Greetings from the Critque Club!
This is a wonderful capture. You used rule of thirds very effectively. Your subject is interesting and unique. It is also a great choice for this challenge.
Your lighting is obviously natural sunlight, and you caught it well, not letting it dominate your photo as could've easily and usually does happen.
I think your photo is technically spot on. The exposure is good, allowing both detail in the shadows, and no washed out areas of the photo. Your aperture choice is great, keeping the subject in focus. There isn't much background to be distracting, so there's no need for a small depth of field to soften the details.
This is where your photo got killed. You reduced hue and saturation. Everyone wanted it completely removed. Had you used the 'desaturate' option in Photoshop, you would have gotten the results the voters were looking for. Right now there is color in almost every pixel. Reducing the hue and saturation just wasn't enough. We wanted full desaturation! Small note is you might want to sharpen your photo using unsharp mask, As some commented the boy's face is a little soft, while his foot is in focus. Getting the subject sharp is important.
I really like this photo, and wish it had done better. If you had gotten all of the color out, I think you could've easily gotten a much higher score. In your other photos you did a proper desaturation, I'm really not sure why you didn't here.
I hope next time your score reflects the quality of your photo a little better. |