aH ha, another Northern California DPCer. Welcome. It looks as if you are having fun with your new Canon DSLR. Oh, yes, I am a ManRay fan too!
Okay, to work.
The first thing I noticed when I opened your image was that your horizon was tack-sharp. Nice. You have a good composition with those rain clouds in the background, the rock in the middleground and that ravine close up. As your commenters mentioned, it is pretty flat, however.
The excitement IS there, though. By emphasizing darks and lights with Levels, and accenting colors, especially reds and greens, it is possible to bring some depth to this very nice image. Finally a tiny touch of dodging could give detail to that splendid rock.
The apple blossoms must be just about ready to burst forth in your part of the country. I can hardly wait.
Meanwhile, I shall look forward to seeing more of your work on DPC.
Alice |