Good day! You're the recipient of a "critique club" critique! So feel free to take this with a grain of salt :D
First Impression: I like the emptiness and the feeling of abandonment, but the shot seems a tad light.
Composition: I like the composition, I might have cropped out a little of the sand in the foreground, since it's not as interesting as the waves, but that's a very minor point. However, I do agree with the commentors -- the leg on the side is very distracting. If you wanted to get the sense of someone walking in the picture, I think you would have needed a little more of the person. It would have been better to crop it out, however.
Subject: Interesting subject, I liked the little bit of red on it.
Technical: As I mentioned, it seems light to me--I think it would have benefited by some increased contrast by playing with curves or levels. The shallow depth of field works for the waves -- I like the softness, but the blur of the sand in the foreground doesn't add much to the picture, I might have cropped that in a tad.
Final thoughts: Fun shot, nice softness, good choice of subject matter. Some adjustments in the contrast/cropping might strengthen it. Very evocative title! |