple shot. I really like the way you've levitated the cards.
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11/20/2002 12:44:00 PM
I work for IBM have to give you a 10 on this shot! love the effect
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11/20/2002 06:58:00 AM
I think this would have better with the label the right way round. Nice shadow and hovering effect.
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11/20/2002 12:56:00 AM
Great shot. This is in the upper class. LOL

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11/19/2002 11:06:00 PM
The floating of the subject is very cool! A nice switch from the norm.
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11/19/2002 03:24:00 PM
Go IBM! :-)
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11/18/2002 10:53:00 PM
Very nice picture and focus. I liked how you raised them all to floating status. Should've cleaned the tiny distracting specs to make this better.
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11/18/2002 09:55:00 PM
nice lighting
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11/18/2002 07:09:00 PM
Nicely done, raising these up was a good idea. Congrats. Justine
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11/18/2002 04:47:00 PM
Good illusion of suspension. Nice shot.
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11/18/2002 03:34:00 PM
nice presentation, IBM would be proud.
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11/18/2002 11:02:00 AM
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11/18/2002 07:42:00 AM
It's floating! The labels should at the very least be facing the right way
11/18/2002 04:55:00 AM
Wouldn't 'Money Envy' be just as appropriate?
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11/18/2002 12:42:00 AM
Nice floating effect, good lighting, love the shadow. The image could have been a little smoother though, seems a little rough, could be in the focus, or maybe just overall picture quality.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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