One of my favourite views, taken from Quarme Lane towards Winsford Hill on Exmoor. This is normally a typical rural/pastoral view, a patchwork of fields with the moor in the background. For the past week however, our local landscape has changed to something more akin to alpine regions.
Place: 92 out of 193 Avg (all users): 5.7661 Avg (commenters): 6.7500 Avg (participants): 5.6582 Avg (non-participants): 5.8273 Views since voting: 736 Views during voting: 353 Votes: 218 Comments: 7 Favorites: 0
This... is stunning. The magnificent colors and contrast bring out so much lovely detail in the hills and along the roads. It's just a beautiful landscape shot. I've always found landscape shots a tad boring, but for this, I can consider an exception. The overall hue of the photo gives a warm feeling while still portraying a cold winter landscape after a snowstorm in England. Your subject certainly caught the attention of your fans and some obvious giveaways in the photo help its connection to the challenge "Signature Style"
I must say however I do dislike the crop you've done here. I would appreciate this photo much more if there was a little more then half of the sky shown here, and the bottom of the image was more of the water. I'd love to see you capture more reflection of the hills in the water, this would add a great deal of contrast to the image, adding to the impact and could possible raise your score to a low 6. The better you can capture that lake/river, the more you can get a gradient of textures ranging form the sky to the ground. Also, the clouds above the horizon are a bit dull and, as I said before, take up a bit to much of the photo. They can be cropped out a bit on top.
Finally, your contrast is great, I'd only love to see more of it. The faded tones on the trees don't add much to the photo for me, but that's just a personal opinion. overall, great work! Your subject really worked with the challenge as you showed the same scene of a previous image you posted, but in winter, adding a little twist, I like that a lot. Message me if you have any questions on the critique, I hope I was helpful! Keep it up! :D
Ah, right location, wrong photographer! Just had a flip through your portfolio - some lovely work in there; I look forward to exploring it when I have more time.
Gggah. This picture definitely evokes a longing in me. Jeez, this is beautiful. Including the sky, even though it isn't as breathtaking as the landscaping in this picture, balances the picture a lot so it isn't overcrowded in any way.
Oh, yes, I think I have it now. Corrected to indicate, with certainty, the fine landscape in winter work of temba. It's a fine seasonal change image from almost the same point as .
Nice landscape. The lines present led my eyes all the way up the hill but they didn't come to rest on any particular subject. I love the crop. I think you got the snow down great. Not too much gey. There seems to be a purple color cast in this photo which doesn't really add any zest.
paynekj, perhaps? The landscape reminds me of North Devon, but more than that the composition reminds me of paynekj. A bleak scene, well composed, although I wonder if it would benefit from a crop to remoe the edge at the bottom.